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Awkward boner

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Started by #27964 at 14,Jan,12 23:15
Hey guys (sorry girls, I belive this not a problem to you )
It easy to feel embarrased when you get a boner unaccidently for example public shower (gym, sport, shool etc.), on a public beach, getting massage, at the nurse, try out clothes ... what would you say and would your comment be if you saw a guy with a beginning or full hardon... would you just smile and say nothing. I am very easy to get boners in "wrong" time so itґs kind of a problem, espacially with other guys...that prove you are gay (which also is right) but anyway..

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By Bendy at 23,Jul,13 04:39 other posts of Bendy 
Mine is flimsy when it's erect... This is always embarrassing when a girl grabs it...

By spermkiss at 19,Jan,12 20:39 other posts of spermkiss 
First of all, you should never ever be ashamed or embarrassed about having an erection. Erections are normal and natural and they can occur at any time. Yes they can be a sign of sexual arousal, but men also get spontaneous erections as well. If you get one at the "wrong" place or time, don't do anything about. Do not under any circumstances attempt to hide it as that will just call attention to it and to the fact that you are embarrassed to have it. Just carry on whatever you'd be doing if you didn't have an erection.

What do you do if you see another man with an erection? Well, that depends on the other man. Is he someone you're interested in? If so smile, give him a wink and get an erection yourself. Depending on where you are, you might even want to drop to your knees and start to suck.

By jocstfr at 19,Jan,12 15:17 other posts of jocstfr 
This happens to me a lot during workouts in gym

By #147052 at 16,Jan,12 15:40
I'd look at your boner anytime and I always peek at others when they are having difficulty getting their dick stuffed back in their pants when it is hard.

By #99700 at 16,Jan,12 08:06
yes this happens to me. I get hard when I shoer at the gym, takes ages to calm down before i can get out.

Adult Discussion Forum