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extra options on member page?

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Started by #6753 at 01,Feb,09 14:43
What about some extra options on member page? I mean maybe some members, would like to share more informations like preferences, civil status etc...friends could get special rights there...what do you think about that?

Similar topics: 1.Nonexistent Members   2.Post your random dick pics HERE!   3.Post your random pussy pics HERE!   4.POST YOUR RANDOM DICK PICS HERE!!!!!   5.Freddy.. This is a threat.  

New Comment

By #491031 at 16,Aug,15 13:57
This member has closed their account. Just thought you might want to know. I tell you this because the NUMBERS in place of a USERNAME might not be a dead giveaway about the deleted status.
You're welcome.
If there is anything else of a very obvious nature I can point out for you, please let me know...
By bella! at 16,Aug,15 14:04 other posts of bella! 
Why would anyone as helpful as you, be labeled sarcastic?
By #491031 at 16,Aug,15 14:06
Beats me all to hell and back.
If you'd like, I can also inform you when a perusal of someone's member page indicates if they only want comments from a specific gender.
I like to be helpful about these things...
By bella! at 16,Aug,15 14:17 other posts of bella! 
Gee, sounds like an offer I can't refuse! Thank you very much!

By #5261 at 02,Feb,09 17:40
This site is absolutely great as it is!
I love this site! Don't ever change it admin,
It works perfectly!
By admin at 02,Feb,09 18:13 other posts of admin 
Well, thanks a lot. But sometimes changes are necessary. Not in this case, though.

By admin at 01,Feb,09 14:50 other posts of admin 
Personally I think this is a kind of site where most of members would not like to share their personal data. And the friends could simply ask the information they are interested in using the private chat.

Adult Discussion Forum