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Most awkward place/time to get erection

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Started by Odin_york_pa at 23,Jul,13 14:26  other posts of Odin_york_pa
Where is the most awkward place you have ever got a hard-on. I am talking about the accidental kind, the one that just happens for whatever,unknown reason. I would say the most awkward for me was just a few years ago after a workout at the YMCA. I hit the showers and on the way there, I felt it happening. Nothing out of the ordinary really, seems to happen frequently when I get naked in public. Also certainly not the only one there that it has happened to. What made it awkward was no longer do I turn the water on then does swim class let out and a group of boys come wondering in. I felt like half a perv, but just turned the water colder and continued about my business. What is your story?

Similar topics: 1.Does your size vary with situation ? to walk around naked, erect, masturbate or have sex?   3.Things Every Man Should Do at Least Once   4.First time going to nude beach. erection ok?   5.What is the reason of my erection stops completely ?❗  

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By #497672 at 18,Jan,17 16:57
In the open in a nudist club as a very attractive and naked young lady walked past.
By spermkiss at 18,Jan,17 20:32 other posts of spermkiss 
Why is that bad?
By #485312 at 18,Jan,17 21:12
because nudists aren't sexy, they don't like hard cocks, wet pussies or sex it seems, they get offended by public displays of intimacy or affection...nudists are prudes without clothes and cant wait to act like dicks when in public...that's from my personal experience at nudists beaches, they act like theyre god fearing church goers with bad attitudes...we were threatened on a nudist beach for sitting to close to each other and rubbing on sunscreen...amazes me why prudes go there, they know nakedness is sexy and sexual, so why carry on like a pork chop when others enjoy the freedom *lix*

By #497672 at 19,Jan,17 09:59
Men and boys do get occasional erections in nudist clubs and everyone is quite tolerant about it too. Everyone knows that that is what happens. Some women may say "is that for me?" and be flattered, but like any unexpected time for erections it can still be embarrassing. Generally people are nudists because you lose inhibitions, feel free and so, not necessarily sex. Of course seeing members of the opposite sex naked is a bonus.

By #7976 at 19,Jan,17 03:26
When I was a young man and speedo's were in style the worst place to get a hard on was at the pool. No matter what I did it had a tendency to pop out of my suit one way or another. Since there was no place to go but in the water that's where we stayed. The girls in our HS had a lot of fun trying to gut us hard and they were fairly least with me.
By #497672 at 19,Jan,17 09:55
I remember those times well

By #496816 at 14,Jan,17 12:54
Not a problem now I'm older, but I still cringe at the memory of hoding my school pack in front of me leaving a high school lesson at the end of a period with one of those obvious hard teen cocks that would not go down...
By spermkiss at 18,Jan,17 20:32 other posts of spermkiss 
Don't you long for those days? When your dick would get hard at the drop of a hat and stay hard for hours.

As we men age we realize that there are a lot of things in life that are worse than having an erection. One of them is not having an erection.

By #497672 at 19,Jan,17 09:54
Yes, I have had that experience a lot, like most boys.

By #363802 at 16,Jan,17 22:14
I would have to think the most awkward place to get an erection would be prison!

By #276990 at 29,Nov,13 21:35
As a regular visitor of massage palors I usually don't loose my erections until the drive home in the car. One evening when passing out through recption of my local estabilishment, the lady at the desk asked if I had enjoyed my visit and was I satisfied with the service, I replied yes, and her comment was maybe I should check in again so my erection can be taken care of. It was a bit embarassing. But she did offer free admission, just pay the lady.
By #269409 at 03,Dec,13 13:45
And did you have? I've always wanted a happy ending

By leopoldij at 16,Jan,17 21:34 other posts of leopoldij 
I was at a massage parlor. I was asked to take a shower and then put on a robe. I was then taken to a room where they offered me a coke. There were several scantily dressed girls who were supposed to socialize with me for a while. I had to pick one of them. While chatting, I got a boner. One of them noticed and giggled saying that it appears I'm ready and excited. I didn't deny it. Another girl asked whether that was true. "Wanna see?" I asked. She laughed ouy loud and said "sure" rather sarcastically. I took the opportunity to pull away the robe and expose my hard cock. A third girl said " that's a nice cock, it probably needs attention:. It was her that I chose.

By #64328 at 16,Jan,17 20:13
I got a full on boner in frony of a nurse doing a sports phyisical in shool. There was nothing i could do to stop it. She was really cool about it and said it happens more than i could imagine. I was luxky i didnt shoot a load right there. I was so hard i was afraid i was going to cum

By #485312 at 12,Jan,17 03:33
when youre the gyno checking out a pussy *lix*
By #509632 at 13,Jan,17 15:56
I always get an erection just thinking of lix and her beautiful body and sexy vagina at any time of the day or night
By cumcouplessa at 14,Jan,17 03:06 other posts of cumcouplessa 
My hubby has the very same problem, lol.

By #514663 at 13,Jan,17 23:49
I got one once at the Drs Office while he was examining me. I was being checked for some abdominal pain I was having and was naked under one of those gowns. I wasn't sure if I needed to be or not but I just got completely undressed anyway. I really didn't think about it until I had to lay back and open the gown completely exposing myself to him. Wasn't a big deal but he was taking his time massaging and pressing on me and just the feeling of being exposed too long gave me an erection. It was really awkward but I didn't move or say anything and he was professional and ignored it. Probably my most awkward time haha

By #522126 at 11,Jan,17 12:24
On a nudist beach in Fuertaventura,my girlfreind kept teasing me while we were sunbathing naked,she ran off with the towels leaving me with nothing to hide myself with.
By spermkiss at 13,Jan,17 18:31 other posts of spermkiss 
Why would you want to hide yourself? Getting an erection at a nude beach ain't no big thing. It happens all the time.

By #472252 at 13,Jan,17 12:53
In a locker room
By spermkiss at 13,Jan,17 15:25 other posts of spermkiss 
Ain't no big deal. See my reply to Lynn461.

By #525035 at 13,Jan,17 14:52
Naked in a locker room
By spermkiss at 13,Jan,17 15:24 other posts of spermkiss 
What's the big deal about getting an erection in a locker room or at a nude beach? Yes, an erection can be a sign of sexual arousal, but as every man knows the penis has a mind of its own. Spontaneous erections can and do occur at any time and any place. There probably isn't a man in the world who hasn't sometimes gotten an erection at one or both of these venues. It's not a faux pas.

So what should one do if it happens? Don't do anything. Just keep on doing whatever you'd be doing if you didn't have an erection. Do not attempt to hide it (this will only call attention to it) and do not flaunt it. Doing either of these would be a faux pas. Odds are everyone will pretend not to notice.

By #527164 at 11,Jan,17 11:01
Giving the benediction in bible study.

By #420420 at 14,Nov,16 04:06
Not so strange, not anything abnormal!! Erections are like, contagious, and when one guy, in the shower gets one, others do, too!! It's not that they are liking it, or wanting to do anything, so what is the big deal?? Guys get hard, sometimes!! Don't make too much of it!!
By #519017 at 16,Nov,16 08:12
Yeah! When we were boys at school in the shower after school sports one boy would get an erection then as soon as we saw it we'd all swing up till there was a forest of stiffies in the changing room. Some of the boys got embarrassed but if that happened it made their erections even more vertical!

By #460385 at 15,Nov,16 21:05
Sitting on Santa's lap.
By Blade at 16,Nov,16 03:09 other posts of Blade 
Worse, being the Santa and getting hard....

By Greek18cm at 15,Nov,16 19:26 other posts of Greek18cm 
Oh. Years-decedes ago. In school. Just siting in the xhair during a boring lessons and just happens.
Awkard because it hapened 2-3 times and 2-3 classmates + a teacher noticed.
But nothing good or bad happened.

By #510842 at 14,Nov,16 04:47
The most awkward place that I ever got an erection was when I was around 12-13. It was during summer vacation and my family and I had gone to our ranch for the summer and a friend of mine and his mom went with us. There's a good sized creek that runs through the property and at one point it forms a pretty big natural pool. We would always go swimming there. Anyway we were all there swimming and enjoying the day. It was me, my mom, one of my aunts, my s.ister, my friend and his mom. Sometime while we were down there someone came up with the idea of just skinny dipping so we all ended up stripping down. Of course me being a young boy with raging hormones seeing naked women in person like that I pretty much instantly had wood. At least I wasn't alone on that one, my buddy was rock hard too. It was definitely embarrassing when it was time to go and we had to get out of the water. At least no one made a big deal about it.

By #519017 at 12,Nov,16 22:48
On a business trip with my woman colleague. In the hotel we usually stayed at was a pool so we took our swimmies. I'd fancied my colleague before but seeing her first time in her swimsuit gave me a hard up stiffie. When I climbed out of the pool my wet swim shorts clung to my sex kit and showed her the outline of my erect shaft. I know she noticed but apart from a grin she said nothing.

By DJS at 03,Dec,13 09:35 other posts of DJS 
giving out communion,
By #485312 at 07,Aug,15 06:01
l reckon the most embarrassing time would be in a church, during a wedding, while being a best man for your bruvva, and theres no bridesmaids, and that's a good one too *lix*

By #477982 at 10,May,15 14:02
I used to get the usual totally random hardons at about 14 so I had quite a few dreaded and really embarrassing times of having to get up to change classrooms with an obvious very hard boner.
By Odin_york_pa at 10,May,15 22:27 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
excellent, wish I were there to see that!

By #473011 at 08,May,15 20:52
i went swimming once and got a full on boner in my swim trunks. worst part was i had to get out of the pool and i couldnt get it to go down in time. i had to walk a ways soaking wet with my boner sticking staight out in my trunks. there was other people all around including friends and family, not sure if anyone noticed im sure someone must have. i kept my head down n just walked fast as i could to my towel n covered up
By Odin_york_pa at 10,May,15 01:13 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
i bet that was awkward, surely someone did notice. But oh well, not the frst person that has happened to and not the last either lol

By Foreskinlover at 03,Dec,13 14:11 other posts of Foreskinlover 
Been waxed about 12 times, popped a boner on half the occasions, the waxed didn't say much except it it normal.
I have had IPL and boned up when the lady handled my penis shaft. I love being hard in front of women!

By #170523 at 01,Dec,13 22:09
Antonelli Institute of Art, it was in York Pa. at that time.I was 17 and had a live nude model drawing class,back then I got hard at the sight of cleavage.
By Odin_york_pa at 01,Dec,13 22:41 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
Wish I were there taking that class at the time

By Odin_york_pa at 01,Dec,13 21:44 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
I can remember another time when I was maybe 16 or 17. At the time I took martial arts at one of the local YMCA's(there are 3 within 30min of my house) and after a hard workout I wanted to shower before I left. As I am getting undressed I feel that familiar feel down below, no one was in the small locker room so I just let it be. As I get in the shower another man must of came out of a bathroom stall cause I thought I was alone, and joined me. I don't think he could help but stare, almost as if he was shocked to see my hard-on lol. I bet I turned 3 shades of red. I didn't even finish showering, made myself wet and made a b-line to my towel and clothes.

By #408374 at 29,Nov,13 10:40
I was shopping with my ex. And went into an orion shop, she tried dessous on, I made random people laugh. Usually I played unicorn with a dildo on my head
And after a while she wanted me to put some sexy panties on. It just would be fare; one for me, and circa 10000000000 for her. So I put it on but it was a weird one. It did fit me on my hip but it almost strangled my balls. She said thats 'totally normal'. But for her is a burning alien ship falling from thesky 'totally normal' so she was looking for an employe. After a few minutes she was back and brought probably the only guy who works in the entire orion-shops with her. He looked at it, looked at me, looked down. Said; hmmm thats not normally. Could you please turn around?
She left the room for whatever reason. And as soon as I was alone I became a huge boner! I have no damn idea why but he just smiled and left the changing room. Later I got a free pair of those sexy guy panties.....

By Odin_york_pa at 27,Nov,13 22:43 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
anyone else, I enjoy hearing the stories

By raybo36 at 31,Aug,13 16:54 other posts of raybo36 
I used to work as a lifeguard and we were required to wear these tight fitting lycra type bathing suits. Even if I just got a semi hard on, it left nothing to the imagination. When in the chair I usually kept a towel nearby but one day I forgot and I just happen to be working with a female guard. As I sat in the chair next to her, my cock began to grow and was literally pulsing against the tight swim trunks. She immediately noticed and merely said I hope we don't have to save someone.

By Odin_york_pa at 30,Aug,13 23:28 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
These are great and interesting stories, like to hear more!

By Frenum at 30,Aug,13 13:55 other posts of Frenum 
On the bus going to work

By #266571 at 29,Aug,13 14:59
By skinb at 30,Aug,13 01:10 other posts of skinb 
I used to always get them in church to and couldn't wait to get home and take care of it

By xdjxx1 at 29,Aug,13 21:16 other posts of xdjxx1 
I remember getting a pretty visible erection in my shorts whilst sitting next to my best mates grandmother once - at least she found it amusing!

And the more obvious at school.I'd just been running around the track and typically finished last so the whole class sarcastically applauded my finish whilst simultaneously giggling at the bulge in my gym shorts which most inconveniently were a year old and a size too small. So embarrassed at the time but I certainly wasn't the only lad in that class that had poorly timed spontaneous erections.

By #390248 at 27,Aug,13 21:00
Mine was also a continuous thing in 8th grade. It seemed that every class, just before the bell rang to change classes, my mind would wander and I would end up hard. Spent most of that year walking the halls with my books strategically placed in front of my crotch.
By CreativeOne at 28,Aug,13 01:58 other posts of CreativeOne 
Same here "akaMrK"

By Odin_york_pa at 29,Aug,13 14:44 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
similar experiences in school myself. In elementary school,which went to 6th grade in my small town, I usually only wore sweat pants. I can't even count high enough for how many boners I had in those during school lol. Thank God for waist bands, always there for me when I needed to hide my excitement.

By #393930 at 28,Aug,13 16:23
every morning on my way to school. i take the train =[

By Odin_york_pa at 27,Aug,13 20:44 other posts of Odin_york_pa 

By Odin_york_pa at 26,Jul,13 00:05 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
guess no one ever got an embarrassing erection in their life?

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