Laughably Small Penis?
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Is Penis power?

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Started by #124358 at 11,Sep,11 20:24
Do you think that someone with a big penis is more successful in every aspect of life, and more confident then someone wiht a small penis? If so, then wouldnt natur try its best to give every man a huge penis?

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New Comment

By nekekal at 03,Sep,21 05:58 other posts of nekekal 
No. I have known some very successful men with very small cocks. In fact, I think guys with low sex drive and small cocks may be more successful as they are trying to compensate and are spending a lot less time chasing cunts.

By Lvphose at 02,Sep,21 09:21 other posts of Lvphose 
No pussy is power. For straight guys, think about it. We spend 9 months in the womb trying to get out. We spend the teenage and beyond years trying to get back in to pussy.
If a woman understood a mans psyche, he’d agree to anything to get some pussy
By Ohioguy at 02,Sep,21 14:26 other posts of Ohioguy 
Exactly. Here’s another way to see your truth. Not every guy can get pussy, but there isn’t a pussy out there that can’t get a dick.

By #285354 at 23,Aug,12 19:02
How can that be? Brains and cocks are directly related. We think with our cocks.

By #291618 at 23,Aug,12 18:24
Nooooooo for both questions

By *kmadeau* at 23,Aug,12 11:23 other posts of *kmadeau* 
no, but if it belong to one handsome guy, sure could be helping...

By #218130 at 23,Aug,12 06:26

By #6568 at 11,Sep,11 21:19
Er,, and no.....

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