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what's the best method to shave ball's and cock

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Started by #1481 at 27,Jan,11 22:40
I've just started to shave my ball's and cock,what's the best way to go about this,the first time I try'd this it ended up a bloodbath,does anyone have a good method.

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New Comment

By slipper at 28,Jan,11 04:49 other posts of slipper 
When I used to shave, I found that shaving gel worked much better for me than shaving cream.
By slipper at 08,May,11 21:23 other posts of slipper 
...but, plucking worked best.

By Stiffcock47 at 07,May,11 06:17 other posts of Stiffcock47 
I shave my ball and cock dry with a lady razor.

By iluvcox at 07,May,11 02:10 other posts of iluvcox 
In the shower, try hair conditioner.It is very slippery and leaves the skin very soft.

By #122507 at 06,May,11 23:17
I use shaving gel. Just make sure your ball sac is stretched and take it carefully.

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By kalebi at 31,Jan,11 17:47 other posts of kalebi 
I prefer my Braun bodyshaver! Just be carefull. I can do it in three minutes.

By #135959 at 30,Jan,11 18:30
I use Nair sometimes

By #26410 at 29,Jan,11 07:39
id wait until they started to sag then grab them together to shave that then stretch it out to get the sides.

Adult Discussion Forum