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Started by #444014 at 07,Oct,14 01:51
There is a satirical TV show in the UK called Mock the week.
The final round is called 'scenes we'd like to see'.

The screen presents a scenario, for example "Unlikely lines from the final Harry Potter book" as well as "Things you didn't hear at the Olympics", and the players must say things that are unlikely to happen.

So with that in mind what are some 'scenes you'd like to see'

Example.....'unused titles for the Harry Potter books'
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Abu Ghraib
Harry Potter and the Two Other K!ds Who Can't Act
Harry Potter and the Wet Dream....

I hope you catch the drift...
Here are a couple to start with.
'Things you would never hear a politician say'
'Things you wouldn't hear from a weather forecaster'

Similar topics: 1.STAGE NUDITY   2.Movie scenes...   3.Dream cumming...   4.Photographer spends four years taking behind the scenes photos on porn sets, results are surprisingly tender   5.M/F threesome porn scenes?  

New Comment

By mr_blue at 12,Apr,15 21:28 other posts of mr_blue 
"There is another member`s details visible behind the user-name in many images which sticks out like the proverbial dog`s malehood, also a gallery perusal reveals matches on most images. However if the vested interests want the fake accounts to slip through and this group become over-run with fake accounts then so be it. You people can have this review page to yourselves for a while as I am not going to waste my time with this farcical nonsense. Put that on the RB forum discussion."

Which part do you think is the scene I want to see ?
By #491031 at 29,Aug,15 17:47
Golly. Looks like someone doesn't feel appreciated, Alex...

By #444014 at 15,Dec,14 18:17
Words/sayings not understood by 'some' members of syd/syc/sio....

Integrity,morality,misandry,misogyny ....the list could go on..

How about 'friendship'....a lot talk about friends they have made here...but their actions betray them.....

'Someone reminded me a while back,that actions tend to speak louder than words on this site'

Anyone got a word for that...apart from clichй

If you want to talk the talk,you better walk the walk...

Another one 'salad tosser'....

Oh wait,what am I talking about....this is a sex site....
'Cock and balls'just to keep it sexual....

'Straight'... If you like the same sex as you,even a tiny bit,you are bi.....
By #23212 at 17,Dec,14 09:06
Ah, "salad tosser". Now, that has always seemed to me to be a very strange name for what it means ...
By #444014 at 17,Dec,14 11:03
It is something to do with 'Frasier' and the song that is sung at the end of the show....

"Tossed Salad and Scrambled Eggs"....

An allegory to describe the shows 'topics' because the producers didn't want to offend people....

That is the shortest way I can explain without going into tedium...

So I am just guessing that 'tossing the salad' became a euphemism to mean 'mixed up/messed up' which then leads to the current sexual meaning of the term 'salad tosser'/tossing the salad'

Which is better explained by Chris Rock...

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By #23212 at 18,Dec,14 06:24
Thanks. That was a fun video. But I'm still not clear how 'messed up' leads to rimming?
[And in most adult videos with 'salad tossing', the, ahem, 'area of interest' is clearly completely, 'squeaky' clean. ]
By #444014 at 18,Dec,14 06:44
'Messed up' in some people's opinion means quirky habits/kink/not normal.....

So for a lot of people that is what 'rimming'is...
By #23212 at 18,Dec,14 07:11
OK, thanks for the 'updated' version of 'messed up'.
Of course then for lots of the World, 'regular' oral sex is a 'kink'. And as for 'not normal activities', aaaaiiieee, most all of us would be damned somewhere in the World.

By #444014 at 23,Oct,14 14:42
'Things not say in the U.S.A'

Nascar sucks,football sucks,baseball sucks...

How can you have a World series where only two countries can actually win....
By #303133 at 23,Oct,14 15:55
I live in the USA, and I say those things all the time. Mostly because they are true.
What you REALLY must never say is "Put another baseball on the barbie."
By #444014 at 24,Oct,14 06:02
What happens if I say "Put another baseball on the barbie." ?

Is there a cataclysmic event looming ,if one mutters those words ?

You sir,leave me with more blooming questions...
By #303133 at 24,Oct,14 14:35
No cataclysm.
Many Americans are just stupid enough to comply with such a request.
The stink of roasting baseball is horrific.
I know this because the hillbillies who live near me have actually grilled a baseball.
By #358797 at 25,Oct,14 22:02
Haha. Burnt baseball is pretty rancid smelling.
Golf balls are much more fun to burn.

By #444014 at 12,Oct,14 18:47
'Things not to say in Australia'

Put another shrimp on the barbie....

I don't like Holden..... or Ford (Depends on where you sit)

Can I have a Foster's ?

Rugby!! WTF is that ?

Who's Shane Warne ?
By #303133 at 22,Oct,14 23:02
I would never ask anyone to put another shrimp on the barbie.
Shrimp are disgusting!
The cockroaches of the fuckin' sea...
By bella! at 23,Oct,14 01:25 other posts of bella! 
Surely you can't be serious! You think shrimp are the cockroaches of the sea? They look crazy but they sure do taste yummy!

Another thing, that's been gnawing at me.....are you up for a challenge? I challenge you to prove that you really own a microwave. Post the picture here or on your page, your choice!
By #303133 at 23,Oct,14 11:54
I am sorry that my possible lack of a microwave has been keeping you up at night...
Also, I stand by my shrimp statement.
By bella! at 23,Oct,14 16:57 other posts of bella! 
No cell phone, no microwave! No cell phone, no microwave! No cell phone, no microwave!

By #132188 at 18,Oct,14 12:08
I'd like to see the Wallabies kick some ass one day
By #358797 at 22,Oct,14 22:09

By #358797 at 07,Oct,14 14:57
I've always wanted to hear the weatherman say "it's shitty outside" or "look out the window and see for yourself"... Sadly, I doubt he ever will...
By #23212 at 10,Oct,14 05:54
I believe they work in windowless cubicles, since there have been many times I've heard, "Clear & Sunny Today", while it's pouring rain outside.
By #132188 at 10,Oct,14 06:23
What's the weather going to be like tomorrow... Hot and wet, nice if your with a lady but ain't no good in the jungle
By #358797 at 10,Oct,14 10:32

By #358797 at 10,Oct,14 10:38
Lmfao. One year on my birthday the weatherman said it'd be chilly with clear skies and a small chance of rain mid-afternoon.... We ended up getting around 6 inches of snow....

By Sickboy at 11,Oct,14 22:11 other posts of Sickboy 
Here we just get Prince Charles, doing the weather

By Sickboy at 11,Oct,14 22:08 other posts of Sickboy 
The DUMPSTER link in Neon lights!

By #170523 at 07,Oct,14 03:55
We see so many comments on the forum,it would to be interesting to see what everyone thinks but do not post.
By #23212 at 10,Oct,14 07:37
Yes, it would. Do you want to start?

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