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What does CAT mean?

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Started by #644010 at 29,Oct,21 20:00
What does CAT mean?

Crazy and trashy?

Creepy ass turkey?

Cunt ass troll?

Crazy and terrible?

Caca anal turd?

Care to guess?

New Comment

By bella! at 30,Oct,21 15:09 other posts of bella! 
C • crazy or cuckoo
A • and
T • toxic
By Dev01 at 30,Oct,21 15:20 other posts of Dev01 
Can see leo has learned to abuse the activity meter too... look out Tecsan
By bella! at 30,Oct,21 16:49 other posts of bella! 
Really? I am not able to see leopoldij, that's okay because I really don't want to....

By bella! at 30,Oct,21 16:58 other posts of bella! 
Speaking of activity, you know what I find humorous, my activity rating is currently 61 while CAT 's activity rating is 33. To hear her tell the story, her 116 friends, mainly SYD members, take a number and patiently wait for their turn to chat with her. I guess there hasn't been much of a line or demand for her skills recently.
By #610414 at 30,Oct,21 18:25
Actually, I haven’t been on the chat site much. You have me blocked (cat!). That’s where I do most of my chats, but you are right. I’m just not in the mood. If you put them together, though, it’s 33 on one and 29 on the other for a total of 62
--------------------------------------- added after 8 minutes

BTW it’s 116 friends PLUS 63 for a total of 179.
By bella! at 30,Oct,21 19:33 other posts of bella! 
Yes, indeed that does make a difference when you have two profiles. And I only have one profile.
By #610414 at 30,Oct,21 19:40
I’m trying to figure out how to combine both and delete one. Obviously I want to keep the oldest one, but, it’s a lot of work.
By bella! at 30,Oct,21 19:52 other posts of bella! 
Reach out to admin, I'm sure it can't be that tricky.
By #610414 at 30,Oct,21 20:05
I have to friend all friends with the CAT account. I have to transfer all pics that I want to transfer. I don’t think Admin would like to do that. Maybe if I buy more points?

By #610414 at 30,Oct,21 16:43
This from a bitch.
By bella! at 30,Oct,21 16:45 other posts of bella! 
And this coming from a Crazy and Toxic old cunt.
By #610414 at 30,Oct,21 18:22
Hahaha 😝 Touchй. Enough name calling. You are ok, just not my cup of tea. Peace ☮️ once more or better yet, a cease fire
By Sir-Skittles at 01,Nov,21 14:50 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

That rotten cat between your legs needs to be power washed, and then sealed with cement. Spare others please!

By #610414 at 01,Nov,21 18:33
Wow. That’s word for word what I say about you. Sonny. Give it up. Your repertoire is old. No one cares. Least of all, me.
By Sir-Skittles at 02,Nov,21 23:26 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
That is a lie..

My blogs about you and your fuck of a life: most read on the site's history!
By #610414 at 03,Nov,21 00:12
In history? Wow. MFHBA

By leopoldij at 30,Oct,21 14:10 other posts of leopoldij 
It can mean many many things. Here's a partial list.

CATCategoryCATCatalogCATConvention Against Torture (United Nations; see UNCAT)CATComputerized Axial Tomography (medical imaging technique; aka CT); now Computed Tomography)CATCentre for Alternative Technology (Machynlleth, Wales, UK)CATCatalog (File Name Extension)CATCommon Admission Test (India)CATCaterpillar, Inc.CATCommunity Action TeamCATCatalunyaCATCatalystCATComputer Aided TranslationCATCatastrophe (Claims Office)CATCatamaranCATComputer-Assisted TranslationCATCertified Accounting TechnicianCATCatastrophicCATCall Any TimeCATCatalan Language (ISO 639-2 Code)CATCataract (ophthalmology)CATCatalytic Converter (automobiles)CATCatapultCATCatalonia (country identifier)CATCentre d'Aide par le Travail (French: Center for Work Assistance)CATCatechismCATComputerized Adaptive TestingCATComputer Adaptive TestCATCivil Air Transport (CIA front airline during 1950s/1960s in Southeast Asia)CATCalifornia Achievement TestCATConcatenateCATCommittee against Torture (UN)CATCapital Area Transit (Raleigh, NC)CATCatalaseCATCorporate Air TravelCATCity Airport Train (Austria)CATCentro Assistenza Tecnica (Italian: Technical Assistance Center)CATCulture, Art and Technology (various organizations)CATChloramphenicol AcetyltransferaseCATCan't Answer ThatCATCommercial Air TransportCATCentral African Time (Gmt+0200)CATCounter Assault Team (US Secret Service)CATCentre for Advanced Training (various organizations)CATConnecticut Administrator Test (Connecticut State Department of Education)CATCollier Area Transit (Florida)CATCertified Athletic TrainerCATCommittee for Advanced Therapies (EU)CATCovert Action TeamCATClear Air TurbulenceCATCrisis Action TeamCATCatenate (Unix command)CATClean Air Technology (Canton, MI)CATCreative Arts TeamCATCost Analysis ToolCATCitizenship Advancement Training (Philippines)CATCoursing Ability Test (American Kennel Club)CATComplementary and Alternative Therapy (medical treatment)CATCharlottesville Area Transit (Virginia)CATCritically Appraised TopicCATCougars and Teaching (Washington collaborative project)CATCommon Authentication Technology (IETF)CATCyber Attack TeamCATComputer Assisted TomographyCATComputer and TechnologyCATCan Analyzer ToolCATCondensed Air TechnologyCATChannel Association TagCATComputer Aided TeachingCATCommand Authorization TableCATCollaborative Access TeamCATCapacity Analysis ToolCATContinuous Asynchronous TransmissionCATClock Access TimeCATComputer Aided TestingCATCharacter Animation TechnologiesCATCombined Attribute TableCATCatalyticCATCommon Authentication TechnologyCATCatalog FileCATClean Advanced TechnologyCATCentral Alaska TimeCATCosto Anual Total (Spanish: Total Annual Cost)CATCustomer Acceptance TestCATClimate Advisory Team (State of Washington)CATCollaborative Access Team (Advanced Photon Source)CATCommercial Activity Tax (Ohio)CATWolffishes (FAO fish species code)CATCable and Telephone (cable)CATCanadian American Transportation (est. 197CATComputer-Aided Tomography (less common; medical imaging; scan/scanning; now CT, Computed Tomography is preferred)CATCapital Acquisitions Tax (UK)CATComputer-Aided TranscriptionCATComputer Aided TranscriptionCATCertified Alarm TechnicianCATConservation Action Team (various locations)CATComputer-Aided TestingCATCoital Alignment TechniqueCATCardiac Arrest Treatment (heart care)CATCriminal Apprehension TeamCATConvergent Audio Technology (stereo equipment maker)CATConditional Access TableCATComputer-Aided TeachingCATCentral Arkansas Transit (bus/light rail service; greater Little Rock, AR)CATCritical-Angle Transmission (spectroscopy)CATComputer Aided TestCATCenter for Advanced TechnologiesCATCentral Alaska Time (GMT-1000)CATCenter for Appropriate TransportCATComputer Aided TechnologyCATCosmic Anisotropy TelescopeCATCompetition Appeals Tribunal (UK)CATCycle Adjustment Technique (dreaming)CATComputer-Assisted TestingCATCombat Auto TheftCATComputer-Assisted TrainingCATCombat Application TourniquetCATCompte а Terme (French: Term Deposit Account; banking)CATCognitive Ability TestCATClemson Area TransitCATCompetency Assessment ToolCATCambridge Antibody Technology Group PlcCATCable Avoidance Tool (used in construction)CATCivic Action TeamCATCombined Arms TrainingCATComputer Aided TrainingCATConfйdйration Autonome du Travail (French: Independent Trade Unions Confederation)CATCarnitine-Acylcarnitine TranslocaseCATCustomer Access Terminal (LSSGR)CATCentral Artery-Tunnel (Boston Highway Construction Project)CATChristian Action Team (various locations)CATCombined Arms TeamCATChange Agent TeamCATColumbia Artists Theatricals (booking company; New York, NY)CATCustomer Action TeamCATCarboxyatractyloside (cocklebur poisoning)CATCollege of Advanced TechnologyCATCentro de Apoyo al Trabajador (Spanish: Worker Support Center)CATChatham Area Transit AuthorityCATCommon Aptitude TestCATConfiguration Acceptance Test (software)CATCriticality Assessment TeamCATCommunautй de l'Agglomйration Troyenne (French: Community of Troyes; now Communautй du Grand Troyes)CATCalifornia Assistive TechnologyCATContract Action TeamCATConventional Arms TransferCATCertified Automotive TechnicianCATCitizen's Area Transit (bus system; Las Vegas, Nevada)CATCoelacanth and Associates Tokyo (architectural firm; Tokyo, Japan)CATCollege Ability TestCATCentral Azucarera de Tarlac (Philippines)CATConcord Area Transit (New Hampshire, USA)CATCabinet Advisory Team (UK)CATCities Area Transit (Grand Forks, ND & East Grand Forks, MN)CATColumbia Agility TeamCATCanadian Association of TransplantationCATConsolidated Airdrop Tool (US Air Force)CATComputer Association of ThailandCATContractor Automation ToolCATCommittee on Applications and TechnologyCATChild and Adolescent Track (psychiatry)CATCommon Assessment TaskCATCustomer Assistance TechnologyCATCivil Aviation Tribunal (Canada)CATCamarillo Area Transit (California)CATCompliance Assessment TeamCATCarburetor Air Temperature (aviation)CATCognitive Adaptation Training (behavioral health)CATCorrective Action TeamCATCombining Context with Trust, Security and Privacy (workshop)CATCardholder Activated TerminalCATCampaign Against Terrorism Foundation (Islamabad, Pakistan)CATChromatic Adaptation TransformCATCollision Avoidance TrainingCATChemical Analyzer TargetCATChaotic Atrial TachycardiaCATCitizens' Army TrainingCATClub Atlйtico TalleresCATClub Atletisme Tarragona (Spanish)CATColegio Americano de Torreуn (American school in Mexico)CATComputer Aided TypesettingCATCharges, easy Access and fair Terms (UK)CATCommunity-Aided Transport (public transporation; UK)CATCompletely Autonomous TesterCATContext Awareness and Trust (International Workshop on Combining Context with Trust, Security and Privacy)CATCanine Agility TeamCATCost Apportionment TeamCATCrack Arrest TemperatureCATChicago Area TheatresCATCalling All TroopsCATClub Atlйtico Temperley (Argentina)CATCriterion Autoregressive TransferCATCompagnie Armoricaine de Transport (French: Armoricaine Transport Company; various locations)CATComitк de Assessoramento Tйcnico (Portuguese: Technical Advisory Committee)CATCarrier Access TariffCATComputer-based Adaptive TestingCATContent Access ToolCATConditionally Accepted TagCATCost Analysis TeamCATContainer Anchorage TerminalCATCockpit Automation TechnologyCATChemical Addition TankCATChannel Available TimeCATCompact Audio TechnologyCATContinuous Action Tamper (railroad track maintenance machine made by Plasser & Thuerer, Austria)CATCasual American TeenagerCATControl and Analysis ToolCATCritical Action Time (in physics, the minimum time for an event)CATCellular Action Team (Electronic Communications Service Provider committee)CATCivilian Augmented TrainingCATCombat Aircrew TrainingCATCommand Action TeamCATCatalyst Average Temperature (reactor catalyst bed)CATCapsule Ariane TechnologiesCATCentro de Alerta Temprana EspaсolCATCentral Arizona Trails (motorcycle group)CATConformance Acceptance TestCATConnector Actuation ToolCATComputer-Aided ToolingCATCombat Aircraft TechnologyCATCloud Arrival TimeCATCrew Aid and ToolCATCentral Analysis TeamCATCatch Airboat ThievesCATCitizens Against Tolls, IncCATCombat AGE Team (US Air Force)CATComponent Advanced TechnologyCATCost, Access & Term (UK government standard for ISAs)CATContractor Acceptance TestCATCommunications Assist TeamCATCultural Algorithm ToolkitCATCentro de Apoio e Tratamento (da Toxicodependкncia, Portugal)CATClinical Annual Training (US DoD)CATCourse Achievement TestCATCommittee of Anaesthetists in Training of SheffieldCATCombined Acceptance Trials (Ships)CATCECOM Accreditation TeamCATCryogenic Accelerator TechnologyCATComplementary Angle TheoremCATCost Authority TargetCATCombined Ancestor TreeCATChemical Analysis and TechnologyCATCompetency, Accountability, TransparencyCATControl & Assessment TeamCATCorporate Accounts TransactionCATCooled Anode Transmitting valveCATCommunications Assistance CenterCATContent Applications TransactionsCATContract Award TargetCATCommodity Action TeamCATContract Assistance TeamCATCross-Aisle TransferCATControlled Atmosphere TransferCATConstant Applied TensionCATContributory Access Tariff (Canada)
By #610414 at 30,Oct,21 19:41
Leo, what the hell?
By phart at 01,Nov,21 16:45 other posts of phart 
He is just trying to help us to know what your new name means
By #610414 at 01,Nov,21 18:34
Why? Haven’t you figured it out? They are my true initials

By leopoldij at 30,Oct,21 14:12 other posts of leopoldij 
It can mean many many things. Here's a partial list.

Source : only registered users can see external links

CATCategoryCATCatalogCATConvention Against Torture (United Nations; see UNCAT)CATComputerized Axial Tomography (medical imaging technique; aka CT); now Computed Tomography)CATCentre for Alternative Technology (Machynlleth, Wales, UK)CATCatalog (File Name Extension)CATCommon Admission Test (India)CATCaterpillar, Inc.CATCommunity Action TeamCATCatalunyaCATCatalystCATComputer Aided TranslationCATCatastrophe (Claims Office)CATCatamaranCATComputer-Assisted TranslationCATCertified Accounting TechnicianCATCatastrophicCATCall Any TimeCATCatalan Language (ISO 639-2 Code)CATCataract (ophthalmology)CATCatalytic Converter (automobiles)CATCatapultCATCatalonia (country identifier)CATCentre d'Aide par le Travail (French: Center for Work Assistance)CATCatechismCATComputerized Adaptive TestingCATComputer Adaptive TestCATCivil Air Transport (CIA front airline during 1950s/1960s in Southeast Asia)CATCalifornia Achievement TestCATConcatenateCATCommittee against Torture (UN)CATCapital Area Transit (Raleigh, NC)CATCatalaseCATCorporate Air TravelCATCity Airport Train (Austria)CATCentro Assistenza Tecnica (Italian: Technical Assistance Center)CATCulture, Art and Technology (various organizations)CATChloramphenicol AcetyltransferaseCATCan't Answer ThatCATCommercial Air TransportCATCentral African Time (Gmt+0200)CATCounter Assault Team (US Secret Service)CATCentre for Advanced Training (various organizations)CATConnecticut Administrator Test (Connecticut State Department of Education)CATCollier Area Transit (Florida)CATCertified Athletic TrainerCATCommittee for Advanced Therapies (EU)CATCovert Action TeamCATClear Air TurbulenceCATCrisis Action TeamCATCatenate (Unix command)CATClean Air Technology (Canton, MI)CATCreative Arts TeamCATCost Analysis ToolCATCitizenship Advancement Training (Philippines)CATCoursing Ability Test (American Kennel Club)CATComplementary and Alternative Therapy (medical treatment)CATCharlottesville Area Transit (Virginia)CATCritically Appraised TopicCATCougars and Teaching (Washington collaborative project)CATCommon Authentication Technology (IETF)CATCyber Attack TeamCATComputer Assisted TomographyCATComputer and TechnologyCATCan Analyzer ToolCATCondensed Air TechnologyCATChannel Association TagCATComputer Aided TeachingCATCommand Authorization TableCATCollaborative Access TeamCATCapacity Analysis ToolCATContinuous Asynchronous TransmissionCATClock Access TimeCATComputer Aided TestingCATCharacter Animation TechnologiesCATCombined Attribute TableCATCatalyticCATCommon Authentication TechnologyCATCatalog FileCATClean Advanced TechnologyCATCentral Alaska TimeCATCosto Anual Total (Spanish: Total Annual Cost)CATCustomer Acceptance TestCATClimate Advisory Team (State of Washington)CATCollaborative Access Team (Advanced Photon Source)CATCommercial Activity Tax (Ohio)CATWolffishes (FAO fish species code)CATCable and Telephone (cable)CATCanadian American Transportation (est. 197CATComputer-Aided Tomography (less common; medical imaging; scan/scanning; now CT, Computed Tomography is preferred)CATCapital Acquisitions Tax (UK)CATComputer-Aided TranscriptionCATComputer Aided TranscriptionCATCertified Alarm TechnicianCATConservation Action Team (various locations)CATComputer-Aided TestingCATCoital Alignment TechniqueCATCardiac Arrest Treatment (heart care)CATCriminal Apprehension TeamCATConvergent Audio Technology (stereo equipment maker)CATConditional Access TableCATComputer-Aided TeachingCATCentral Arkansas Transit (bus/light rail service; greater Little Rock, AR)CATCritical-Angle Transmission (spectroscopy)CATComputer Aided TestCATCenter for Advanced TechnologiesCATCentral Alaska Time (GMT-1000)CATCenter for Appropriate TransportCATComputer Aided TechnologyCATCosmic Anisotropy TelescopeCATCompetition Appeals Tribunal (UK)CATCycle Adjustment Technique (dreaming)CATComputer-Assisted TestingCATCombat Auto TheftCATComputer-Assisted TrainingCATCombat Application TourniquetCATCompte а Terme (French: Term Deposit Account; banking)CATCognitive Ability TestCATClemson Area TransitCATCompetency Assessment ToolCATCambridge Antibody Technology Group PlcCATCable Avoidance Tool (used in construction)CATCivic Action TeamCATCombined Arms TrainingCATComputer Aided TrainingCATConfйdйration Autonome du Travail (French: Independent Trade Unions Confederation)CATCarnitine-Acylcarnitine TranslocaseCATCustomer Access Terminal (LSSGR)CATCentral Artery-Tunnel (Boston Highway Construction Project)CATChristian Action Team (various locations)CATCombined Arms TeamCATChange Agent TeamCATColumbia Artists Theatricals (booking company; New York, NY)CATCustomer Action TeamCATCarboxyatractyloside (cocklebur poisoning)CATCollege of Advanced TechnologyCATCentro de Apoyo al Trabajador (Spanish: Worker Support Center)CATChatham Area Transit AuthorityCATCommon Aptitude TestCATConfiguration Acceptance Test (software)CATCriticality Assessment TeamCATCommunautй de l'Agglomйration Troyenne (French: Community of Troyes; now Communautй du Grand Troyes)CATCalifornia Assistive TechnologyCATContract Action TeamCATConventional Arms TransferCATCertified Automotive TechnicianCATCitizen's Area Transit (bus system; Las Vegas, Nevada)CATCoelacanth and Associates Tokyo (architectural firm; Tokyo, Japan)CATCollege Ability TestCATCentral Azucarera de Tarlac (Philippines)CATConcord Area Transit (New Hampshire, USA)CATCabinet Advisory Team (UK)CATCities Area Transit (Grand Forks, ND & East Grand Forks, MN)CATColumbia Agility TeamCATCanadian Association of TransplantationCATConsolidated Airdrop Tool (US Air Force)CATComputer Association of ThailandCATContractor Automation ToolCATCommittee on Applications and TechnologyCATChild and Adolescent Track (psychiatry)CATCommon Assessment TaskCATCustomer Assistance TechnologyCATCivil Aviation Tribunal (Canada)CATCamarillo Area Transit (California)CATCompliance Assessment TeamCATCarburetor Air Temperature (aviation)CATCognitive Adaptation Training (behavioral health)CATCorrective Action TeamCATCombining Context with Trust, Security and Privacy (workshop)CATCardholder Activated TerminalCATCampaign Against Terrorism Foundation (Islamabad, Pakistan)CATChromatic Adaptation TransformCATCollision Avoidance TrainingCATChemical Analyzer TargetCATChaotic Atrial TachycardiaCATCitizens' Army TrainingCATClub Atlйtico TalleresCATClub Atletisme Tarragona (Spanish)CATColegio Americano de Torreуn (American school in Mexico)CATComputer Aided TypesettingCATCharges, easy Access and fair Terms (UK)CATCommunity-Aided Transport (public transporation; UK)CATCompletely Autonomous TesterCATContext Awareness and Trust (International Workshop on Combining Context with Trust, Security and Privacy)CATCanine Agility TeamCATCost Apportionment TeamCATCrack Arrest TemperatureCATChicago Area TheatresCATCalling All TroopsCATClub Atlйtico Temperley (Argentina)CATCriterion Autoregressive TransferCATCompagnie Armoricaine de Transport (French: Armoricaine Transport Company; various locations)CATComitк de Assessoramento Tйcnico (Portuguese: Technical Advisory Committee)CATCarrier Access TariffCATComputer-based Adaptive TestingCATContent Access ToolCATConditionally Accepted TagCATCost Analysis TeamCATContainer Anchorage TerminalCATCockpit Automation TechnologyCATChemical Addition TankCATChannel Available TimeCATCompact Audio TechnologyCATContinuous Action Tamper (railroad track maintenance machine made by Plasser & Thuerer, Austria)CATCasual American TeenagerCATControl and Analysis ToolCATCritical Action Time (in physics, the minimum time for an event)CATCellular Action Team (Electronic Communications Service Provider committee)CATCivilian Augmented TrainingCATCombat Aircrew TrainingCATCommand Action TeamCATCatalyst Average Temperature (reactor catalyst bed)CATCapsule Ariane TechnologiesCATCentro de Alerta Temprana EspaсolCATCentral Arizona Trails (motorcycle group)CATConformance Acceptance TestCATConnector Actuation ToolCATComputer-Aided ToolingCATCombat Aircraft TechnologyCATCloud Arrival TimeCATCrew Aid and ToolCATCentral Analysis TeamCATCatch Airboat ThievesCATCitizens Against Tolls, IncCATCombat AGE Team (US Air Force)CATComponent Advanced TechnologyCATCost, Access & Term (UK government standard for ISAs)CATContractor Acceptance TestCATCommunications Assist TeamCATCultural Algorithm ToolkitCATCentro de Apoio e Tratamento (da Toxicodependкncia, Portugal)CATClinical Annual Training (US DoD)CATCourse Achievement TestCATCommittee of Anaesthetists in Training of SheffieldCATCombined Acceptance Trials (Ships)CATCECOM Accreditation TeamCATCryogenic Accelerator TechnologyCATComplementary Angle TheoremCATCost Authority TargetCATCombined Ancestor TreeCATChemical Analysis and TechnologyCATCompetency, Accountability, TransparencyCATControl & Assessment TeamCATCorporate Accounts TransactionCATCooled Anode Transmitting valveCATCommunications Assistance CenterCATContent Applications TransactionsCATContract Award TargetCATCommodity Action TeamCATContract Assistance TeamCATCross-Aisle TransferCATControlled Atmosphere TransferCATConstant Applied TensionCATContributory Access Tariff (Canada)

By phart at 29,Oct,21 21:28 other posts of phart 

noun: cat; plural noun: cats

a small domesticated carnivorous mammal with soft fur, a short snout, and retractable claws. It is widely kept as a pet or for catching mice, and many breeds have been developed.

By Sir-Skittles at 29,Oct,21 20:29 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
D- All of the above!


Just a Saggy old Granny trying to relieve her youth. Although something tells me many of those memories are suppressed.
By #574505 at 29,Oct,21 20:55
Ol cat in the hat..

Adult Discussion Forum