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uncut pissing skin position, who pulls back

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Started by donkeyuncut at 27,Mar,15 01:57  other posts of donkeyuncut
Uncut guys
Who pulls skin back all the way
Just hold no pull back
Or pull back just exposing piss slit?
Also how long is ur foreskin like no over hang etc
I pull back since I was young so could b mistaken for cut at urinal
No real over hang skin touches on end of knob

Similar topics: 1.Uncut ? How far back can you retract your foreskin ?   2.Keeping my foreskin back.   3.Any uncut guys near Jackonville, Florida?   4.Smelling Of Dicks   5.For old men like me, over 70 and never circumcised:  

New Comment

By Vita at 23,Aug,20 17:57 other posts of Vita 

... is okay ??!
--------------------------------------- added after 4187 hours

By PetiteCygne at 21,May,21 11:08 other posts of PetiteCygne 
By Vita at 08,Jul,21 17:54 other posts of Vita 
2x back !!
By Stecher93 at 13,Oct,22 16:02 other posts of Stecher93 
SUUUPER !!!!!!
By Vita at 22,Dec,22 04:25 other posts of Vita 
Dankeschцn !!
By PetiteCygne at 25,Jan,23 13:11 other posts of PetiteCygne 
By Vita at 07,Nov,23 03:56 other posts of Vita 
thank you my love !!

By hornymat at 22,Dec,22 06:26 other posts of hornymat 

By #628350 at 20,Oct,22 19:20
I pull most of the way back, always have. I have no overhang, check my picks to see.

By PITBULL at 13,Oct,22 17:06 other posts of PITBULL 
Do any of you guys when pulling back the foreskin get a boner?
By #628350 at 20,Oct,22 19:19
Not when I'm pissing but any other time it's a cert.

By Paktax at 19,Oct,22 22:13 other posts of Paktax 

By APBay at 12,Sep,22 17:55 other posts of APBay 
i pull it back to expose the piss slit.

By #463848 at 07,Mar,22 13:24
If I don't pull it right back when it is tightly small these days, I end up with drips on my trousers. Only safe way to avoid that is to have a semi, when most of the head is exposed anyway.I prefer to sit if that is possible.

By Uncutproud at 07,Mar,22 02:57 other posts of Uncutproud 
[deleted image]
I do t ever pull back

By Lukas123 at 22,Feb,22 21:15 other posts of Lukas123 
I keep all time pull back foreskin

By APBay at 22,Feb,22 20:39 other posts of APBay 
i pull it back and piss.

By #631189 at 09,Jul,21 18:06
I always pull my skin back when having a piss, much easier and the aim is better too

By bernd123 at 08,Jul,21 17:04 other posts of bernd123 
i pull back my logs foreskin

By Greek18cm at 25,May,21 00:03 other posts of Greek18cm 
I am uncut, and almost 90% of the day my skin is permanently retracted...

So if I go pee and it happens to be over my glans I retracted again... It's better to pee like that any way. Easier to clean...

By doedeldi at 08,Aug,16 14:28 other posts of doedeldi 
I pull back just exposing piss slit.
By tb1 at 22,Jul,20 04:31 other posts of tb1 
Method 1

[deleted image]
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Method 2

[deleted image]
By doedeldi at 25,Jul,20 14:27 other posts of doedeldi 
Thanks for add pics.
By tb1 at 25,Jul,20 18:13 other posts of tb1 
You’re welcum stud 👍👍👏

By Vita at 08,Apr,21 10:16 other posts of Vita 
hothot !!

By #613564 at 26,Apr,21 04:27
Like pussy lips?
By doedeldi at 05,May,21 11:07 other posts of doedeldi 

By #611286 at 23,Apr,21 19:36
pull it back half way to expose the head and piss away not a long set of lips jerked off pulin back too not have a something of a buttonhole cock

By #575626 at 21,Apr,21 07:28
Depends on if I’m sitting or standing. If I sit, then I just leave it like it is. If I’m standing, I pull it back just enough so that it doesn’t spray. No need to retract it any further and it’s kind of uncomfortable to do anyway.

By german_guy at 09,Apr,21 17:12 other posts of german_guy 
I dont because of my PA, I'd be sprinkling all over

By #638685 at 09,Apr,21 09:01
Defiantly back it makes a cleaner piss, & if I’m slightly enlarged but just big I don’t hide it I let others see it hanging

By jocstfr at 08,Apr,21 19:54 other posts of jocstfr 
I have no choice [deleted image]

By Stiffcock59 at 08,Apr,21 16:36 other posts of Stiffcock59 
I pull my foreskin completely back,don't like to piss with the foreskin forward!!!

By Welshbloke at 06,Mar,21 14:05 other posts of Welshbloke 
uncut and it totally depends,, sometimes I pull back other times I enjoy seeing the stream shoot from my 4skin

By heine at 25,Aug,20 08:52 other posts of heine 
I let it flow w/o pulling back
By lildicktoronto at 19,Jan,21 21:59 other posts of lildicktoronto 
me either
By german_guy at 14,Feb,21 19:23 other posts of german_guy 
same here

By Welshbloke at 05,Feb,21 16:32 other posts of Welshbloke 
have quite a lot of overhang when soft,,, piss slit peeps out when hard. As for pissing, sometimes I pull back but not always

By #628350 at 19,Jan,21 19:20
I pull halfway back and have no overhang when flaccid, the slit is always just visible.
By german_guy at 19,Jan,21 21:30 other posts of german_guy 
similar with me although I cover my slit completely

By #202392 at 18,Jan,21 22:49
I'm cut but restoring my foreskin and have grown enough skin that I quite often have full coverage especially when it's cold I have a right pucker and I never pull back to pee. I love the newly found ability to pee through my foreskin

By Wipperman at 16,Jan,21 10:57 other posts of Wipperman 
Always pull back gets a bit splashy otherwise

By #631189 at 16,Jan,21 09:32
Always back fully when I have a piss

By Lickm25 at 26,Aug,20 09:52 other posts of Lickm25 
just like that...
[deleted image]
By tb1 at 09,Sep,20 05:57 other posts of tb1 

By Without at 09,Sep,20 03:38 other posts of Without 
I pull it back a little bit like this:

[deleted image]
By tb1 at 09,Sep,20 05:56 other posts of tb1 

By #621142 at 25,Aug,20 14:56
I usually pull back enough to get a clear stream. It just means fewer drips at the end and makes a predictable stream. I don't pull it all the way back. Besides I like to show off my foreskin

If I'm outside though. I'll piss through my foreskin for fun. It's kinda cool when the piss straightens out my overhang progressively. Feels neat.

By Stiffcock59 at 25,Aug,20 10:13 other posts of Stiffcock59 
I pull back completely, exposing my glans when I pee.

By german_guy at 24,Aug,20 20:21 other posts of german_guy 
I never pull back cause of my PA, I'd be sprinkling all over

By galaxy123 at 24,Aug,20 16:53 other posts of galaxy123 
I mostly pull back all the way.To stay in control, especially in public. I then pull the foreskin forwards and back to shake the drips off.
My foreskin is very long following an accident as a kid.

By yellowman at 24,Aug,20 10:22 other posts of yellowman 
Some times like this

[deleted image]

By Foreskin at 22,Jul,20 00:18 other posts of Foreskin 
I always pull back my skin completely to piss. Much more predictable stream and reduces the smell and nastiness at the end of the day. I also wipe the tip with some tissue because I hate my foreskin being soaked in piss
By tb1 at 25,Jul,20 18:15 other posts of tb1 

By #600269 at 30,Jul,20 22:05
Same here, aiming is even more important if you're the responsible for cleaning it later
By #551147 at 18,Aug,20 22:53
Try sitting!

Only time I won't sit to piss, is in public.

Grandma taught me well, imo, at an early age. lol

🇺🇲 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸

By Greek18cm at 18,Aug,20 20:51 other posts of Greek18cm 
Mine is almost permanently retractedand looks kind like cut.

I have to make it to get over the cockhead in special ocations.

By #61033 at 30,Jul,20 17:29
I keep mine permanently pulled back.

By biguyfunn at 30,Jul,20 10:41 other posts of biguyfunn 
Always pull it back when at a urinal even had some compliments,

By uncutjoy at 29,Jul,20 14:41 other posts of uncutjoy 

By #607259 at 26,Jul,20 14:05
Great pissing pics uncut guys

By royal at 26,Jul,20 11:50 other posts of royal 
I have to expose my cock head and gaping urethra so that I dont spray everywhere, I enjoy the smell and my moist glans exposed while i piss

By lildicktoronto at 25,Jul,20 15:49 other posts of lildicktoronto 
I just let it hang
By tb1 at 25,Jul,20 18:15 other posts of tb1 

By foreskinlover52 at 08,Aug,16 11:42 other posts of foreskinlover52 

I dont pull back my skin when peeing

By #121361 at 08,Aug,16 04:54
[deleted image] Do you want to hold my Penis wile iam pissing ???
By #455846 at 08,Aug,16 08:38
as long as you let me retract it

By leopoldij at 08,Aug,16 08:59 other posts of leopoldij 
Sure, I'd do it, as long as you allowed me to also play with the pussies of the girls you fuck.

By niceonebighead at 07,Aug,16 03:03 other posts of niceonebighead 
i always skin it back 2 show off my big head an pump it at the urnil
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im with u always skin it back so they can see my big head and stroke 4 them they can stroke it if they want
By #455846 at 08,Aug,16 08:21
i would love to see that. I wish all un circumscised guys would do that , and prominantly and maybe even let me try it

By #93221 at 07,Aug,16 12:25
My foreskin isn't too long so I don't always bother to pull it back when having a piss, but sometimes I do.
[deleted image]

By #511422 at 07,Aug,16 10:15
like this... [deleted image]

By Emerald at 06,Apr,15 15:14 other posts of Emerald 
I hardly ever pull my skin back to pee. If I do, the frenulum pulls the knob down to some degree, and the final destination of the urine stream is... not quite predictable. I like to know whether I'm going to hit the roof or water my toes before I open the floodgates.

Outside, where accuracy is not an issue, it is a different matter. The stream is much stronger when retracted, so I am quite happy to pull the skin back and aim for the moon.

And for the record, I have a substantial overhang, soft and hard.

By cumjohn at 29,Mar,15 17:23 other posts of cumjohn 
I dont usually pull the foreskin back for pissing. I dont think its really neccesary.
By donkeyuncut at 31,Mar,15 08:41 other posts of donkeyuncut 
I can't aim its a flood not stream with skin

By #285354 at 30,Mar,15 13:47
ALWAYS pull it back. I take pride in keeping as clean as possible.

By foreskinlover52 at 30,Mar,15 13:24 other posts of foreskinlover52 
I usually dont pull the skin back because I like the feeling peeing through my foreskin

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