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Started by #223672 at 08,Feb,12 14:38
I am a guy who loves pantyhose wearing them or seeing people in them ladies or guys. I am wondering if I am in the minority against stockings?

Similar topics: 1.Pantyhose and lingerie men   2.Do Women like a Dick covered in Pantyhose ?!?   3.Men in pantyhose   4.guys who like wearing pantyhose & nylons! Not panties but pantyhose & nylon stockings! Also any gals who indulge a guy with thi   5.Opinion of profile pics  

New Comment

By Bicunova at 21,Feb,25 13:59 other posts of Bicunova 

By Bicunova at 06,Feb,25 15:11 other posts of Bicunova 

By Moench at 30,Jan,25 19:40 other posts of Moench 
URL=//][/URL]I love how it’s feels and looks

By Lvphose at 29,Jan,25 20:28 other posts of Lvphose 

By Bicunova at 23,Jan,25 23:48 other posts of Bicunova 

By Lvphose at 20,Jan,25 05:46 other posts of Lvphose 

By Pantyhose1 at 19,Jan,25 22:55 other posts of Pantyhose1 

By Pantyhose1 at 19,Jan,25 22:49 other posts of Pantyhose1 

By luke55 at 03,Jan,25 06:56 other posts of luke55 
I like wearing and looking at ladies and guys.
Only black or white works for me.

By Pantyhose1 at 18,Dec,24 11:01 other posts of Pantyhose1 

--------------------------------------- added after 15 seconds

Do thigh highs count??

By Pantyhose1 at 05,Dec,24 04:41 other posts of Pantyhose1 

By Lvphose at 03,Dec,21 08:46 other posts of Lvphose 

By Pantyhose1 at 28,Nov,21 12:05 other posts of Pantyhose1 

By Pantyhose1 at 21,Nov,21 09:51 other posts of Pantyhose1 
By #655567 at 22,Nov,21 07:27
I would love to cum inside

By Lvphose at 16,Nov,21 22:14 other posts of Lvphose 

By Lvphose at 16,Nov,21 22:08 other posts of Lvphose 
I prefer pantyhose both to wear or see others in but I’m not opposed to wearing or looking at others in nylon stockings! This Prefer

By Sir-Skittles at 04,Nov,21 17:10 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Tecsan share your folder with yer panty pics mate!
By tecsan at 12,Nov,21 07:17 other posts of tecsan 
Why you saw them obviously...Think I am good...

By #136638 at 16,Feb,12 21:54
I have worn pantyhose under my jeans several times and love the feeling of wearing pantyhose under my jeans. I have worn them to work, out to the store and outside. I love how my legs look and feel in pantyhose and there are several benefits to wearing, they are very pleasureful to wear, but they also keep you much warmer when outside. I love being able to feel my thighs or reach back and feel my butt while wearing jeans and feel the pantyhose under my jeans. My wife loves that I wear pantyhose and we will usually both wear pantyhose out to dinner or when are are going shopping and I love when she plays footie under the table and rubs her feet up and down my legs. Walking around with my wife knowing we are both wearing pantyhose under our jeans turns me on so much. My wife and I are always on the look out for other woman wearing pantyhose, we do look for men who might also be wearing pantyhose but have yet to find any, its a turn on when we see a woman wearing them under whatever she might be wearing, jeans, pants, shorts, skirt, dress, etc. Both men and woman look so good in pantyhose. Check out our profile for more about us.
By Lvphose at 03,Nov,21 21:36 other posts of Lvphose 
I would join your story

By Moench at 27,Nov,17 20:50 other posts of Moench 
i wear my first pantiehose at age 14 from my mum and after i cant stop it to is so amazing feeling to be in nylons and my wife enjoy to see me in hoses

By #545717 at 27,Nov,17 01:19
I like being ordered to wear them myself

By Lvphose at 04,May,17 01:59 other posts of Lvphose 
My attraction began in the 60's women & girls wore nylons much more. When I discovered masturnbation, I would when was hired to take care of neighbors dog when they vacationed, I would go into my friends moms drawer use her pantyhose to rub my cock and even put hers in. As an adult I was really lucky in one relationship a gf would wear pantyhose we would cut out the crotch for sex and rub my cock with her nylon feet. She even was ok if I wore pantyhose during sex, she liked her pussy rubbed when my feet were encased in nylons. Miss, that girl, haven't been able to feed my pantyhose fetish much

By marc66 at 19,Dec,14 15:24 other posts of marc66 
nylon in color of skin

By #412225 at 13,Sep,13 14:17
I am glad to see others who enjoy pantyhose like me

By #201155 at 16,Dec,12 10:35
And me again...

[deleted image]

By #201155 at 16,Dec,12 10:34
This is me!

[deleted image]

By #62682 at 31,Jul,12 23:37
Was having sex with a girl in crotchless pantyhose and just before cumming she pulled my cock out and started rubbing it up and down inside the nylon til i shot my load in her belly button inside the pantyhose and all the juice was seeping through the nylon, felt and looked fantastic. Ever since then i love wearing them myself and rubbing my shiny cock head through them, fantastic sensation add a bit of water based lube as well, mind blowing stuff...

By #107983 at 14,Feb,12 21:25
Stockings are ok , but i prefer tights, easier to put on and i think they feel much sexier

By #102053 at 10,Feb,12 07:16
Of course, goes without saying. A lovely pair of panties around your cock, makes me so horny every time and looks great. Love the feeling as well

By #201155 at 09,Feb,12 18:21
I've just been out and bought my first three pairs of hold-ups. Watch this space....

By #102053 at 08,Feb,12 17:06
Pantyhose are fine, especially crotchless. But personally you can't beat stockings and suspenders. Guys or girls

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