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replies from girls.

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Started by sailor at 14,Jul,09 17:53  other posts of sailor
Do you girls get into c on c , or turned on to the photos like men do? Or masturbate to the pics?

Or is it mostliy guys that get their horns up here?

Similar topics:   2.Replies   3.Power vs Smooth fuck. Boys vs Girls   4.*Pay it forward*   5.WELCOME GIRLS  

New Comment

By hogweed at 17,Jul,09 12:29 other posts of hogweed 
I get very turned on by some of the photos on this site, both of dicks and pussies. I regularly masturbate while looking at them, and sometimes masturbate while chatting on here. Most women have as much sexual desire as men, it's just that most don't admit to it, and prefer to "flick their bean" in private.
By #15420 at 17,Jul,09 13:32
always nice to hear a horny woman's point of view :)
i wish more would openly talk about "flicking their bean"
By hogweed at 17,Jul,09 14:40 other posts of hogweed 
Catch me when I'm online and I might tell you all about how I do it, if I have time of course.

By leopoldij at 19,Jun,18 07:34 other posts of leopoldij 
exactly. That's exactly how women are like.

By #485312 at 19,Jun,18 03:06
its mostly men, women aren't wired the same as men, we are a different species when it comes to being turned on by the same things. *Lix*

Adult Discussion Forum