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answer please

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #51066 at 27,Sep,11 18:30
1. Would u suck my cock?
2. would u swallow or spit? u like the size of my cock?
4. would u let me fuck u?
5.would u fuck me?
6.if u could do anything to me what u do?

Similar topics: 1.Women please answer, Is the girth of the dick important to you?   2.Please answer   3.I have a question, need honest answer.   4."Answer"   5.If the Title says girls.. answer.. Gay guys DONT FUCKING ANSWER...  

New Comment

By pifad at 28,Sep,11 10:52 other posts of pifad 
1. Yes
2. Swallow
3. Absolutley
4. Sure thing
5. You bet
6. Lick you all over and 1,4 and 5 repeatedly

By #181785 at 28,Sep,11 05:10
1. Yes
2. Swallow
3. Yes(but then all cock is right size)
4. Yes please
5. Yes
6. #1,2,4 all night/day long

Adult Discussion Forum