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Always Commando

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Started by #176420 at 26,Jul,11 20:57
This topic is for guys that always go Commando,or go Commando sometimes.Let's hear why,or when you go Commando. I always go without underwear,and have since I was 18 yrs old.I don't own any underwear. You don't have to post a pic here,just comment and we can follow you member name to your page and check out your pics.This topic is to get to know you guys that all have a common bond.If you have no pics on your page,or have deleted your page don't bother to post here please. I am also starting a new group called Always Commando. Please join the group as a way to get to know members,chat,check out their pages,and welcum new members.I am hoping we get a lot of members.Thanks,I'm hoping to get to know each of you.

Similar topics: 1.commando   2.Commando ?   3.Commando penis here.   4.Commando   5.Going Commando  

New Comment

By #202392 at 05,Jan,22 00:17
Haven't worn underwear in years. I find going commando more comfortable and I like feeling free

By PSerect at 04,Jan,22 16:34 other posts of PSerect 
I started going commando when I was 17. Im uncut with lots of foreskin when Im soft. The problem I had with underwear was that my pubic hair would get caught under my foreskin and it would itch and burn like crazy. Im totally smooth now with no pubic hair to worry about, but I still wear no underwear since its familiar to me and just feels comfortable. I do own 2 pair of underwear for times when I see my doctor.

By #652988 at 28,Dec,21 01:18
I never ware underware never

By #611461 at 04,Apr,20 13:48
just feels good. shows off my huge balls

By #613757 at 01,Apr,20 05:57
Ive been thinking about going commando because u/w hurts my balls some times

By #64328 at 31,Mar,20 15:44
I used to go commando or were boxers. I always got a thrill that others could see my dick through my pants.

By #611215 at 31,Mar,20 12:59
Wear boxers when I'm wearing dress pants so the outline is not so noticeable. Boxers feel almost as free as commando, although they sometimes bunch up. Otherwise, it's commando.

By geranium at 31,Mar,20 11:45 other posts of geranium 
feels good

By #537175 at 16,Feb,19 13:18
I love going commando as it shows off my thick cock ,and its surprising how many so called straight guys take a good look . However when at work I wear boxer briefs just to make the bulge a bit less obvious , and also if I leak some precum it doesn't get on my trousers . Even if slightly aroused I leak a bit
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By #607878 at 31,Mar,20 11:26
same... boxer briefs with scrubs at work, commando the rest... love guys checking out the head of my dick at the gym

By #583549 at 29,Mar,20 19:08
In the warmer months I am always commando!

By #591921 at 29,Mar,20 18:23
Well since shortly after puberty I went commando because of my size. My cock isn't huge or giant but is larger than average but my balls are big and finding any underwear that is comfortable is a nightmare. Well now I'm in my 50's and I try going commando sometimes but since i didn't wear any for do long ny big ole balls hang about 7-8 inches from my body to the bottom of them. Now if I dont support them somehow I sit on them and that hurts like hell. But I'm looking now for endowed men's underwear and trying to just get some that holds stuff forward and up so they aren't between my legs when I try to sit down and I dont have to reach and grab everything each time I sit down.

By #613562 at 29,Mar,20 07:26
[deleted image]

I’m commando 24/7. Don’t own any U/W at all. Love the feeling of freedom and the awareness of being a guy. Been like that for more than 20 years.

By wycowboy at 16,Feb,19 15:36 other posts of wycowboy 
I go commando when I am not at work. I wear boxer briefs at work to control any precum that leaks if I get aroused which is common for me where I work. Lots of great looking females there, both coworkers and customers. When I go commando I enjoy the looks from both men and women at seeing my bulge and, if aroused by those looks, the drops of precum.

By #545468 at 16,Feb,19 03:37
I am either nude or if I have to wear clothes I go commando. I simply don't have any underwear. Hardly any clothes either but that's another story

By #518391 at 21,Sep,18 10:19
I gocommando whenever I can
[deleted image]

By #543717 at 17,Apr,18 03:08
Not always, but often, mostly in my jeans:

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By niceonebighead at 04,May,17 15:51 other posts of niceonebighead 
i m always commando so its ready 4 play

By cumonme1 at 01,Apr,15 13:21 other posts of cumonme1 
I go commando when I plan on visiting adult stores with video booths and I usually wear shots or cut offs so I'm ready to play

By #359325 at 31,Mar,15 22:33
Love going commando. Been doing this for the past 20 years. I feel underwear is to confining. Love the way my dick/balls hang under my pants or shorts.

By #481266 at 31,Mar,15 10:10
Most days I'm commando, been doing it for years now. I love how it feels. Working, out with friends, or whatever, it's just fun!

By #285354 at 30,Mar,15 13:40
I go commando about 1/2 of the time, especially during warm weather.

By foreskinlover52 at 30,Mar,15 13:36 other posts of foreskinlover52 
I have gone commando for 40 years and only own one pair of underware.. I keep them for visiting the doctor..One time the nurse came in and said strip down to my underware and so I did..When she came back I was standing there with just my tie shirt on..

By diamund at 29,Mar,15 11:02 other posts of diamund 
almost all the time,only in the winter I need a little more warmth

By #460523 at 28,Mar,15 20:25
all the time

By #4222 at 10,Sep,11 18:07
No way--it is way too stiumlating. Any denim on my cock makes it hard.
By spermkiss at 30,Aug,12 15:35 other posts of spermkiss 
If denim against your cock makes it hard, then that's a reason why you SHOULD GO COMMANDO! Is there something wrong with having a hard cock? Erections are good. Erections in public are even better.

By #297196 at 30,Aug,12 00:35
havent worn underwear for atleast 25 years

By #105042 at 27,Jul,11 17:47
I was going commando one day and had to stand in the gangway of a crowded train and wondered why the lady seating next to me was looking so strange. Later found out that my zip was open
By #176420 at 27,Jul,11 23:20
Great story man.thanks for post buddy.had a similar incident yrs back.I came out of the mens room and was walking thur the building at work.A guy told me my fly was open.I said thanks and zipped up. I usually wear button fly jeans that why I forgot zip.. BTW great pics Paul.
By #3997 at 09,Aug,11 18:21
By #3997 at 26,Aug,11 21:56
Paul going commando now and leaving my fly open on purpose

By yellowman at 01,Aug,11 08:21 other posts of yellowman 
Yes, I go commando sometimes, it feels good. However, I have recently bought a kilt and I wore it for the first time on Saturday and of course that has to be the ultimate way of going commando.

By pifad at 27,Jul,11 05:35 other posts of pifad 
Started going commando in the army when I was 18. Best feeling in the world to have my junk free to flop around. Gonna look for your group and join.

By Ray10754 at 26,Jul,11 22:57 other posts of Ray10754 
Been going commando ever since I can remember NEVER,WEAR THEM AT ALL,Dont even own any, Was always a problem at X Mas (you know the good old sox, underwear and Tie, stand bye gifts), Been a nudist for most of my life, Hate clothes period, But in todays socity one must comply to the rules of the world to some extent!!Love the feel of things just hanging natural
By #7976 at 27,Jul,11 01:17

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