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Why won't my gf do all the things with me, in bed, that she's done with her ex bf's?

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Started by #153129 at 17,Apr,11 08:21
My gf has done a lot sexually with her ex bfs but she won't even try them with me. Why do you think this is the case? Examples include: -

Anal sex
Sex in public (public bathroom, back of a taxi)
3 some (with another girl) she's suggested with another guy though
Filming/photographing us having sex
She never swallows after giving me a blow job
Outdoor sex

Similar topics: 1.Things to put in my ass   2.wierdest things   3.Basic, but fun. Am I weird?   4.*SCENES WE'D LIKE TO SEE*   5.Request me to shoot ANY original videos doing NON-SEXUAL things. I will post them all in my page  

New Comment

By #59855 at 19,Apr,11 05:53
From Matt's Wife: And guys wonder why women don't like to tell them about past relationships, it is held against them
By #23294 at 19,Apr,11 10:47
And vice versa .... as far as I know.
By #59855 at 19,Apr,11 17:17
From Matt's Wife: I would probably agree with that. Most people are far to insecure
By #23294 at 19,Apr,11 18:12
Insecure? I would rather say: precaution. In the perfect world we don't need security it's common sense. But in the real world is quite different.
By #59855 at 19,Apr,11 19:30
From Matt's Wife: I disagree, if you tell someone about your past and they pull that card it is all about insecurity. Precaution would be on the tellers part

By slipper at 18,Apr,11 05:59 other posts of slipper 
Simple... ASK HER!!!

By #7976 at 17,Apr,11 23:43
From what I'm reading, I would assume her nature is to "try anything once; if you don't like it, don't do it again and, if you do, do it all you want." If this is the case, she apparently didn't truly like the experience or is ambivalent so she isn't interested in repeating it.

As for the things she's suggesting, they sound interesting and aren't on your list because if this is the case, she hasn't done them yet. Simply stated, she's a sexual experimenter and that's not all bad.

I'd ask her if this is the reasoning behind her attitude and if so, simply ask if it's OK for you to indulge your interests with some of the others she's wanting to play with. They may be more interested, you and she get to play, and hopefully, everyone comes out satisfied.

Either way, enjoy what you have and don't dwell on what you don't. Relationships are a mixture of give and take and the benefits aren't always to your advantage. But it makes for a longer term relationship.

Good luck.

By #6568 at 17,Apr,11 11:31
It sounds like she is in love with you......

.........and 'dirty' sex is not something she does with a lover and's casual sex to her.

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