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A comma can save a life

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Started by #89828 at 10,Jul,12 22:42
"Let's eat, Grandma!"

Is WAY different than:

"Let's eat Grandma!"

Just sayin'....

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New Comment

By bella! at 14,Mar,13 00:58 other posts of bella! 
Is it possible that a comma could save YOUR life?
By #274357 at 14,Mar,13 01:02
This person has no life. He/She/It is extinct...
By bella! at 14,Mar,13 01:32 other posts of bella! 
JustLookin' might be gone however, I often feel his very presence.
By #303133 at 14,Mar,13 02:24
The guy was a right bastard, if you ask me!
By bella! at 20,Mar,13 00:36 other posts of bella! 
JustLookin' was loved, loved, loved by so many. It was a sad day when he abruptly departed. What's so strange, YOU seem to possess some of his wonderful qualities!
By #360973 at 20,Mar,13 01:17
Weird science - their names are even similar. Necessary and relevant thread, Will of the present and past
By bella! at 20,Mar,13 02:04 other posts of bella! 
You're silly, there's no way! Where's there any similarity between the names JustLookin' and JustWill? Hmmm.......?

By bella! at 19,Mar,13 19:54 other posts of bella! 
To Iceman, see how important punctuation is? A comma can save a life!

By MoeJoe at 11,Jul,12 10:03 other posts of MoeJoe 
A point well made, but this is advanced grammar and punctuation for this place !
By #89828 at 11,Jul,12 14:39
Sad, but true...
By #268785 at 11,Jul,12 15:28
In my defence i'm just a horrible typist, and the damn auto correct kills me at times when I log on from my cell.
By #275795 at 11,Jul,12 18:34
By bella! at 11,Jul,12 23:46 other posts of bella! 
Ds86mm, are you saying to heavenbesideyou's horrible typing skills or to auto correct?

By bella! at 10,Jul,12 23:30 other posts of bella! 
And another thing that has absolutely nothing to do with the comma...... the improper use of your vs you're *and* there vs their or they're for that matter. Just a pet peeve of mine! Thank you, I will now begin to breathe again.....
By #89828 at 11,Jul,12 14:43
The one that makes me want to punch a kitten?


As in: "should OF", "would OF", "could OF"
No such construct exists in the English language.
AAAAAGGGGHHHH! (Here, Kitty-kitty...)
By bella! at 11,Jul,12 14:52 other posts of bella! 
Punch a kitten? Say it isn't so!

By slipper at 11,Jul,12 04:33 other posts of slipper 
The whole point of the book, "Eats, shoots and leaves."
By #23212 at 11,Jul,12 07:31
Yes indeed!

By bella! at 10,Jul,12 23:18 other posts of bella! 
Punctuation is not my strong point.....but c'mon JL, so many can't spell correctly even when spell check is just a click away. And with all the various slang and abbreviations, it's hard to figure out what was said, simply "apolling"!

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