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A Note to Japanese Members of SYD

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by spermkiss at 16,Mar,11 22:08  other posts of spermkiss
To all SYD members living in Japan and to all members living in other parts of the world who have friends and relatives who live there, I'm sure that the entire SYD community joins me in sending you condolences and best wishes for a recovery from the massive natural disasters that struck that nation. To all who lost loved ones in those disasters we extend our deepest sympathy.

I know from visits to Japan and from interactions with Japanese Americans here in San Francisco that Japanese are among the most gracious and polite of any people in the world. The way that the victims in Japan have behaved is a model for the rest of the world for how to act with dignity and grace while suffering.

Similar topics: 1.JAPANESE COCK you like japanese cock?lol   3.Question regarding “Notes” on members page.   4.PINSAROS (blow job salons) in Japan: who has experienced them?   5.My japanese dick har a beer can girth  

New Comment

By #190791 at 15,Apr,22 18:23
Im Japanese brazilian

By #44497 at 20,Mar,11 05:30

By #7435 at 18,Mar,11 20:08
I pray Almighty gives the Japanese strength & ability to be resilient again and deepest sympathy & prayer for the ones who lost their lives and loved ones in this calamity!!

By fila1305 at 18,Mar,11 09:13 other posts of fila1305 
Very well spoken.

Our thoughts go out to all of the people involved, direct and indirect. May they all find strength in the signs of sympathy they receive and find a way to recover from this disaster.

By #12873 at 17,Mar,11 17:49
Well said my friend
God bless..

By mack at 17,Mar,11 06:19 other posts of mack 

By fancyabit at 17,Mar,11 04:24 other posts of fancyabit 

By Gntlmn at 17,Mar,11 02:41 other posts of Gntlmn 
This was/is THE disaster of my lifetime. I challenge all SYD/C members to donate whatever $ they can to help Japan in her hour of need.

By #107983 at 17,Mar,11 00:26
Here here, To all our friends in Japan and there relatives abroard,,,,, my heart felt sorrow and sympathy is with you all

Adult Discussion Forum