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Verification mark/Category?

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Started by #297 at 08,Sep,09 19:22
Hello Admin..

How about putting a special "Verified" mark on guys/gals/couples who have some form of "proof" picture on their page??..and also creating a special category of such users.......


Similar topics: 1.Admin deducting points WTF?????   2.MEMBER VERIFICATION........   3.verification   4.Verification Misconception…   5.Category's  

New Comment

By admin at 08,Sep,09 20:12 other posts of admin 
I will not do this manually. I can make it on a voting basis, i.e. other members will have to verify them like [fake]/[real].

Though, considering that most of members here have no idea what you can do in PhotoShop, it will probably not give reliable results.

I've seen a lot of obviousy modified pics (like with enormously big penises for example) here with tens of comments from people apparently thinking those are real.

I've also seen a pic with a girl, holding sheet of paper in her hands with a writting showyourcunt on it which most of people thought was real, when it was not. There are sites where you can take one of the pre-defined images with girls holding empty sheets of paper, enter your text and voila - you have a girl holding a poster "I love you, Bob" or whatever you wish, that looks like it was written manually. I know when I see it that it was made so - the writting is different from what you get when you really write it on paper and then shoot, but many people fall for that.

Yet personally I do not wish to fight with every member about is he/she real or not. It's very annoying and time consuming.

Well, after writting this one thought came to me - I can make this procedure like this: if member wishes to verify, he/she submits some documents to me at the cost of some points (200 or so) and I then verify them. I have to think it over.
By Sir-Skittles at 03,Oct,21 13:34 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
admin do we know who 297 was by chance???
By admin at 03,Oct,21 13:49 other posts of admin 

By Sir-Skittles at 01,Oct,21 20:59 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
So this is where verification started... Feels like its going backwards these days
By #574505 at 02,Oct,21 02:02
Wonder who was #297.may be vesse the garden boy
By Sir-Skittles at 03,Oct,21 13:34 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

Vesse has a garden??

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