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Started by #135735 at 27,Jun,11 12:36
I love a nice, tight cockring around my balls and cock, it makes my cock so swollen and feel so amazing!

For others who love cockrings, what's your favorite material and method to use?

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Similar topics: 1.cockrings   2.cockrings   3.Cockrings   4.Show us your Cockrings   5.Cockrings, ladies please answer  

New Comment

By spermkiss at 27,Jun,11 19:10 other posts of spermkiss 
I've worn one 24/7 for more than ten years now, mostly for better testicle appearance. My balls ride high and when I get an erection they almost disappear inside my body. A cockring holds them down in my sac for a better appearance when I'm nude and for a bigger bulge in the crotch of a snug fitting bathing suit.

When I say I wear my cockring 24/7, I mean just that. In changing rooms and showers and even to medical appointments. The doctor didn't bat an eye.
By #36950 at 27,Jun,11 20:05
Maybe I replied to you before, but do you ever get any chafing from wearing it so long? I have worn a rubber one under my tights for trapeze class. I left it on for 5 or 6 hours and the skin was chafed and sore. When it healed, the new skin was lighter. There are two so so pix of it in my profile. Advice needed. Thanks.r
By spermkiss at 27,Jun,11 23:31 other posts of spermkiss 
I have indeed answered this question before, though I do not know if the question was from you. I, too, had skin reactions from both metal and rubber cockrings. Therefore I wear an infant or child size jade bracelet. If there is a store near you that sells Chinese imports try there. I visit Hong Kong with some regularity so I can buy them there for only a few dollars each at the Jade Market. I have quite a collection in various sizes and colors so I can switch off. Sometimes I wear more than one. A jade bracelet has the added advantage of not setting off the metal detectors in airport security lines.
By #5546 at 09,Jul,11 15:21
I too react to metals and a little to neoprene or Buna-N (nitrile) such as rubber O-rings. I do OK with stainless steel, but 24/7 I'd eventually react to that as well. I got a 100% silicone ring from and I don't react to it at all. Another nice thing about the pure silicone product is that it's stretchy enough that you can easily get into a ring that is snug fitting. A really inexpensive ring that won't cause skin reactions or set off metal detectors can be had with industrial Teflon™ O-rings. You can get them in 1/16 inch increments so getting the perfect size is easy. They only cost a buck or two apiece and to get the effect of a wide cock ring I'll put on a stack of three of them. For someone new to wearing cock rings I'd recommend getting a batch of rubber O-rings (which only cost 10 or 20 cents apiece) in different sizes to experiment with the fit and feel. Then if you don't like the rubber rings you'll at least know what your perfect size is before moving on to something more expensive.
By #5546 at 11,Jul,11 20:29
Rubber O-Rings

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Terlon™ O-Rings

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Silicone Cock Ring

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Stainless Steel Cock Ring

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By spermkiss at 19,Jul,11 16:31 other posts of spermkiss 
Thank you for the useful advice. Your photographic illustrations are both informative and fun.

By slipper at 10,Jul,11 04:24 other posts of slipper 
Lot's of cock-ring threads here over time; you might wish to do a search and see many already singled-out for posting in the Forum.

By #122507 at 28,Jun,11 20:35
In addition to cock rings, I like using a cord as well. I like the flexibility both in tightness and where to put it.

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