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glory holes

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Started by #145196 at 11,Mar,11 17:55
I gave my first head through one...Anybody else glory hole?

Similar topics: 1.Glory holes   2.gloryhole   3.gloryhole sucking   4.Glory Holes: Men, Women, Gay, Straight, Bi   5.Glory holes:...  

New Comment

By #264931 at 28,May,12 19:58
I have recently had my dick sucked through a gloryhole... and the guy swallowed my load It was great

By spermkiss at 28,Apr,11 00:54 other posts of spermkiss 
My first sex wasn't thru a glory hole but I've done it numerous times, both as the sucker and the suckee. It's cheap and trashy but sometimes that's what we want.

Glory hole sex is the ultimate in anonymous sex. You know absolutely nothing about the man on the other side except that he wants his dick sucked. Sometimes that's all that matters. Your entire focus is on the mouth/dick connection until it becomes the center of the universe. Fun!
By mywusch at 23,May,12 17:16 other posts of mywusch 
By spermkiss at 23,May,12 23:07 other posts of spermkiss 
So I guess you like the idea of totally anonymous sex. Isn't it fun to be trashy?

By mywusch at 23,May,12 17:19 other posts of mywusch 
mhhh, love GH

By #167460 at 23,Aug,11 11:58
luv to stick my cock through s hole not to know who is scking my dick
By mywusch at 23,May,12 17:18 other posts of mywusch 
das ist geil - hatte diverse Erlebnisse in Hamburg

By #148911 at 27,Apr,11 03:17
I find it very hot to have a stranger watch me stroke my hard cock through the glory hole in an adult book store and put his hand through to stroke it. Then when he gently pulls me to the hole and I slide my cock through to his waiting mouth I am hard as a rock... love em.
By mikeyd270 at 07,Jul,11 21:27 other posts of mikeyd270 
I would love to be the one on the other side of that glory hole sucking your big thick cock.

By mywusch at 23,May,12 17:15 other posts of mywusch 
wonderful feeling

By #128989 at 23,Aug,11 11:36
any in north queensland , cairns?

By #99845 at 28,Apr,11 01:17
alot of times.love the gloryhole.

By #88636 at 27,Apr,11 22:42
wonderful first experience

By notnow at 12,Mar,11 16:20 other posts of notnow 
I have never seen a glory hole any where in the world !

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