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Do Women like a Dick covered in Pantyhose ?!?

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Started by #198026 at 11,Nov,11 22:40
I'm only interested in women but I have a fetish for pantyhose and stockings. I like to wear those and also I simply love to see and/or fuck a woman in stockings or pantyhose.If you ladies out there like such a thing please visit my page and comment on my pictures - preview /image/oit0a6py387d_43125868.jpg

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By Lvphose at 07,Dec,17 09:17 other posts of Lvphose 
I love chicks that wear nylons/pantyhose and love to have sex wearing them

By #136638 at 23,Nov,11 21:36
I have worn pantyhose ever since I was younger and over the years have had several girlfriends who were fine with me wearing pantyhose, some just accepted it and others were really turned on by it. One made the statement that men have more muscular lower bodies, legs, butt, thighs and being that pantyhose fit snug they look very good on men because they have more muscular lower bodies. It made perfect sense to me. They also acknowledged the fact that pantyhose must feel good against my privates and yes they do, some woman are more open minded than others and are going to accept it and others are not going to. A guy wearing pantyhose does not change who you are, many guys wear for different reasons some of which are being warmth, comfort, health reasons and yes pleasure. Nothing wrong with spicing things up for a couple and pleasing one another, I have worn pantyhose with a few girlfriends and both being in pantyhose is amazing, the two fabrics rubbing together its pleasureful for both. Check out our profile for more about us.

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