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Started by bella! at 14,Feb,12 04:18  other posts of bella!
How are y'all feeling about the new icon on your home page, the big blue question mark?

Similar topics: 1.verification   2.Verification Misconception…   3.verification   4.Verification Request   5.Verification help please  

New Comment

By #482237 at 06,Nov,17 15:45
I've been here for quite a while and never thought it would matter to anyone but my chat friends. Due to real life constrains from my partners/lovers I'm unable to Skype. I once posted a copy of my Florida drivers licence with pertinent info blacked out just because one guy asked me to. I don't see what it accomplished other than to feel secure that what??? I am someone that likes sex and posts here??? Tell me,,,am I wrong??
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

BTW,,there's so many things in the home page it's hard to keep up,,
--------------------------------------- added after 10 minutes

[deleted image]

By #524378 at 04,Nov,17 20:27
Can someone verify me so I can post in pic of the month?
By #358797 at 04,Nov,17 23:01
You'll have better luck if you offer to send people proof pics. Or if you post one to your page...
By bella! at 05,Nov,17 02:49 other posts of bella! 
That's a great idea, Arexa!

By DarkMax at 05,Nov,17 18:02 other posts of DarkMax 
Did you delete your page?
By bella! at 05,Nov,17 18:05 other posts of bella! 
Were you going to verify her?
By DarkMax at 06,Nov,17 13:09 other posts of DarkMax 
Oh, no. I simply asking. I see the Avatar, but can't open her page.

By DarkMax at 04,Nov,17 22:15 other posts of DarkMax 
By bella! at 04,Nov,17 22:56 other posts of bella! 
It's the BIG blue question mark next to your Activity Social Meter, slightly right of center at the top.
By DarkMax at 04,Nov,17 23:26 other posts of DarkMax 
Oh! Thank you! I press it I read rules. Now I'm verified. Thanks!
By bella! at 05,Nov,17 02:31 other posts of bella! 
Yes, you are now verified! Congrats!
By DarkMax at 05,Nov,17 18:01 other posts of DarkMax 
Thank you!
If you want, I can show the proof-photo also to you.

By #216206 at 09,Mar,12 17:23
I couldn't care less. At least I know I'm real!
By #88520 at 10,Mar,12 15:15
Yeah you are pretty real

By #10886 at 14,Feb,12 05:10
I don't have a big blue ? mark. I have a big green check mark!! Woohoo!!
By #164428 at 14,Feb,12 05:29
Me, too. I wonder who converged, and how they decided to do it, to offer the green check marks. Don't know how it came together, but thanks, folks!

For those who don't know, the rules state that a panel of three must give the approval, and there's a list of verification members. One has to have been a site member for over a year to be one. I was asked to verify someone, but I'm not one of them; I joined May 24th of last year.
By #164428 at 14,Feb,12 05:48
Oh, I checked my check, and it said I was approved by Admin. So unless you're known to Admin, I guess you have to go by the method above. Trying to help!
By bella! at 14,Feb,12 09:31 other posts of bella! 
You and foreskin4ever are approved and "verified" by way of site admin because, I would venture to're "premiere members"
By #164428 at 14,Feb,12 10:08
Oh, I just noticed that a friend of mine who isn't here very often, a premium member, has the blue question mark. So it's not paid status that allows for verification. Just wanted to mention that.
By bella! at 14,Feb,12 11:24 other posts of bella! 
Thanks Steffi!

By admin at 14,Feb,12 11:43 other posts of admin 
I verified them because I remember them. I don't verify those I know nothing about. That's kinda point - people should be verified by people they know, not by me, who have absolutelly no idea about 99% of the members.
By bella! at 14,Feb,12 11:54 other posts of bella! 
Thank you

By #162266 at 16,Feb,12 03:20
thanks for the verification admin
By #3997 at 09,Mar,12 17:51
I made an impression too. Been here for a bit also

By #201583 at 21,Feb,12 00:50
I have had only one encounter with someone from this site. I guess I have to get cracking.

By #48407 at 16,Feb,12 03:59
What's funny is I've recieved "please verify me" requests from about 20 members. Some of them, I've simply never heard of & others are members that stuck their nose up at me in the past. I wouldn't mind helping someone out, but if they didn't want to say hi in the past, why start now? WTF?!?
By #88520 at 16,Feb,12 07:24
There's only a few people that can verify others now, so I can understand if some users have to contact people they didn't talk to before.

If I'm asked to verify someone I don't know well I will require some good proof though.

By #211470 at 15,Feb,12 23:56
Has anyone else gone to a person's page and they have obviously used the paint function to draw something on one of their pics trying to get their verification? this is hilarious just accept your blue question mark and move on
By bella! at 16,Feb,12 03:36 other posts of bella! 
This is for mywiferocks; you write: "this is hilarious just accept your blue question mark and move on " I am truly fine with mine...the people I choose to talk to know I am the amateur photograher who took their own pic with the camera in their phone. With all due respect, may I ask if you accepted yours? Maybe you didn't notice, oldbugle says you sent a pm to him seeking a "verified" status .....he says he's only chatted with you a couple times.....

By #88520 at 15,Feb,12 15:07
So is there anyone that can verify me? Reply to this post and I'll send you a pic of me holding up a sign with my username.

By littleun at 14,Feb,12 05:13 other posts of littleun 
once again, admin makes a change and does not notify registered members. consistency makes this site unique. never a change in admins approach to change!
By admin at 14,Feb,12 11:39 other posts of admin 
You can see it on your page, click on it and see what's it about. And it does not affect other site functionality in any way.

So what else do you need? Big burning writing in the sky? That's kinda out of my department.
By #5532 at 14,Feb,12 12:07
By #92909 at 14,Feb,12 17:05
fireworks would help
By #59855 at 14,Feb,12 18:56
From Matt's Wife: Actually admin posted a thread asking what we thought of doing it. I am not a premier member and admin verified me so that is not it. It is real people, what is so hard to understand about that?

By #205329 at 15,Feb,12 07:12
Just what this site needs more of, sarcasm.

By #205329 at 14,Feb,12 05:55
I think I understand why they're doing it, BUT I'm not sure it is being done fairly. I have some concerns, but hesitate about saying anything here in the forum. I posted concerns about the "smiley face" thing ( on the forum) a while back and am still having trouble getting my face to turn into a smile from a frown. Coincidence??? I'm not sure.
By #164428 at 14,Feb,12 09:54
The smiley face thing has to do with your interaction with other members. I assume that, the more friends you have, the more that improves.
By #205329 at 15,Feb,12 07:10
Well I had a smile ( plus one or maybe zero I think it was) once, but it changed after talking to one person who got mad at me. That was about 2 months ago. It went to a frown. I have since chatted with 10 or 12 people at length( who didn't get mad) and the smiley hadn't changed until this week. Then one woman didn't like the way I signed off and it became a frown ( minus 1) the day after that happened. So two people didn't like me, but about 10 or 12 did. And the two people determine my smiley??? It doesn't make sense to me.

By #181785 at 15,Feb,12 05:38
This is me. no really, you think somebody other than me would put pics of my ugly mug up trying to impress anybody?

By #34282 at 14,Feb,12 20:47
I do have a verification image in my gallery, never thought I would need it though until now?


By #217865 at 14,Feb,12 20:23
I would love to get some help to become verificated! Who Will Guide me trough? Have profiles on other sites and Skype and Yahoo. So please help me!

By #68656 at 14,Feb,12 16:41
Thank you for the advice received from Routemaster, Moe and others. I verified several members who are contacts of mine and with whom I have had PM dealings tending to show they are genuine.
I would prefer not to verify those members who have written to me requesting verification and with whom I have not had actual tangible dealing.
By #92909 at 14,Feb,12 16:59
can you verify me
By #68656 at 14,Feb,12 17:15
Why should I.???
By #59855 at 14,Feb,12 18:59
From Matt's Wife: I verify that Monty is a sweety

By #6568 at 14,Feb,12 08:44
When I came online this morning I had a big list of messages all asking for verification,...apart from 'mywiferocks' I had not heard of amy of them or seen their usernames in the discussion forum so i'm hardly in a position to be able to verify them...

In the case of 'mywiferocks' I HAVE had a little chat with them and they are quite visible on this site so, yes, if someone can tell me how (so far not explained on the verification page!)I will be pleased to do so in this one case.

.....Other than for well known regulars I'm not going to get involved in this as it looks like a bit of a minefield frankly.....
By #205329 at 14,Feb,12 09:01
You mean the members who can do the verifying weren't consulted first? This gets even better, ooops, I mean worse!

By admin at 14,Feb,12 11:55 other posts of admin 
Now you can feel my pain.
By #92909 at 14,Feb,12 17:01
oh the pain
By #59855 at 14,Feb,12 18:57
From Matt's Wife: L0L

By #234175 at 14,Feb,12 17:45
i think it's ridiculous. what's the point of verification.whether it's fake or not what does it matter? Here everyone is just for fun & nobody reveals his true identity & also can't for his/her safe. So how can anybody know it's genuine?
By #88520 at 14,Feb,12 18:29
There're lots of ways of proving that it's actually you in the pics without revealing your identity.

I rather not chat with people that post fake pics and try to lure you that they're someone else (some of them can be entertaining though).

By #61033 at 14,Feb,12 14:02
I support the idea but the implementation is problematic. I have been a member for about 2 years and like to keep a low profile, commenting on posts and forums now and again. Problem is that no one on the verifiers list seems to remember me and I cannot be verified....

Would a new photo with my forum name in it suffice as proof ?
By admin at 14,Feb,12 14:34 other posts of admin 
Verification IS NOT obligatory. If you like to keep low profile why would you want to be verified at all?

And, supposedly, the list of members who can verify will grow over time pretty fast.
By #92909 at 14,Feb,12 16:35
soon fakes will be able to verify
By admin at 14,Feb,12 17:27 other posts of admin 
May be, but may be not. Let's see. It's an interesting experiment for me. I was thinking how could I make a verification of members for a dating site for "perverts" - I see it as the most essential part of such a site. So I'm very interested to see the results. Negative results would be meaningful as well.

By #229803 at 14,Feb,12 12:38
Hey ... I think this is right place to ask: who would verify me? you know ... not to bother people in their privacy.
By bella! at 14,Feb,12 13:22 other posts of bella! 
The only people who can verify that you're the real deal is site admin *or* the already approved members. Click on your icon and there's a link to the list of members. See if there are 3 or more members that personally know you or that you've skyped with etc..... As you can see dessert, site admin has already formed their opinion that I'm a fake.... so no help from me.... Good luck!

By #68656 at 14,Feb,12 07:15
I have had several requests today from various people asking me to verify them which I am quite pleased to do as they are either contacts of mine or regular posters.
How do I do about verifying them, do I send a PM to admins as there seems to be no other way of verification.?
By #14216 at 14,Feb,12 07:20
Same here, John, several requests and until I received them I had not heard about this
By MoeJoe at 14,Feb,12 09:28 other posts of MoeJoe 
Click on the blue question mark on their profile page and follow the directions. According to the Admin you had better be sure that they are valid, or you will lose your new found power!
By bella! at 14,Feb,12 09:47 other posts of bella! 
YEAH! Click on the icon, read the rules and know that should you vouch for a member that proves to be FAKE, you will or may lose your prominent standing and may also be thought to be a FAKE...... Hey, maybe it comes down to providing a Drivers License, for rhe Americans, a copy of of our Social Security card, last years W2 *and* a note from our momma!
By admin at 14,Feb,12 11:49 other posts of admin 
From your butthurt I conclude you are fake.

No documentation is required whatsoever for the verification. It's pure goal is to verify that member do not pretend to be woman being man or do not pretend to be a 30 year afro-american with huge dick while actually being 16 y.o. white **** or do not pretend to be young beautiful american male model while being 60 y.o. ugly Nigerian scammer or... I think you already get the idea.

It does not have a purpose to establish full real identity of the member. I always advice against disclosing your real identity.

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