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Straight friends sex

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Started by #174733 at 25,Aug,11 08:08
Well heres the story:
My name is andrew and i am 18 my best friend nolan is also 18. We have been Best friends since third grade, we have been through thick and thin togather and he has never let me down, but the thing is im bisexual and he is straighter than a ruler. He thinks i am as well straight but i have fallen for him. He is tall, muscular, funny and fucking hotter than all hell. I have made various hints numerous amounts of time that i wanted to jack off with him but he isnt the sharpest tool in the shed so he never picked up on it. The thing is i want him and his dick asap but i need advise how to get it. Even the most ridiculas idea will help me a bunch.

Thank you,

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New Comment

By mikeyd270 at 25,Aug,11 08:44 other posts of mikeyd270 
All the above is great advice. I say backoff. You guys go way back and sex is not worth the great friendship you share.

By #6568 at 25,Aug,11 08:35
How many really close friendships have you got and how much do you value them?

....It's not for people here to give you advice, however the advice is; ...maintain your valued friendship at all costs since it's a rare thing in this life......keep sex away from it unless you want to live to deeply regret it.

Adult Discussion Forum