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Crazy about size

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Started by #42017 at 02,Aug,11 07:38
It's because I have such a small penis that I find larger dicks so appealing and I get so turned on if a guy personally presents me with his superior size dick. Please feel free to add yours

Similar topics: 1.Talking During Sex.   2.Dick size vs. Shoe size   3.My size   4.Clit Enlargement   5.What does CAT mean?  

New Comment

By #497509 at 11,Sep,15 23:04
Size is not so important. Be happy what you have.
By #292429 at 15,Sep,15 21:36
Blah,blah,blah! Size does matter! It always has and always will! That's why everyone I've ever been with has complained about my little dick and then fucked all my friends along with every other big cock they could!!
By admin at 15,Sep,15 21:46 other posts of admin 
Size does not matter if it's within 90% of normal distribution. If you are too small you have a problem. Same with too big. You may not believe me, but I actually knew a guy who almost killed himself for not being able to find a long-term partner, because he was too big and no women could stand that. But eventually he got lucky, he has found a girl who could fuck with him and liked him. Before that he was seriously considering suicide.
By #485312 at 15,Sep,15 23:11
too big!!! send him to my house *Lix*

By #60507 at 23,Sep,11 01:49
check out my pics and let me know if you like my cock

By jocstfr at 05,Aug,11 15:38 other posts of jocstfr 
Here's mine. Not as big as most on here but hope you like!

By #71028 at 03,Aug,11 13:28
wife thinks that eventhough its not big , its very cute! what do u think of my asian cock?
By #42017 at 03,Aug,11 14:57
I love the way it swells towards the head - and what a beautiful big shapely head! I can almost hear the 'pop' like a champagne cork as you pull it out of a hole (wish it was mine). I imagine it creates lots of sexy sucking noises as you thrust in and out of a wet pussy.
By #71028 at 03,Aug,11 15:48
yes it makes a lot of noise when she's really wet, feels great thanks!

By #116569 at 03,Aug,11 00:06
felt i should join the cause
By #42017 at 03,Aug,11 09:27
Oh buni, an old favorite - I've thought about your huge dick pounding my ass many times
By #116569 at 03,Aug,11 13:11
Thanks shrimp, keep the imagination going

By #48122 at 03,Aug,11 08:15

By boc at 03,Aug,11 02:25 other posts of boc 
Here is mine:

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