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Dear admin (or anyone else who may have a suggestion)

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #49676 at 05,Sep,11 13:39
This has happened several times:

I have added a user as a friend.
That user has also added me as a friend.
There is a clear record of that in the private messages.

However, when I go to that users page OR click on a private upload that has been sent to me, I still see the following message "Some of the pics may be invisible because they are for members/friends only"

Similarly, I am friends with another user (and vice versa) but can only see their two public pics, when it clearly says that this user has 90.

Any advice as to how to remedy this?

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New Comment

By admin at 05,Sep,11 14:44 other posts of admin 
That message appears if the total pics count of the member does not match count of visible pics. Total pics count includes private and temporary pics. I changed message to "because they are private or for members/friends only" if it makes you feel better
By #49676 at 05,Sep,11 15:38
Ok I understand that, thanks. How about if a member sends a private upload directly to me and I go to click on it and get this: "This is a private image meant not for you, so you cannot see it."

What's up with that?

Thanks, admin.
By admin at 05,Sep,11 16:18 other posts of admin 
Well, this is an incorrect database organization I had to take care of a long time ago

If you want specifics - only last recipient of the private pics was stored. So if you sent same pic as private to several members only last could see it, previous got that message.

I think I fixed this now.

By #23212 at 06,Sep,11 07:52
Admin, thank you once again for all your hard work (or given the 'holiday' in English N. America, 'Labour') in making this site one of the best on the internet!

Adult Discussion Forum