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strange dream

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Started by #183935 at 17,Oct,11 14:33
Just woken up from a really strange dream. A guy (not anyone I know) was making me wank myself off and cum into a little ziplock bag. Once I had cum I sealed the bag and gave it to him. He then stripped off, revealing his cock, which hung down to his knees and looked like a really dodgy PhotoShop. He was so big that he couldn't get hard.

He grabbed his cock with both hands and jerked off, blowing his load into the same bag I had. He then mixed our cum together, put it into a.syringe and injected it into the sole of his foot, which is when I woke up.

Any ideas what it means?

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By #485312 at 11,May,15 09:14
it means your a normal human being, and aliens may have probed you anus in your sl-ep *lix*

By #186300 at 05,Dec,11 11:29
Dreams dont have any otherworldly meanings. Its just your subconscious and no one can really know what something means for you better than yourself. You know everything about your own thoughts and experinces which have effect your dreams. Its up to you to interpret your dream ultimately regardless how much anyone psycoanalyzes you. Also aknowledge the fact that your dream can very well just be meaningless and random. Dreams dont have to mean anything
By #451452 at 20,Nov,14 23:11
Dreams that repeat or have a common underlying theme can indicate some strong feeling such as trapped or frustrated. Random dreams have been thought to be random firings of neurons that connect disjoint thoughts and are nothing more that a minor electrical storm in your head. Lots of flashes of light and noise, but no real context.

By bigone21 at 20,Nov,14 22:08 other posts of bigone21 
i think the dream means that you are half-aware that you should really shave your genitals! haha!

By #195321 at 18,Oct,11 22:27
Uh...Cum is good for the sole?
By #143536 at 05,Dec,11 17:03

By #181785 at 19,Oct,11 02:00
Dude don't bogart that joint my friend pass it over to me nice dream or trip which ever

By #88520 at 17,Oct,11 20:54
It means that you're a crazy person, seek help!
By #183935 at 18,Oct,11 02:15
Always know I'm crazy. Maybe I need some stronger pills .gif'>
By #88520 at 18,Oct,11 05:33
Yeah I don't think injecting cum in your sole is the solution

By MoeJoe at 17,Oct,11 20:35 other posts of MoeJoe 
I think you need to consult Freud.....
By #190275 at 17,Oct,11 20:55
he prob would be like "it means you want to have sex with your mother! or that you are a homosexual man that wants to be straight"

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