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Going Commando

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Started by #176420 at 13,Jul,11 02:15
How many of you guys always go commando,I have since I was 18. Feels good and looks good under jeans...

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By #165412 at 17,Dec,11 07:32
Underpants do prevent skid marks and piss droplets getting on your clothes! Well I am 65! I do still go commando in my shorts during the summer though it is probably………NOT A PRETTY SIGHT! Still who cares!
By spermkiss at 18,Dec,11 22:23 other posts of spermkiss 
I don't have much of a problem with piss droplets, but semen leakage is something I've always had to contend with. Even when I'm not aroused there is usually some seepage. When I'm excited the flood gates are really opened. Do I care? Not in the least. In fact it's fun to walk around with a partial erection visible in my pants and a damp spot from semen at the tip. It pays to advertise.

By #81941 at 18,Dec,11 12:18
Commando is good, but it's a bit of a worry when your walking around the shops and suddenly realize that your fly's undone.
By spermkiss at 18,Dec,11 22:16 other posts of spermkiss 
Why is this a problem? Actually, it sounds like fun.

By #205329 at 17,Dec,11 06:20
I used to go without underwear years ago, now the wifey thinks it's gross. That was the end of that.

By #201583 at 16,Dec,11 22:51
What's underwear? I have only worn underwear while in bootcamp, and maintained them for inspections only.

By #195892 at 16,Dec,11 14:15
I never do this. I dont know why. maybe im affraid of the zipper [deleted image]
By spermkiss at 16,Dec,11 16:49 other posts of spermkiss 
Good point. Women sometimes complain about the pain of childbirth, but that's got to be nothing compared to the pain of zipping up your fly with some dick skin in the teeth. Button fly pants can be a blessing.

By #178278 at 17,Jul,11 19:20
What does going commando mean? I'm serious, I never heard of it.
By spermkiss at 17,Jul,11 19:25 other posts of spermkiss 
It means going without underpants.
By #178278 at 18,Jul,11 01:19
By spermkiss at 19,Jul,11 16:21 other posts of spermkiss 
You're welcome. And if you've never done it, try it. It is especially fun with snug fitting pants made with a thin fabric so that everything shows thru, or with very short shorts so that you sometimes "accidentally" expose yourself thru a leg opening.

By Thumper52 at 18,Jul,11 20:14 other posts of Thumper52 
At home always going "COMMANDO" and usually with cock rings or ball stretchers. Out and about, I favor loose boxers. Love low hanging balls and fat limp dick showing through the fabric.

By #7976 at 17,Jul,11 22:06
I've been commando since I was in Vietnam where the sand and sweat would act like sand paper and rub you raw around your underwear band. After the military, I just kept on going commando however, it wasn't till a few years ago I heard the term "going commando".

By #145488 at 17,Jul,11 19:30
i sleep while commando

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