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Vote warning

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Started by #20141 at 02,Aug,09 16:48
Everytime I vote on a pic, I get a warning that I had already voted on the pic. I just joined, why is this happening?

Similar topics: 1.Im just currius. HOW MANY CAN WE GET TO COMMENT THIS TOPIC?!   2.votes against pics...   3.Anonymously voting down pictures   4.Pic of the Month Contest vote problem   5.Do you ever cum without a warning?  

New Comment

By #8288 at 04,Aug,09 09:12
I think occasionally there may be a language barrier....not everyone is proficient in English, especially when certain phrases or words are used that the reader is not accustomed to or was not exposed to before. And we do get some computer users who are "novices" too and are "afraid" of doing "something wrong" on the computer.

I think the warnings are good reminders. If there were no warnings, then we would have lots of members griping about losing points without being warned. It would be great if it were possible to choose to not be warned again, or in the future after the first warning, but then some people would "forget" too. I think Admin has to cover all of the bases and it is easiest to just provide the same repeated warnings and messages to everyone everytime.
By #7295 at 04,Aug,09 17:29
what proficient means? hiihih

By admin at 02,Aug,09 18:47 other posts of admin 
have you tried to actually READ the warning???
By #14182 at 03,Aug,09 10:22
Admin, Why do you make such snide remarks to people's questions? I've noticed that you have responded this way on several occasions when people have legitimate concerns. Such as the above;capitalizing "read" and the 3 question marks. A clear response without the sarcasm would be appreciated. I realize that your role on this site can be frustrating at times but please, just answer the questions. Thank you.
By admin at 04,Aug,09 16:12 other posts of admin 
Short explanation: A nature of the question tells me that he has not red/understood the warning. What makes you think that he will read/understand my answer here if he have not done this with what I already wrote? Why waste my time writting more?

Longer explanation: He states he's over 50 and lives in US which mean he can read English perfectly, just was too lazy to read the warning thoroughly. Which means he prefer to use 3 minutes of my time asking me his question instead of spending 3 seconds of his time to read the warning accuratelly. I consider this disrespectful to me. I bet he does not think this way and you do not think this way as well as many others, but I've been so long in the net and have seen this kind of behaviour too many times and I'm tired of it. Hence all the sarcasm.

However, his question pointed out for me that this warning is not taken adequately by all the members. Knowing the net habitants I'm sure he's not the only one who do not read the warning correctly. That warning was ment mostly for those who vote against pics of some member multiple times but do not want he/she knows that. So I have changed the script behaviour in a way that does not scare those who vote for the pics. So, in a way, I'm grateful to him for his question.

Adult Discussion Forum