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Started by #188592 at 16,Feb,12 03:36
How many people use cockrings and do they do any good? Just wondering

Similar topics: 1.cockrings   2.cockrings   3.Cockrings   4.Show us your Cockrings   5.Cockrings, ladies please answer  

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By #550094 at 15,Jul,18 20:05
I enjoy wearing cock rings, as long as they are comfortable.
They help me stay hard for a good BJ session; and even if
my cock becomes semi-hard after a while in the ring,
I can still enjoy the intense throbbing.

Black rubber cock rings and smooth rubber gaskets
are fine with me.
Steel rings are okay, but if I wear the wrong size
I could do serious damage to my cock when it throbs
hard during ejaculation.
I seldom use nylon stockings; but lately I've moved on
to using dress socks as they are more thicker and have
a better grip than nylon stockings.

As an alternative "cock ring" I cut a
3 inch long tube section from a black dress sock
and crumple it as a "cock ring"; and I wrap it twice
around the base of my cock behind my balls so it's snug
but not too tight... my cock gets firmer, the elasticity of this
homemade cock ring grips my cock without any
discomfort or painful throbbing. Like a thick hair band.
And when I cum, this homemade cock ring keeps me hard!

By #475107 at 15,Jul,18 19:22
I use them, makes my cock rock hard!

By Vita at 28,May,12 04:57 other posts of Vita 

... and my ?!
--------------------------------------- added after 12060 hours


By #87693 at 16,Dec,16 14:35
Einfach nur geil!!!!
By Vita at 28,Dec,16 03:17 other posts of Vita 
Danke-Danke !!

By #484484 at 18,Dec,16 17:13
Superb Vita.
By Vita at 01,Jan,17 17:58 other posts of Vita 
nice of you !

By PetiteCygne at 20,May,17 13:59 other posts of PetiteCygne 
so lovely!
By Vita at 15,Jul,18 05:33 other posts of Vita 
that is love at first sight ??

By Fred at 29,Apr,18 10:12 other posts of Fred 

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This is my favorite...

By #531019 at 25,Apr,18 21:38
[deleted image]

Now 3 rings around my balls

By Jb11 at 25,Apr,18 14:16 other posts of Jb11 
Yes, I love them, have several, some homemade. One I use is a looped cord which goes round my cock and stretches up and I loop it round my neck, it holds up my wedding tackle nicely and feels great, my girlfriend likes me wearing cock rings and a cock strap

By DeepThroatThis at 25,Apr,18 12:57 other posts of DeepThroatThis 
They work great, i have moved up to a metal one now and bought this 2" metal ring for $2 at my local hardware store.

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By #550094 at 24,Apr,18 22:45
I've used the typical leather, rubber, or steel types;
and I've had good results from them until they felt too
tight and uncomfortable during ejaculation.

Nowadays I wrap my cock in a "ring" cut from the
lower leg section of a black nylon stocking.
It's very elastic, and it lets me loop it twice around
the base of my cock behind my balls... holds me rigid while I stroke and shoot,
and it feels comfortable during the peak of
my ejaculation.

By 2nice at 23,Apr,18 18:38 other posts of 2nice 
I use cockrings regularly. They prolong erections and intensify orgasms. I highly recommend that all men give them a try.
By #551226 at 24,Apr,18 19:55
I use them regularly too my orgasms are MAJOR intense when I wear them and I can shoot further than I did when I was a teenager

By DarkMax at 24,Apr,18 19:46 other posts of DarkMax 
I use.

By PoloFields at 20,Apr,18 19:47 other posts of PoloFields 
Not that there's a "right" way to use them, but in the past I've used rubber rings that fit over the base of my cock. Thinking of getting another one, but looks like I can also fit them over my balls as well. Suggestions?
By louther at 21,Apr,18 13:33 other posts of louther 
They sell rings that are designed to do both. I have pics of one I have for this on my page, check it out. I really recommend trying one.
By #64328 at 23,Apr,18 17:02
where can you buy the rubber rings
By louther at 23,Apr,18 19:38 other posts of louther 
Any sex toy store or online Amazon even sells them. I’ve known people to also go to Home Depot and buy cheap o-rings to use for cock rings too.
By #64328 at 24,Apr,18 19:30
Im going to get some. Just need to figure out the right size

By #522791 at 22,Apr,18 01:35
I actually have 2 hehelol...I do use them and enjoy using them and from experience it's definitely a different experience, like I said I enjoy using them

By #544039 at 20,Apr,18 20:08
I like cock rings

By louther at 20,Apr,18 15:00 other posts of louther 
Since this has been resurrected, I do like cockrings and use them often. For me, it’s not about keeping my cock hard, it does that well on its own. I just like the way it feels and makes my balls tight and the veins on my cock pop out. The girlfriend loves it when I use one while fucking her, she says she can feel the veins in her and it’s just a great feeling for her also.

By #475107 at 20,Apr,18 14:08
Yes, I use them sometimes. Makes my cock stay harder longer and makes it a little thicker.

By #543717 at 16,Apr,18 15:13
I sometimes use one. Looks hot and enhances my balls and my hardness:

[deleted image]

By #541419 at 12,Sep,17 14:07
I enjoy the taut feeling and the look of my SplitSling. And, yes, when wanking the SplitSling keeps my balls together and lets them happily slap against my legs.
[deleted image]

By #538922 at 05,Aug,17 03:45
I so want to try one

By #531019 at 05,Aug,17 03:26
I love my wide band and rubber ring around my balls

[deleted image]

By cruzinlion at 04,Aug,17 21:32 other posts of cruzinlion 
By Blade at 05,Aug,17 03:21 other posts of Blade 
what kind of cock ring is that?

By Leo037 at 30,Jul,17 12:45 other posts of Leo037 

I have these ones but the one around my cock which is the smallest ring still feels to loose.
How tight are they meant to be before they are to tight?
By #455846 at 30,Jul,17 13:57
I just ordered another one. It s better to have it a bit loose, so your penis can swell I d say. I felt my last one was a bit tight all over. At least the main, biggest part holds it all in place when your scrotum hangs low and you re all soft. I d say the longer you can leave it one the better ?

By #251613 at 01,Jul,17 03:42

By #485312 at 13,Jun,17 02:32
[deleted image]
hot set of heavy duty rings *lix*
By #513002 at 13,Jun,17 13:20
Love that picture, but how do you get those past your balls?
By #518801 at 01,Jul,17 03:33
they are in two halves

By Blade at 01,Jul,17 03:09 other posts of Blade 
What cockrings are you using that are made of things around the house? What did you make them from?

By #536316 at 30,Jun,17 12:45
[deleted image]Yes, I use cock rings, cock slings (as shown) and ball stretchers. They help in making my cock more sensitive.

By lh015 at 17,Jun,17 19:59 other posts of lh015 

By Texas_Born29 at 17,Jun,17 16:06 other posts of Texas_Born29 
I really like wearing mine too.

By #311947 at 17,Jun,17 15:37
I like wearing them some times. Yes they feel good. Get the correct size for your cock. Too small can be possibly dangerous.

By Stigma33 at 17,Dec,16 20:30 other posts of Stigma33 
By #455846 at 13,Jun,17 17:55
awesome, looks good on your cool and smooth package

By JeffinKS at 12,Jun,17 21:47 other posts of JeffinKS 

By mzr at 12,Jun,17 15:07 other posts of mzr 

Uncut Foreskin Dick

By spermkiss at 16,Feb,12 19:56 other posts of spermkiss 
I've worn one 24/7 for more than ten years now. I wear mine for better testicle appearance. My balls are smaller than many men's and they ride high. When I get an erection they almost disappear inside my body. The cock ring holds them down in my sac for a better look when I'm nude and for a bigger bulge in the crotch of a snug fitting swim suit or tight pants. What man doesn't want that?
By #518801 at 10,Jun,17 02:31

By Blade at 11,Jun,17 02:29 other posts of Blade 
I wish you had pics of you wearing this. I'm built the exact same way as you with my tight balls.

When you get hard, does it hurt your balls since they want to retract up?
By spermkiss at 11,Jun,17 16:06 other posts of spermkiss 
Concerning photos, I'd love to post some but my husband doesn't want me to. See my Blog for a discussion of this.

Does it hurt? No it does not. Does it in any way interfere with the normal functioning of my genital/urinary equipment? No it does not. I get hard, I get soft, I can ejaculate and I can urinate. Everything works just fine. It just looks better.

When I say I wear it 24/7 I really do mean that. I rarely take it off. I've worn it to medical appointments, even appointments with a urologist. No doctor has made any comment or even batted an eye. (Doctors have seen everything and nothing surprises them.) I am presuming that if it were in any way harmful that the urologist would have so advised me, but he did not.

If you do get a cock ring, the best piece of advice I can give you is don't panic when you get an erection and find that you cannot get it back off again. No, you cannot. But you dick will eventually get soft and then, if you wish, you can take it off.

By skinb at 11,Jun,17 03:41 other posts of skinb 
I bought some cheap doc Johnson ones that were stretchy plastic and they worked pretty good. They really get you hard and make the veins pop out. As far as lasting longer I don't know, they make the head super sensitive. I've since got a few others and use them off and on as a nice changeup.

By #468485 at 11,Jun,17 01:48

I start dribbling copiously as soon as I squeeze into this cock ring. The challenge is not to stiffen during the fitting session

By X5TANNED at 25,Apr,12 13:05 other posts of X5TANNED 
love them very sexy
By #211106 at 26,Apr,12 11:08
do they restrict your cum flow?
By X5TANNED at 26,Apr,12 12:27 other posts of X5TANNED 
no just the opposite i find.

By #518801 at 10,Jun,17 02:28
yum I love rings

By DeepThroatThis at 07,Jun,17 17:19 other posts of DeepThroatThis 
they definitely work keeping the lead in your pencil when you need it

By #485312 at 07,Jun,17 04:22
[deleted image]
wow, LHB stretches himself to great lengths *lix*

By Blade at 04,Jun,17 02:55 other posts of Blade 
What about for beginners? Most of this pics look like the experts with their equipment. What is the easiest thing to use? Something around the house?

What is a good standard cock ring? I don't want metal.
By qhaos at 04,Jun,17 07:12 other posts of qhaos 
I was introduced to cockrings by my ex gf and the first she made for me was an unrolled condom with the center cutted. Now i continue using homemade cockrings made of rubber bands, this way i can choose the tightness.

And this is the result
[deleted image]

By #503907 at 30,May,17 14:28
[deleted image]

By #485312 at 29,May,17 23:00
[deleted image]
cock rings with a difference *lix*

By #485312 at 29,May,17 01:15

overloaded *lix*

By #303909 at 28,May,17 17:31
Got a metal one recently -
best thing ever!

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

By #440825 at 24,May,17 09:58

By DeepThroatThis at 23,May,17 20:11 other posts of DeepThroatThis 
[deleted image] they work for me

By newwt10 at 23,May,17 14:37 other posts of newwt10 

By Greek18cm at 03,Jan,17 22:36 other posts of Greek18cm 
Ok. Here it is.
I used about 10 times cockrings.
Not cockrings exactly but i made my self.
Half of them i did it alone and it was ok.
But hslf of them i did it with a girl.
She made it so tight that after some time my cock was cold and i had not no feeling.
She just luked it because was hard.
I did not enjoy it and ofcourse i was concerned about my cock health.

Here is a question. Is there any possible way so i can make my cock so hard and almost no feel anuthing (so i can fuck for hours) but in a healthy cock ring way ?

By #208346 at 02,Jan,17 11:29
I've tried a few,never got anything out of them.Kind of get in the way and pull hair,ouch

By shackles at 28,Dec,16 14:38 other posts of shackles 

By #220845 at 17,Dec,16 20:28

By #206678 at 17,Dec,16 20:18
Cockrings are a wonderful toy to have. I prefer one that goes around my balls. Oxballs have a great selection of cockrings. The best one is called a cocksling.

By #121361 at 17,Dec,16 12:52
[deleted image] Top Feeling !

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