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"Genuine Member" Classification

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #12547 at 19,Aug,09 00:56
Write Show You Cunt / Dick on your butt, on your boob or your dick - it doesn't matter. Hold a piece of paper, use lipstick or whipped cream. Your body and the site name is enough. You can include your user name as well.

It's all good as long as you can prove you are REAL! The more creative you are - the better.

Admin should review your photos/videos and if they are REAL and have a Show Your Cunt / Dick mark, you will become a Genuine member! In addition to that - you will receive a special reward...maybe some extra points or a spot in the page header??

Using photo editing programs will not get you the Genuine membership, so please - don't waste your time. Let's weed out the fakes and posers so the real fun loving amateurs can have some genuine fun with some real people!!

Similar topics: 1.genuine and honest opinion   2.Size classification   3.Lonewolf is not alone anymore... changing member name   4.Best sites to find genuine ladies/couples for cyber sex   5.Why bother  

New Comment

By #21910 at 10,Sep,09 20:51
I assume I'm one of the first to sign up for Premium membership. If the income helps the admin, it's worth it.

To the admin: I notice that it's doubling the heading in my posts. Is that just a hiccup on my end, or a minor tweak of the forum software?
By admin at 10,Sep,09 22:17 other posts of admin 

By admin at 10,Sep,09 20:24 other posts of admin 
It's not the first time I hear this proposition, but it does not seem like many members are desperate about this.

By #20664 at 10,Sep,09 19:31
What just happened? I totally missed all this. Am I to understand I can become a premium member if I post SYD photo proof/propaganda, which I am not necessarily opposed to just confused as to whether I have to pay to see my own uploads in their original size and format.
By admin at 10,Sep,09 20:21 other posts of admin 
You do not need to be a premium member to see full size of your own photos. Your friends too.

Adult Discussion Forum