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Started by #54774 at 11,Nov,11 21:39
Anyone ever eat there own cum! I always want to do it and I stick my finger on the end of my knob while masturbating and taste my pre-cum but when I finally shoot my load I can never bring myself to do it. Anybody got any experiences of swallowing there own cum? What does it taste like?
ALWAYS AND EVERY TIME, JUST LIKE RIGHT NOW. --------------------------------------- added after 426 hours
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thought I would add this pic of my mouth with my cum
By #530750 at 10,Jun,17 19:20
I love eating my cum all the time someone sucking me off then giving me my huge thick load or I'll fill a sweet little ass or pussy with multiple loads and not stop eating till I get every last drop
When I masturbate and cum then I aim at my open mouth. The two first loads are very often landed directly in my throat and I swallow fast and greedily! Thats so yummy!
By #303909 at 28,May,17 23:14
PS! I wouldn't mind tasting yours...
By #303909 at 28,May,17 23:12
It is an akward taste but it is your own inner juices and you should savour it
By #460523 at 01,Jul,16 01:17
tried it some 2 nights ago
By #237193 at 28,Jun,16 22:59
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By #510951 at 28,Jun,16 23:03
By #220845 at 10,May,12 09:12
I have some hot stories of swallowing other guys cum mssg me if u wood like to hear them
By #187362 at 28,Jun,16 12:02
yes dear..I want to hear your stories.of cum eating
I have done it quite a few times. If you wank and stop just before you cum a few times you will cum a little bit, then try it as it slowly cums out. It tastes great.
yes, I do it quite often. I also used to only taste my precum, but now I sometimes swallow my whole load. I think I still love my precum the best though
I know what you mean, I don't always feel like eating it after I cum, but when I have I have enjoyed the taste. Give it a go, try just getting to the vinegar stroke then as it just cumming out eat it and you will keep on going.
I use tosuck my own cock. Now I can't, too bad for me. I now suck my cum out of my cunt bitches.
By #102374 at 28,Jan,13 21:39
You just have to go for it. Cum in your hand or mouth whatever but just go for it. It took a while for me but once I tasted it there's no going back. I luv my cum.
By #157044 at 28,Jan,13 10:00
I often eat mine. My precum's just salty but my cum has a great flavour
By #311804 at 28,Jan,13 03:55
i always eat my cum. lick my pre cum. and put it on suckers and lick it off.. it just gets me going so much i love it. i also jack off on my face and lick it off i love my warm cum all over my face.
By #285354 at 05,Sep,12 19:25
I enjoy eating my own cum from time to time. I felt the same way before I began to enjoy it. You just have to make up your mind that you are going to give it a try. You'll enjoy it. If you expect your partner to swallow, you should know how it tastes. I sometimes blow my load in a cup of coffee in the morning. The cum settles to the bottom and takes on a delicious coffee flavor.
By #220845 at 05,Sep,12 15:35
I did a lot more when I was younger. Now I usually just scoop precum of the head of my dick and lick it up
By #268591 at 05,Sep,12 07:19
i love swallowing my cum , but swollowing a buddys is even better
By #286105 at 23,Jul,12 06:09
ive sucked my own dick for years, my cum tastes spicy...yeah i swallow
Yeah, I've noticed the same thing. I usually edge just to the point of cumming and then stop. If you do it right, your cum will dribble out without experiencing a full orgasm. You should still be horny to down that load since you haven't really experienced orgasm yet. Sometimes i'll put it aside for a minute or so, and then get hard again and slurp it all down. Tastes good and makes you want to blast off again.
tastes good - you'll be surprised how warm it is . Its good in coffee. See my video!
By #114237 at 01,Sep,12 20:08
Yes I do not eat it everytime I jack off, but sometimes I just get the urge and desire for cum. I used to suck my own cock when I was younger, but with age now I can no longer suck the head. I also had a stepfather that taught me to suck his cock and also to fuck his ass, the best part was sucking him and swallowing his cum, he was so surprised the first time I did that. I also have had cocks in my ass and I love that feeling of fullness when a nice cock is slide inside of me. I also used to eat the wife after fucking her, but alas we don't do that anymore because of her bad back, neck, and fibromyaliga pain. I am looking for a man to suck on here in Northeast Indiana.
By #220845 at 31,Aug,12 18:18
First time I had cum in my mouth it was my own. First time I swallowed cum it was my own. When I was younger I could suck my own Cock. Wish I still could.
By #289712 at 31,Aug,12 16:52
my ex gf said she tasted herself, but it's not my go.. i'm tipping it's a little salty haha!! whatever floats your boat..
By #4650 at 31,Aug,12 06:58
I tried once and didn't really like it. I prefer my precum
I did once. I was trying to talk a woman into sucking my cock and she claimed that I should try some cum before I asked her to do it. So, I jacked off and caught the whole load in my hand, right into my mouth.
Since this was a test I sort of swished it around for flavor before I swallowed. Sort of salty, with a lime chaser. A bitter aftertaste. But the texture is not too good. Sort of like an oyster. But not impossible to deal with.
It didn't work, she still would not suck my cock.
By #297196 at 30,Aug,12 00:31
After the first time of swallowing your own cum, You will be hooked on the taste. I jerked off into a small cup and then just downed it . Now the taste is awesome
By #285354 at 23,Jul,12 11:31
Yes, it tastes great! If you want your partner to eat it, you should be able to eat it yourself.
i have tasted my precum everytime erected but i cant taste the sperm/original cum.
By #164428 at 12,Nov,11 01:51
While not a guy, I love to taste my own honey. I suck and lick my toy and fingers when I'm done playing. Deeeelicious!
By #28351 at 10,May,12 03:06
thats why we luv u steffi girls that like there own juices are awesome
By #220845 at 09,May,12 15:41
First time was by accident. I was younger and more flexible I could raise my legs lower them hook my toes under my headboard and comfortabley give myself head . One day I was so wrapped up in the sensation I began to cum and just swallowed I drank my self dry.
By #143536 at 09,May,12 15:00
So, I tasted my own cum yesterday. I've got mixed feelings. It tasted great at first, then as I swallowed there was sort of an after taste that stuck in my throat that wasn't so great. Is that normal???
I had a side g/f last year that always swallowed me. I would kiss her afterwards and it tasted great. Don't know what the after taste is all about.
By #33254 at 23,Nov,11 14:36
I put a cramp on my foreskin to seal it up then sex my self up for ages. Watch porn etc. There is a big build up of pre cum collected in the foreskin. Take the cramp off after about an hour and theres so much pre cum to drink. I love it.
My ex g/f was giving me a bj once and I told her I was fixing to cum, but not to swallow it because I wanted it. As soon as I came, she crawled up on top of me, stuck my cock in her pussy and leaned over and spit it all into my mouth. I was so turned on I immediately shot another load inside her. We did that several more times after and it was always a huge turn on. Maybe one day I will get to taste someone else's cum
By #33070 at 16,Nov,11 22:57
Twice and was kinda bitter and also bothered my throat a little . Now precum is better But nothing as good as a tasty pussy
yes - this is quite normal to lose the urge to eat it as you cum. The best way is to shoot directly into your mouth- then you are more committed to eating it. The first time, you just need to make your mind up that you are going to do it - and then do it! check out my pics for some tips
--------------------------------------- added after 426 hours
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thought I would add this pic of my mouth with my cum
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this is the best way to do it:
Since this was a test I sort of swished it around for flavor before I swallowed. Sort of salty, with a lime chaser. A bitter aftertaste. But the texture is not too good. Sort of like an oyster. But not impossible to deal with.
It didn't work, she still would not suck my cock.
I had a side g/f last year that always swallowed me. I would kiss her afterwards and it tasted great. Don't know what the after taste is all about.