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Started by #206844 at 11,Mar,12 12:30
Is my dick big enough to satisfy you because I have doubts. And please don't answer with "if you know how to use it etc."

Similar topics: 1.Women please answer, Is the girth of the dick important to you?   2.I have a question, need honest answer.   3."Answer"   4.Read my Blog please then answer WOMEN does girth matter that much?   5.If the Title says girls.. answer.. Gay guys DONT FUCKING ANSWER...  

New Comment

By #147052 at 12,Mar,12 14:26
nice looking cock. appears to have all the right parts. would look good from a closer personal view point. how about bringing it over for a test drive.

By niginni at 12,Mar,12 13:34 other posts of niginni 
a fine looking cock, looks a good size to me a good hand full thick and length

By #81191 at 12,Mar,12 12:55
Plent for me and would love a play

By pifad at 12,Mar,12 11:32 other posts of pifad 
If you aren't getting any satisfaction with that dick of yours you come see me, I'll show you satisfaction. Great size both length and girth. DAMN! I'd love to play with that tool.

By gradurgaur at 12,Mar,12 07:11 other posts of gradurgaur 
you have very big cock and is dont worry

By slipper at 12,Mar,12 02:28 other posts of slipper 
You are certainly big enough in the real world. Don't judge average size by what you see here or elsewhere on the Web. Check "average penis size" and see what you find via google. Btw, some like small ones, anyway. But, that's NOT yours.

Adult Discussion Forum