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I have a question, need honest answer.

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Started by #278535 at 10,May,13 18:53
Anybody (male and female) can tell me what woman wants from a man? I need the answer in general points of view not only sexual points of view. I like to find out my lacking from your honest answer. Please help me...

Similar topics: 1.question   2.big dick question?   3."Answer"   4.Read my Blog please then answer WOMEN does girth matter that much?   5.Balls licked?  

New Comment

By #285354 at 20,Sep,13 00:44
I would say unconditional acceptance and love. A true partner is your primary cheerleader and constantly wants you to be happy and find happiness in life. You need to put your partner's needs and feelings before your own to be a true friend and lover. Unfortunately, some people a not mature enough to satisfy another before they satisfy their own ego.

By #278535 at 18,Sep,13 22:05
Thanks to all again helping me to solve my problem. Things are going to be ok slowly but I'm not worry about it. I believe everything will be alright one day and I'll be a happiest person with my wife.

By #301038 at 10,Aug,13 06:15
There are no two women that are alike and there is no list of things that will satisfy every woman. We all want different things, sure, some basic stuff are the same, like love, sex, friendship, stability, affection, but that what every person wants, regardless of their gender.

Most of the time a woman would want someone to compliment her personality, and because there are billions of personalities out there, there is no way to tell, until you get to know the person. Often, women try to change the guy to be who they think he should be, but that kind of relationship is doomed, people never change. Sure, they can acquire new habits, buy new clothes, but in essence that person will remain the same, no matter what.

If you want to increase your chances in attracting a female, start working on yourself. Go to the gym, read books about relations and male/female dynamics, get a good job, buy a house, keep yourself well groomed and clean, and you will attract at least couple of females. And then, you just have to wait until the right one comes along, I guess.

If you want to know what I want from a man, it's pretty simple, yet very complex. I want someone to be happy with, it's not a checklist, it's an overall feeling of happiness when he is around.

When John Lennon was a ****, a teacher asked him, who he wanted to be when he grows up. He replied, that he wants to be happy, and the teacher told him that he didn't understand the question. John replied: "No, you just didn't understand life".
By #278535 at 18,Sep,13 22:02
wow! sorry I read it lately! So, I will have to understand life first, really. Thanks a lot Peach.

By #316255 at 15,Sep,13 19:08
Seeing a certain level of mysogeny on this thread. Is it a wonder that there are so few women on here??!!!!
By #23212 at 15,Sep,13 23:32
Please remember though, that this particular thread was started by someone in Bangladesh--a VERY different culture!
By #278535 at 18,Sep,13 21:57
Yes bro...

By #427539 at 11,Sep,13 00:15
Women want. Rich guys with fancy cars big cocks and stock portfolios and big mansions and expensive vacations. And big cocks
By #358797 at 11,Sep,13 02:49
Well, that right there is a crock of shit. Fancy cars and stock portfolios.
Ever stop to think that maybe women would rather have someone who's loyal, and not an asshole to seek companionship with?
By #278535 at 18,Sep,13 21:56

By xdjxx1 at 15,Sep,13 22:58 other posts of xdjxx1 
Most women I've been with have wanted company, to have a laugh and feel wanted. Oh and to be listened to, particularly in the bedroom.

By #387885 at 10,May,13 21:56
Here goes......intimacy (mental, social, spiritual etc) as well as physical. Trust (both ways), strong evidence of being cherished (in its real sense) and respected. Love, as they say, is a choice and not a feeling. Mind you, I have failed on all these and now live on my own looking at dicks and experimenting. Still, you did ask.
By #278535 at 10,May,13 23:31
Me too! But want to change myself
By #23212 at 10,Aug,13 05:49
On 09 Aug, 13 you posted: "My wife get orgasm every time we have intercourse". Which do you expect us to believe now?
By #278535 at 24,Aug,13 20:43
Dear sinanff47, it was happened at the beginning of our marriage. But for some reasons now she lose interest on me not only having sex with me also! I have thought a lot but haven't found any solution then I seek help from all of you. That's all.
By #23212 at 25,Aug,13 01:29
I believe that for your problems you need professional help--counseling, etc.

You also posted today, in another of your topics here, that you have never seen a woman having an orgasm. So, then where were you "at the beginning of your marriage", when "it was happened"?
By #278535 at 10,Sep,13 22:00
Sir, I really never ever seen any woman's orgasm before marriage which I couldn't able to explain through my post. I'm apologizing please...
By #23212 at 11,Sep,13 08:09
Mr. 'ilovesex'. No need for any apologies--everything is fine. I would think that in your country lots of men never were with a woman having an orgasm until marriage.
I would still advise you, together with your wife, to find out why she has lost interest in you and having sex with you. Best wishes.
By #278535 at 14,Sep,13 21:45
You are right. Thanks for your advice bro...!

By #278535 at 15,Sep,13 13:00
as per your suggestion i'v discussee with my wife. it's all my fault. trying to recover...

By Gntlmn at 09,Aug,13 22:41 other posts of Gntlmn 
Most want a fat checkbook

By #196416 at 16,May,13 21:16
First off just be you, don't try to be something you are not as that will only last so long before the real you comes through. There is someone out there for everyone, so in saying that you have to just find the person who likes you for being you and who you like for being who they are. Be caring, kind and pay attention to detail when with a woman. Be patient and don't try to impress with phoney stories and empty promises. Be someone they can trust,someone who can be tough and gentle. Not every woman is looking for the same person or trait. Oh don't be the over jealous, clingy type either.
By #278535 at 09,Aug,13 21:51
Very thoughtful post!

By #332336 at 16,May,13 19:15
She wants you to make her feel special. Like she is the most important woman on the planet. And give her security.
That's it. You do these two things and the woman in your life will love you forever and forgive any fuckups you make.
By #278535 at 09,Aug,13 21:50
Wow! Really you are right!

By #278535 at 09,Aug,13 21:49
Thanks to all for their valuable posts. I'm grateful!

By #370079 at 17,May,13 11:58
By #278535 at 09,Aug,13 21:47
Yes, very important!

By #124665 at 11,May,13 00:55
Honestly, it all depends on the women, they all have different wants/needs.
By #278535 at 16,May,13 17:53

By #170523 at 14,May,13 03:10
If you both feel secure and whole with yourselves and are not looking for someone to make you feel complete,then you are off to a good start,You can never make someone else complete.
By #278535 at 14,May,13 21:20
Like it!

By #13219 at 11,May,13 02:13
I do believe that the female wants to believe she is the most important part of your life. You might feel she is but lack in proper showing of that feeling. I recently attended an open house where the home owner was displaying many possessions in his home. Another man asked him what his favorite item was in his house. Without hesitation he replied "MY WIFE" They have been happily married for many years. She was not present and she not hear his answer but it surely showed why they seemed very happy after so many years together.
By #278535 at 13,May,13 21:24

By #360973 at 11,May,13 05:38
No different to what we straight guys look for in a woman - as close to our personal ideas of a perfect woman as possible. Every man and every woman's opinion as to perfection differs slightly or greatly.
An all-rounder, would be my answer - that's what I like in a woman; but then again, there are plenty of men/women around that like a very specific type of man/woman and are willing to deal with the fact that they aren't that well-rounded.
By #124665 at 11,May,13 08:23
A crazy bitch that will worship your cock watch out, I'm drunk now
By #360973 at 11,May,13 09:09
Cool, let's have some FUN
By #278535 at 13,May,13 21:22
Yes, come on...

By #261704 at 11,May,13 16:08
Be a man without being a douche
By #278535 at 13,May,13 21:21

By #264686 at 12,May,13 01:17

By #274357 at 10,May,13 22:41
No one has figured this out yet, sorry.
By #278535 at 10,May,13 23:33

By #124665 at 10,May,13 20:56
To put it simply, they want confidence in a man. A shit ton of money will help too
By #278535 at 10,May,13 23:32
Money!!! Wow! I like it! So, I've to earn lots of money, any how...

By #364116 at 10,May,13 22:02
a man who takes control who isn't controlling
a man who is sensitive and also tough
a bad boy who stops being a bad boy when they are in a relationship
career driven guy that puts family first

good luck
By #278535 at 10,May,13 23:28
Thanks, very helpful

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