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Bi-curious going to a gay bar

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Started by #168281 at 18,Nov,11 11:30
Im a predominatly a straight guy, but also very curious and really want to get head and get fucked. Unfourtunatly there arent very many gay or bi guys where I live. So a friend of mine (shes a girl) is going to take me to salt lake to go to a gay bar.
Heres my prediciment, I have no idea how to act or anything. Picking up girls is usually not a huge deal for me. Im a good looking guy, pretty built upper body (which helps) but Im a little nervous.

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New Comment

By pifad at 19,Nov,11 07:41 other posts of pifad 
You will be fine. Relax, have a good time and enjoy yourself. You just might be surprised and meet a nice guy. Going to a gay bar does not mean you are going to have sex anymore than going to a str8 bar. Go. Have a drink or two if that's your deal. Dance and chat up.
By spermkiss at 22,Nov,11 17:27 other posts of spermkiss 
I agree, just relax and have a good time. Despite what JohnS said, most gay bars are not "meat markets" and it's not likely you'll be pounced upon by a "pack of wolves eyeing...a morsel of fresh meat". As a new face in the bar, however, you will probably get attention, especially if you're good looking. Enjoy it.

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