Recent Posts of member Ananas2xLekker


Let's help Elon make twitter great 02,Nov,22 09:44


By Ananas2xLekker at 26,Apr,24 12:05
And you're obviously damaged for life.
If they helped you, maybe you would have a better opinion of people.
You're right that most people 'turn to the dark side', when they're young.
Most of them are not bad by nature, their parents are just bad parents.
When teachers see children turn bad, they should send the whole family to caregivers. The parents might need even more help, than the kid itself.
That's exactly how you "make life more pleasant for everyone."
Better parents -> better kids -> less thieves, rapist and murderers.

By Ananas2xLekker at 25,Apr,24 23:27
Sorry to hear about your dad, I hope he's fine now.

I have no idea how you can summarize what I'm saying with "why aren't you going out and giving your extra money to house the homeless".

I'm lucky to be able to use this capitalist system to my benefit. Too many people are not. Funny how you accuse me of being lazy, for doing not a lot and still having a comfy lifestyle. Why don't you care about the owner class doing absolutely nothing and living like gods? They don't even know what real work is. I have worked a demanding job for 10 years in shifts. I was making a product. Is that a 'real job'? I just developed my knowledge and skills, so I could work from a desk. I'm not directly involved in making that product, but without people like me, that product could not be sold. That product wouldn't even exist in the first place, because people like me create the process to make it. At least I'm still doing things myself, instead of ordering people around. If I was doing that, then you would grovel for me, because those are businessmen, the class of the gods. Those are exactly the people who can go away for a year and no one notices; business goes on. One operator calling in sick is affecting operations more than all of upper management calling in sick. And they are so much easier to exchange too. Any manager can step in and do the job in a few weeks. An new operator requires at least six months of training before they can work independently. Half of my job takes about the same training time, but the other half of the job just requires experience. That's why most of my direct colleagues are former operators just like me. But, of course that's not a real job. I need to become really useless and become management, to deserve your respect.

I would challenge you to think about the goal of life.
What are all those hard working people actually achieving?

Productivity is higher now then ever before and still going up,
the GDP of mostly all developed countries has gone up and up and up,
but are more people benefiting from that?
There are people working full time who cannot make ends meet.
Especially the people doing those 'real jobs' are getting poorer.
But the wealth of the owner class is growing harder than ever before.
If we believe your ideas, then that would benefit everyone, but it doesn't.
There are even homeless people with jobs, sleeping in their car on the
parking-lot of the company they work for. Are they just lazy?
It's up to you to explain this, because the world is using your system.
Why do you keep supporting that system, when it so clearly doesn't work?

At least, it doesn't work for the majority of the people, I'm an exception.
Also, I'm living in The Netherlands, a less brutal capitalist country.
And I grew up when my country was much more socialist.
I had free healthcare, affordable education and affordable housing.
What my father had on lower education and I have on higher education,
most young people with even university cannot afford anymore.
Meanwhile we have more millionaires and billionaires than ever before.
And I have seen politics move from far left in my youth to far right now.
You tell me how you interpret all of that.

By Ananas2xLekker at 25,Apr,24 22:09
Sure, lock'em all up, that's your solution for everything.
Mental healthcare is a preventative measure, for normal people
who are going through rough times to get help, so they can cope.
It's a good investment to help people back on their feet.

In your system, how are they going to decide who to lock up?
People who are suffering from depression? Lock them up!
A guy having a hard time dealing with a divorce? Lock him up!
A nerdy guy who suffering torment from his schoolmates? Lock him up!
A postman got fired from his job and is posting hate online? Lock him up!
That's what you have to do to prevent the mass murders of the last years.
They were mostly normal people with issues like these.
They just went crazy, because they had no one to turn to.
You will have to lock up millions of people, to catch the one who would go crazy.

But sure, think of the absolute worst and most expensive solution, for something that can be treated very effectively, if you only spend some tax-dollars for some good things. Tax-dollars that will come back, from the people who are able to function in society again.

I might have to rethink my love for democracy. People like you can vote too.

By Ananas2xLekker at 25,Apr,24 13:51
Showing news articles about crimes is not an argument.
We are not saying crime is GONE, we are saying it is DOWN.

The media has an incentive to keep you hooked on news.
Then the 24/7 news channels have nothing else to do,
than grinding out every little story to its absolute depth.
That gives people the idea that the world is turning uglier by the day.
That's mostly perception, crime really has gone down year by year,
with maybe a temporary uptick here and there, when there is a crisis
and people are more desperate and stressed out.
Check some statistics, before you make claims on your feelings.
Your feelings are based on hypes and lies.

The only crime that is worrying is mass shootings. You cannot solve that with criminal justice reform, not in a liberal way and not in a right-wing way.
The only thing that would help is improving mental healthcare and gun reform. Republicans think mental healthcare is too expensive and think that gun reform is an afrond against the 2nd amendment. That means that the worst crime know to man is flourishing, while crimes that can be reduced with policing has been declining for decades.

By Ananas2xLekker at 25,Apr,24 12:15
The only conclusion I can make, from everything you are saying is that you think too many people are happy.

You are living in a country, where most people are living paycheck to paycheck and you think: "That's not right, they should be working harder, to even survive.".

I understand why you hate my ideas now:
I'm a guy, who 'works' (sorry, even with the quotation marks, I cannot help but laugh, about the idea that what I'm doing is working) only 40 hours a week (while being distracted for about half my time) and my supervisor is satisfied with the things I'm delivering. I'm home alone, because my girlfriend is at her mother to help around a bit and celebrate kings-day together. I though, that's a good time to take two days off. At work, I'm waiting for other people doing their part, I can fill my time, but I have lots of days left, so lets have some me-time. I have some work around the house, so that two days off gives me more time in the weekend. I'm gonna do a lot of gaming. Normally, I have a few hours now and then, but now I can make working-day hours on it. Still, enough time to waste even more. I literally spend several hours downloading porn and jerking off to it. How more useless can I get? Well, I'm doing it now. And yesterday, for my hard work ( ), my wage was transferred. I had several hundred Euros (= 1.07 $) left from last month, on several accounts, so I kept at least Ђ 500,- as a buffer and throwing around money, on my own account, dropped the rest in the fixed charges account and dropped Ђ 1000 in the savings account. There's now Ђ 6000 in the quick savings account, collecting almost no interest, but I like having some money for easy access. When it's getting ridiculous, I'll think about if I want to throw it in the slow savings account, in the stock account or pay off some more of our mortgage. My girlfriend got her wage too, but she said she wanted new shoes, so I advised her too keep a few hundred throwing around money too, because were fine on the fixed charges account. I'll throw the rest in the quick savings account too. Later today, I'll continue a job still waiting for me; I have to do my tax returns. It took a while this year, because we had thousands of Euros in medical expenses. Our insurances don't pay for everything. There are insurances who do, but those are not worth their money. If you have money laying around, you're cheaper off paying those costs yourself, when needed. Now I have to calculate the exact costs we had, which is easy, but also all the traveling costs, which is more difficult. So, alright, my government wants to reimburse part of those costs, so I will spend some hours calculating. I think I earn my money easier by 'working' for my employer.

When I wrote that, I though: "Yeah, I'm hating me too, right now.".

I'm excelling at maximizing my working hours into results.
I could do more, but I don't want to. I spend my time at work on the things that motivate me, things that I consider to be good for my colleagues and the patients who use our products. Then I'm working with more energy and my brain at full capacity to think of the right improvements. When I'm doing less interesting stuff, it is at less than half my energy and less than half my brain capacity. It's getting done well, but slowly. Meanwhile, I'm looking for possible improvements; What problems am I seeing in the data that I'm analyzing, what are the causes of those problems, how can I eliminate or reduce them? Then, I see an incident that could have been prevented. The operators just didn't know how to predict the problem. In my time as an operator, most of us had that knowledge, but high turnover erased a lot of experience. So, I discussed the solution with them, they didn't know about it, so we decided to make an instruction for it, in their procedures. I spend half a day at drawing a clear schematic, which they only need to train once to understand it. Every new employee will be trained in it, so I'll hope that eliminates or reduces recurrence of the incident. When I'm doing something like that, I'm energized and happy. It also reduces lots of expenses, because incidents are very expensive. Several people spend their time in correcting the damage and sometimes we are forced to throw away tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions of Euros worth in product.
Sure, I could work harder, I could be more effective, but for what? The sector I'm in makes ridiculously high profits. Those profits are mostly going to the owners and/or large shareholders. They live in ridiculous luxury, while doing nothing useful. They have their board members to make sure the company is doing well, the CEO is making enough money for them and they have other people looking around what companies they can buy, for the billions they are taking from their other companies. They have no idea how to spend their billions, but people like you think they deserve to have those billions. Those people are not trying to be more or trying for society to be more, but they are the gods that you bow to.
But, you hate my idea, that I have a right to a nice life too.
You even hate my idea that you have a right to a nice life too.

I'm not living to work, I'm maximizing the time I spend in the capitalist system, TO LIVE. Because, I only have ONE LIFE. That capitalist system provides my means to live, but it's still affected by the useless owner class, exploiting everyone around me, only to own more.

You think that owner class is necessary, because they invest in the economy that we all rely on. Right? .... Are they? Why are they necessary? They are not investing their money, people who work for them are investing their money. They do make the final decision what to invest in; "Do I invest in oil, cluster bombs, cigarettes, fast-food chains, natural resources, payday-loans, medicines, rockets to go to Mars, more lobbyists who help me keep my PFAS factory and my ability to dump toxic waste in the rivers, or is it smarter to invest in solar panels, electric cars, wind turbines and innovation? How can I make the most money now and long-term?".

What I say is: "I don't like those people deciding that, I prefer democracy.".
Why should a few wealthy people have all the money, that everyone else creates with their labor? Why should they have the choices on how to spend it?
We, as a people, are creating that money, so I want society to have PUBLIC capital and democratic control over how to spend that public capital, by means of elected representatives supporting and voicing an opinion on how to spend OUR money, and then keeping their promises when we elect them.

By Ananas2xLekker at 24,Apr,24 13:39
"Daddy, can ice-cubes spoil? These ice-cubes make my lemonade look milky
and taste really strange."

By Ananas2xLekker at 24,Apr,24 11:50
Providing people the necessities to live is NOT taking away the incentive to excel! It's providing the exact opposite; it's taking away the stress to survive, so people have all their attention on developing themselves and humanity.

Stop thinking that everyone is lazy and bad.
Given the opportunity, most people are awesome.
The people who are not, will never excel anyway.
Even if you threaten their livelihoods, the most they will ever achieve is survival.

Also stop thinking that I want to provide others with what they need,
I just want anyone who contributes to EARN all the necessities to live.

I'm also not talking about making everything and everyone equal, read my first comment. I propose a system in which the people have DEMOCRATIC power over public capital, to invest in opportunities to improve the lives of everyone, instead of letting a tiny group of elites, born with a silver spoon in their mouth, control all the money in a DICTATORSHIP, to serve only themselves.

Because EVERYONE thinks that skills and effort should be rewarded, we will do so with that DEMOCRATIC power over public capital. No one would vote to give everyone the exact same income. You certainly wouldn't and I wouldn't either.
That's still a million times different than the inequality of the current system.

Why is this so hard to understand? You keep misrepresenting my ideas.

Why do you believe that normal people deserve at maximum the necessities to live, while you think a few wealthy people deserve to live in ridiculous abundance?
It really sounds like you think those people are gods. Sorry, they are not, they are very flawed human beings. They have some skills, but at least 95% of them had wealthy parents and the rest had a shitload of luck. They are no more exceptional than the people who took a risk and failed, they were just in the right place, at the right time, with the right people. Often after their success, they get a brain-worm thinking they are awesome, and their brain turns into mush. That doesn't matter, because once they are wealthy, your stupid culture of worshiping the wealthy, protects them from failure, even if they try their hardest.

Who wrote your opinion then? And why is that credible?
Can't you just look at the world, and see it's flawed as fuck?
And you then think treating people with respect for their humanity is bad?
I think every problem in the world is caused by lack of that respect.
Why don't you agree with that?

By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Apr,24 20:24
You are born with them, because you are human, just like me.
They are written down in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
"Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights
of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace
in the world"

I am so sick of people who think everyone should bust their ass's every day just to survive, while other people sit on their ass, taking millions per day for just owning everything, because stupid people gifted them control over all the money.

End poverty, end the ridiculous system of exploitation to serve the wealthy, change the horrible culture of worshiping money and mindless consumerism, and reserve the time we are spending on this earth for providing everyone with the necessities of life, creating actual value for the progress of humanity and the preservation of nature, instead of producing harmful, waste creating crap, with the only reason to further enrich people, who have more than they can ever use and only spend in the pursuit
of even more for themselves. They are sick of greed and they need to be cured.

Lets be free of these tyrants, who steal our lives and our freedom.
Power to the people!

By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Apr,24 17:30
I would just want to add that not everyone who didn't post a photo for verification is a fake profile. When I became a member, there were no requirements to do this. When the rules changed to be allowed to post adult content, I didn't like the requirements to verify my identity and age. "You can only upload content on this site after you submitted your verification documents." I'm not going to do that, so I'm not posting anymore adult photographs. If the verification picture was the only requirement, I would do that,
but they are not getting my verification documents.

Some people have careers to worry about. Nude pictures can ruin a career.

By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Apr,24 12:11
What relation are you trying to make between the article and what you are saying?

"liberals that married into money spending it to insure more crime" ????

The article is speaking about "The recent crime wave in American cities".
That's absolute bullshit; every type of crime is down a lot, everywhere.
They are just making up nonsense to justify more nonsense.

By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Apr,24 11:55
Thank goodness for statistics, I'm average now.

By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Apr,24 11:52
Society has evolved far enough to provide the necessities to everyone,
if we only share the resources a bit more equally.
We can do that, so we should do that.

I value that opinion of the basis of human rights.
On what value do you base your opinion?

By Ananas2xLekker at 22,Apr,24 14:09
A wise man once said: "Wealth should represent greater access to luxury,
not greater access to necessity."

By Ananas2xLekker at 22,Apr,24 13:57
Jimmy Carr On Andrew Tate & Men's Mental Heath Crisis
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"Andrew Tate is a 14yr old boy's idea of what masculinity looks like"

He talks about other things too, like religion.

By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Apr,24 11:10
That sucks. But your argument is just that two wrongs make a right.
Did anyone actually research WHY those people killed themselves?
If it trauma, from being in that horrible situation, then do some research on how many Palestines are committing suicide.

Everyone has what it takes to hide yourself under a dead body,
that's what you do in situations like that. Or you freeze and die.

I didn't say Star Wars was great. Some episodes are, especially for the time, some are less good. I just referred to it, because it delivers the story of rebellion against oppression so clearly. It's literally framing a dark and a light side (of the force). I would say, it's the one SciFi genre that has told that good vs bad story the best. I have enjoyed every episode, mostly because I just like SciFi, but personally I prefer movies where the struggle between good and bad is more complicated. Recently, series have been doing a good job of it. I liked Game of Thrones, The Witcher and Vikings.

You seem to think that terrorists are being born as evil bloodthirsty people or that they are born as normal humans and just decide to become an evil bloodthirsty person one day. That doesn't happen. Hate doesn't just happen. Hate needs a breeding ground. That breeding ground in Palestine is easy for anyone to see, unless you really don't want to.
I have talked about it before at length. It doesn't require much empathy (not sympathy) to understand that being in the situation that Palestinians have lived in for decades now, would case them to hate Israel. A situation like that is a breeding ground for terrorists. That breeding ground will only become more fertile, when innocent people are murdered. I understand that this happened on Israeli side too. Then we end on two wrongs don't make a right again. Someone has to end that chain of violence, and that isn't the people without any power, but the people who control everything: Israel, with unconditional support of America. The US could make that support conditional.

You keep thinking that genocide of all Palestinians will end the chain of violence. There are about 5 million Palestinians. If they are all killed,
there will probably not be Hamas anymore. Congratulations, there are 500 million more Muslims in the world. Doing a genocide against Muslims, will create a breeding ground for many terrorists among them.
Trump's friend MBS is already funding them, for the next 9/11.

By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Apr,24 09:14
You don't! You cannot destroy terrorism by bombing people.
The only way to fight terrorists is taking away the reason for them.
As long as people are suffering and being oppressed, they will support terrorists. That's the term for the 'freedom fighters', from the other side.
They are always poor and uncivilized people, who kill in a personal way,
with knives and rifles, instead of in a civilized, impersonal way, with a rocket, a bomb, or a shell, from a plane, helicopter, drone or tank. That's because knives, rifles are the only weapons they have. They are called terrorists, because they do terror. The overwhelming power they fight does even more terror, but that's considered legitimate and in response of their terror.

Haven't you seen films like Star Wars?
Israel is The Empire, oppressing Palestine. The rebels killed many storm-troopers, even a whole Death Star with probably many people on it who were just living their lives, working for the empire. Those rebels, like Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, killed many people who were just serving for the glory and expansion of the empire, while the terrorists and the people who protect them stood in their way. That's why the empire blew up the whole planet of Alderaan, with all those filthy terrorist sympathizers on it.
All those primitive people calling themselves freedom-fighters, while they were standing in the way of a glorious, modern, democratic empire.
(Well, it was democratic, but in war, the president requires all the power,
so the senate and courts relinquished all power to Emperor Palpatine.)
Death to those filthy rebels! Kill them all, and everyone supporting them!

Movies most of the time position the rebels as the good guys. That's just storytelling and not realistic. People fighting against oppression are often traumatized hateful extremists, doing despicable things, to maximize their impact, because they are fighting against impossible odds. However, they are fighting for what they think is freedom for their people, to live the way they want to live, against an oppressor with many times the strength and power, that has behaved without any respect for their lives and rights,
and has caused many more death. That oppressor just has power and information reporting on their side, which provides them with legitimacy
in the eyes of people on their side. People, who think they are the good guys by definition, only look at the actions of the other side and never think about the actions of their own side.

Or maybe you have not seen Star Wars, because it was 'woke'.
Woke means being conscious of oppression, inequality and injustice.
Some people like oppression, inequality and injustice, if it's not them.
Or they think they don't deserve humanity, because they are inferior.
That's how all the dark, evil empires start, by calling people 'vermin'.
You're already a stage further; calling for extermination of the 'vermin'.

By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Apr,24 15:41
Sure, outright fascism contains a value that discipline is good.
That discipline is only intended to better serve the Fьhrer.
Hitler was also concerned with the health of his soldiers, researching the minimum daily requirement for vitamins and minerals, that is still mostly used until today, they say.
It was all intended to maximize the efficiency of his army.

Evil despots cannot get a country behind them with 100% pure evil,
they fool you with talk about discipline, patriotism and sacrifice for the good of the country, and then they do the 100% pure evil.
Might be good for you to understand that. Because it's applicable.

The Democrats don't encourage smoking and drinking,
they just consider it FREEDOM to do that if you want.
Republicans used to stand for personal freedom once,
now you just stand for servitude to the wealthy.

Why would freedom only be popular with young people?

By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Apr,24 11:05
That's why I said; Tesla made electric cars cool.
Now electric cars are cool and faster, other brands are taking over, making better, cooler and faster EV's. Tesla's market share is dropping below 50% soon.
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Only Americans care about trucks. When the rest of the world wants to haul stuff,
they buy a van. A European citizen, who needs a car with more cargo, buys an estate.
All the electric estate cars come from Europe:
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The percentage of pickup trucks sold in my country is around 0.5% (2000 a year).
But we have more than a million vans, on 9.1 million passenger cars.
We now have 5.2% electric cars in my country.

American reacts to Why Station Wagons Are More Popular In Europe Than America
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By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Apr,24 10:22
Biden is spending billions on infrastructure and you associate him
with 'watching the street fall apart'?

You are sick of watching your friends suffer economically?
Why are they suffering economically? Are their costs too high
and their income too low? How about increasing wages then?
Oh, no no no no, that would be expensive for their employers!
How about lowering their costs of education and healthcare and rent and insurances, by regulating the companies who make record profits over their backs and then call it inflation?
Oh, no no no no, that would be socialism!
Well, let them suffer the system that you support then!

You accuse Biden of the problems that your support for
the trickle down economy fantasy has caused.

WHEN will those millionaires, who now all turned into billionaires, finally start paying their employees more? Did they do that, every time their taxes were lowered by every Republican president? Will they start doing it, when they pay 0% taxes and turn into trillionaires?
Of course not, you will just pay more taxes, to make up for
all the wealthy people who pay no taxes.

They told you it would happen and it didn't. Every decade, the middle class became poorer and poorer, while the rich and wealthy became richer and wealthier. THEY LIED TO YOU, but you blame Biden.

Is this caused by transgenders competing in women's sports?
Are we talking about 2 or 3, at an actually important level?
Like that has caused your friends suffering economically.
Of course not, it's the bullshit distractions they tell you,
to keep you voting for the horrible politicians who actually
caused your friends suffering economically.

By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Apr,24 10:13
So you like how communities help each other in their time of need?
What do you think publicly funded healthcare is?

It's everyone chipping in to help another, just like the church does sometimes.
However, instead of being grateful to the church for providing that sometimes
to one or two people, you can always depend on publicly funded healthcare
providing what you need when you need it, without asking for a handout.

By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Apr,24 10:04
If you actually have democracy, you own THEM.
If you have socialism, you ARE them.
I support the latter and joined them.

By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Apr,24 10:00
True, unions are the 9th biggest sector lobbying your politicians.
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They are lobbying in favor of union members and workers in general.
The biggest lobbying sector is the Finance/Insurance/Real Estate Sector.
Do you think that's in favor of workers in general or their clients or home owners?

You are a fool for thinking safety and minimum wage is no longer an issue worth lobbying the government for. The employers are still lobbying the government to relax safety laws and lower minimum wage. They would love to kill and starve their employees, and you would love to let them, BECAUSE MAGA!

By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Apr,24 08:55
Actually, Biden is climbing past Trump now in several polls.
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Meanwhile, right wing media is dropping dropping readers and viewers like flies.
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Biden sure is mumbling, but when you listen to what he says there's actual consistent information coming out of him. Trump looks and speaks more energetic, but when you listen, he sounds like a homeless crazy, shouting to pedestrians: "The end times are coming, the lizard people have taken over!".

I would bet anything on Biden beating Trump at identifying countries.
Actually, I'm afraid Biden would beat me at identifying countries.
Maybe Trump would beat you and that's your reason to consider him suitable. It's knowledge that you can understand, but it's hardly important to be able to point at a country on a blank map, to decide on Foreign Affairs. Knowledge of international law, the importance of countries on economic strength, military strength, historical alliances, political structure, political goals and what their people value is much more important. On that basis, Trump is ignorant as shit and Biden has decades worth of experience, that even the right-wing crony writing the report about his classified documents, Robert Hur, admits Biden showed “to have a photographic understanding and recall” on, while lying about the details that Biden supposedly forgot, to spread doubts about the president’s memory.

By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Apr,24 08:33
‘Sleepy Don’: Trump Falls Asleep (Again!) During Hush-Money Trial
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Karma is a bitch, right?

By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Apr,24 07:40
You have no clue, you're just saying shit.
They told you it's bad, so you parrot that.
There is no way that even informed yourself
on one detail about what's actually in that bill.
I listened to my 'liberal media' telling me DETAILS.
And just reading the summary shows me they didn't lie.
Your media doesn't do details, they just tell you what to think.

By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Apr,24 07:39
If I'm twisting facts, SHOW THAT WITH FACTS!

By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Apr,24 07:24
Like what? If Democrats want to let in all the illegals and all the drugs, like you lot are saying, how is this bill giving them what they want?

The division is 100% coming from your side. Your side doesn't want to work together on anything. If the speaker of the house even works together to keep the lights on in the government, then the brainless crew throws him out. It toke 15 voting rounds to elect Kevin McCarthy, then they threw him out for not agreeing with stupid shit that even many Republicans would vote against and would instantly die in the senate. Now Mike Johnson is on the chopping block. I hope MTG kicks him out. The spectacle after that will do fantastic damage to your party.

You can twist it as much as you want, but the bill is a massive restriction on all sorts of immigrants coming in to your country.
Biden challenged Republicans, by giving away those massive restrictions and they are not taking it because it would give him 'a win' according to Trump himself. You are just buying in to all the lies.
Well, it's a trap; Democrats will spend billions of dollars in ads telling American voters what Republicans have blocked, dropping the responsibility for any border problems on Trump. It won't work on you, nothing will, but it will work on independents.

Here's the bill:
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What is it that gives Democrats that open border?

Is it in the summary?

- requires the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to resume activities to construct a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border;
- provides statutory authorization for Operation Stonegarden, which provides grants to law enforcement agencies for certain border security operations;
- prohibits DHS from processing the entry of non-U.S. nationals (aliens under federal law) arriving between ports of entry;
- limits asylum eligibility to non-U.S. nationals who arrive in the United States at a port of entry;
- authorizes the removal of a non-U.S. national to a country other than that individual's country of nationality or last lawful habitual residence, whereas currently this type of removal may only be to a country that has an agreement with the United States for such removal;
- expands the types of crimes that may make an individual ineligible for asylum, such as a conviction for driving while intoxicated causing another person's serious bodily injury or death;
- authorizes DHS to suspend the introduction of certain non-U.S. nationals at an international border if DHS determines that the suspension is necessary to achieve operational control of that border;
- prohibits states from imposing licensing requirements on immigration detention facilities used to detain minors;
- authorizes immigration officers to permit an unaccompanied alien child to withdraw their application for admission into the United States even if the child is unable to make an independent decision to withdraw the application;
- imposes additional penalties for overstaying a visa; and
- requires DHS to create an electronic employment eligibility confirmation system modeled after the E-Verify system and requires all employers to use the system.

By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Apr,24 06:36
As Trump_Supporter was saying that Israelites have a claim to that area of land, because of in his mind 6000 years of history of living there, Palestinians also have a long history of living in that area. Very likely, most of them have a thicker genetic line to the original inhabitants from 6000 years ago than the people who call themselves Israelites now.

Israel started the hostilities by creating a Jewish state in an area that has never been purely Jewish and then for decades expanding their land at the detriment of the Palestinians that already lived there.
It's not a bothsides (fallacy) issue of two peoples who refuse to live in peace together, it's a one-side issue of an apartheid state, that intended to take whole the area for itself, from day one.
It's the failing of international law to have let that happen, but that's mostly because Christian Americans consider that area the promised land too and agreed with purifying it for Jews, because of a prophesy they created.
Europe didn't do much to help the Palestinians either, probably because there are also lots of Christians in Europe who consider the area Jewish, because of Christianity. That and guilt for the holocaust.

It's nonsense to propose creating another state for Palestinians somewhere. It's what you did with the native Americans, but the rest of the world doesn't agree with repeating that crime against humanity.
Although, it's a better idea than your first, of just eradicating them all.

Peace is difficult, that doesn't make it futile to try, it's necessary for humanity's continued existence. As long as wars distract us from solving climate change, we keep acting like Thelma & Louise.

By Ananas2xLekker at 16,Apr,24 16:55
It's not because it's a bad market, they are just losing from the competition.

I would really want to buy an electric car, but not a Tesla. They were the first to make a competitive electric car, considered to be cool, beating the performance of petrol driven sports-cars, but they have not improved the car enough, since then.
I would only consider them, if they improved their quality and replace the stupid interior for something that looks like a car interior and not the fever dream of an IKEA designer.

By Ananas2xLekker at 16,Apr,24 16:45
The worse Trump gets, the harder you are shouting this.
It's nothing but projection.

By Ananas2xLekker at 16,Apr,24 16:37
Sure Joey can make a mockery of himself, I'm not blind.
That's why I would have voted for anyone else, when I could have
voted in your primaries. He's still a million times better than Trump.

Trump is incredibly embarrassing, being unable to speak even worse than Biden, showing his incredible stupidity on a daily basis even before his mind deteriorated, having to defend himself over committing fraud to hide him fucking a porn star, who calls it the filthiest minute of her life, having been found liable for sexual assault in court and defamation right after, having a wife that doesn't even want to be near him, still having to justify themself for 91 criminal indictments and counting, and constantly hiring lawyer after lawyer who embarrass themselves on TV for him, losing all his cases with their incompetency and needing to find lawyers themselves, for breaking the law in his defense.
(MAGA = Make Attorneys Get Attorneys).

It astounds me that you still support someone like that.
Just his first embarrassing phone call would have been enough
for me to drop my support and demand of my party to put someone better in that position.

By Ananas2xLekker at 16,Apr,24 16:10
To give you a compliment; you ARE the only conservative with some ideas here, the rest is just calling bullshit and flipping. However, if killing everyone is your best solution, than understand that it hurts Israel too. If they do that, many people will hate Israel for ever. Speaking for myself, I do not judge any Jew for this personally, but antisemitism is rising like crazy, because of what Israel is doing as a state.

Criticism of the state of Israel is NOT antisemitism. I now consider that state to be part of the axis of evil, on par with all the Muslim extremist dictatorships.
I will support sanctions against them and boycot them. Only if they ever judge the war criminals and learn from history, like Germany has, will I ever consider them a part of my world again.

There are only two ways out of this misery:
1) A two state solution, where Palestinians are not under control of Israel, protected by a Middle Eastern Treaty Organization (similar to our NATO),
that protects the borders of Palestine against Israel's aggression. No wall with Israeli snipers on it, killing children, but an international defense force.
2) Israel negotiates with the rest of the world, to take on every Palestinian refugee, Israel pays massive reparations to those refugees to settle in another country and pays those countries to accept them. Then they can have Gaza. I'm talking about at least $ 200 billion. For another $ 200 billion they can have the West Bank.

By Ananas2xLekker at 16,Apr,24 15:41
Those are not the 35,000 Palestinians who Israel has killed untill now.
You are literally asking for a genocide, THAT'S evil!

By Ananas2xLekker at 16,Apr,24 15:38
Then learn from decades of failing policies and come up with better solutions.

By Ananas2xLekker at 16,Apr,24 15:36
In The Netherlands, attempted suicide isn't punishable. Only if it's harming or endangering other people, can it lead to problems with the law.

The reason is simple, people who try to commit suicide are already in enough trouble, so we offer help to try to save their lives, not punishment.

By Ananas2xLekker at 16,Apr,24 15:30
And that's just in your country? Try again!

By Ananas2xLekker at 16,Apr,24 15:29
Ever seen a bill without pork? That's what they do.
Take what you can get, or get nothing.

By Ananas2xLekker at 15,Apr,24 10:11
"one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all" Is the Pledge of Allegiance, not The Constitution. Your founders didn't make up the 'under God' part, that was added on June 14, 1954, under President Dwight Eisenhower. Did Eisenhower explain his basis on Socratic law or moral correctness on that? No, he just wanted to fuck with the secular nature, in everything that your founders ever created and intended. They all rolled over in their graves that day.

Every time this idiot tried to present some facts, he was wrong.
Now he's gone again. Let's see if he comes back.

By Ananas2xLekker at 15,Apr,24 09:53
Oh come on, is Trump_Supporter_# kicked again?
He's now showing as #712828.
He didn't even say goodbye.

By Ananas2xLekker at 15,Apr,24 09:43
Man, you are delusional. America was not trying to show compassion,
when the terrorists were walking all over you. The US has created that breeding ground for terrorism for decades, by propping up extremist Muslims to leaders of Middle Eastern countries and toppling moderate democratically elected leaders, so you could take their oil a bit cheaper.
They hate you, because they have a good reason to hate you and it's not because they don't like your freedom, but because you destroyed their chances of freedom.
Any time you try to fight terrorism, you create even more of it.

By Ananas2xLekker at 15,Apr,24 09:30
When are you going to understand that it is impossible to fight the symptoms of a diseased society. Bombing terrorists only creates more terrorists. Even if you kill all Palestinians, including all hamas terrorists, you are just creating fertile grounds for poverty stricken Muslims in all the Middle East to join some terrorist organization.

'Vermin' is straight up Nazi speech. If the supporters of a Jewish nation
are using that speech, something has gone horribly wrong.
Stop acting like the evil side in history.

By Ananas2xLekker at 15,Apr,24 08:36
What are you talking about? The butchery or your Republic?
Come up with something REAL!!!

I know exactly how a debate with Trump and Biden will go; Trump will refuse to shut up for a second to let Biden talk,
because he knows Biden will make him look stupid.
Still, you would be convinced that Trump won, whatever happens.

By Ananas2xLekker at 15,Apr,24 08:26
I asked you WHY are people high, sick, depressed and addicted in the US?

It's not because the US is the only country that's not succeeding in keeping the illegal drugs away!

Is drugs a "hip" thing to do in your country and not in all those EU countries?

What is different in your country, from EU countries, for real?
Cut the crap and think for a moment.

By Ananas2xLekker at 15,Apr,24 08:21
Biden is stopping more drugs coming in to your country than Trump.
There is a bill in the house, that would give you almost everything
you want, but Trump blocked it, because that would be a win for Biden.
That's Trump letting in those immigrants, not Biden.
Securing the border costs money. Republicans are blocking that money.

Your nonsense should stop, this is fucking ludicrous.

By Ananas2xLekker at 14,Apr,24 18:44
Don't be discouraged, people like phart have been turning away from their indoctrination every single day. Maybe my arguments won't change his mind,
but they might change someone else's mind.

When you look at religion, it's actually more the extremist religions that are losing followers at high rates, than the moderate religions. That's because the gap between extremism and reality is larger than the gap between moderate views and reality. MAGA is a cult, centered around a cultisch character: Trump. Many Republicans are sick of him. They are starting to see that he is awful and useless.

In The Netherlands, during the pandemic, the number of crazy conspiracy believing, right-wing nutcases, exploded like locusts. Our craziest right-wing party, Forum for Democracy, had it's best support since it's start. Many conspiracy websites and YouTube channels even attracted people who never shared their ideas. After the end of the pandemic, most of the people, who engaged in those ideas, saw that none of their predictions became reality, recognized what a stupid bunch of lunatics and conmen the instigators were and mostly returned to normalcy. Unfortunately, many of them still retained a framework of distrust in the government and a predilection towards right-wing populism, which is why our less extreme populist party; Party for Freedom was elected to the largest party. The cabinet formation is now 142 days ongoing, and we are hearing report after report of the Party for Freedom dropping the most important promises that the Dutch people support by majority and voted for them on, while there are other promises they are still trying to keep, which have much smaller support. I think they are losing support fast this way.

My strategy is always talking to people who have different opinions than me, instead of calling them liars or stupid. Still, when they are making shit arguments or don’t even try to support their position, we should keep telling them, without stooping to the same level. I think it’s important for people who know they are on the side of logic, to keep supporting the system of logic and denounce insolence, partisanship and dishonesty.

By Ananas2xLekker at 14,Apr,24 15:59
WHY are people high, sick, depressed and addicted in the US?

You think it's because there is drugs everywhere and that you can solve it by bombing cartels. Even if you succeed in closing down the border, drugs will just be produced in the US, like the bulk of fentanyl and amfetamines. As long as people want drugs, there will always be a supply. Drugs is and has been easier to buy than a loaf of bread.

In my country, it's even easier, because it will never send you to jail.
Still, the drugs problem is worst in the US, compared with all EU countries.
Until, you understand why that is, bombing cartels and killing dealers,
won't ever work. Your society is sick and it's the ideas you support
that caused that sickness. Drug addiction is just a symptom.

By Ananas2xLekker at 14,Apr,24 15:47
HOW? How does joey fund cartels? Come up with some argument,
instead of just flipping everything.

By Ananas2xLekker at 14,Apr,24 11:27
Accusing me of spinning and then spinning like the cog in the machine of disinformation that you parrot.

You're country isn't 'free', you're paying more for the basic necessities of life than I am. You're actually paying lots of taxes. Here's statistics for All-in average personal income tax rates at average wage by family type. If you are a single person, without children in the US, you pay 24.8% of your income in taxes. A person like that in The Netherlands would pay 27.7%, only a bit more. However, that tax-rate pays for much more things coming back in services from the government. We also have much lower costs for insurances and other private financial services. When you include health, house and car insurances, you're probably down at least $1000 per month on me.

Just like I don't hate America, I don't love 'joey'. You don't support the Constitution, you twist it into a pretzel to keep up your delusion that it supports your right-wing authoritarianism.
Trump left your country in chaos and debt, Biden created the strongest economy in decades, record low unemployment, rising wages and investments in 'Made in America', everything Trump lied about doing.

Trump is still braking laws, while he is standing trial for braking many laws and for being a traitor. You have nothing on Joe Biden. After Hunter Biden's trial for tax evasion in June is done, that's everything dealt with. Tax evasion is serious, but it fades against just one tax fraud case against Trump, who has many many many more of those cases. There's nothing like that on Joe Biden. You're only parroting weak accusations that have crumbled under any scrutiny. It's over and Republicans don't even want to talk about it anymore, because it shows them to be lying hypocrites. Even some Republicans are now leaving the party, because they cannot stand the lies, hypocrisy and disfunctionality anymore. All Trump's former allies have left him, all his former lawyers have left him, and they are now all testifying against him. It's only a matter of time, even Trump knows that. That's why he's making his lawyers do only obstruction and delay strategies. And he is also trying to use stochastic terrorism, telling his supporters to 'peacefully' obstruct the legal proceedings, coming Monday. They know he doesn't want it to be peaceful, but he's only saying that to not implicate himself in the violent attacks against the court that he's actually asking for. We will see how many followers he still has, who are prepared to break the law for him, so he can call them 'hostages'.

By Ananas2xLekker at 14,Apr,24 10:27
No, but I have seen friends try to do it and succeeding only once.
Even in their intoxicated state, it still hurt. They also thought it was about creating pressure, so they hit the bottle opening with their flat hand. I didn't know this scientific explanation, or I could have done it with a brick or something.

I have never been in such an intoxicated state, in my life, so I didn't try it.

By Ananas2xLekker at 12,Apr,24 16:58
An ASMR anti-Trump ad, kicking him in the groin (so SM too).
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