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Started by #236406 at 22,Feb,12 19:42
How often does everybody wank a day? I normally do it 2, to three, times a day ... How many times do you all jack off or finger yourselves?

Similar topics: 1.What kind of porn do you look at?   2.Have you ever caught someone masturbating?   3.who is masturbating now   4.Keep myself from masturbating until my girlfriend comes home.   5.Playing with your cum/precum while masturbating?  

New Comment

By #303909 at 31,Dec,12 08:50
Once a day, sometimes twice. Depends on where I am at the time.

By #218812 at 26,Feb,12 01:49
I only masterbait 2-3 time a WEEK...
By #29684 at 31,Dec,12 07:58
Only? Let me give you the advice that at your age you really should do it daily. That keeps the sperm production going and your prostate healthy. I at that time used to masturbate 3 - 4 times every day, not every time to orgasm but a day without my cock being wanked by myself or somebody else I consider a lost day also many many years later.

By #157003 at 13,Mar,12 03:05
4-5 times a day

By #201155 at 22,Feb,12 19:57
It used to be at least once a day, maybe two, and sometimes even three. But for the last few weeks I have been under the control of two lovely, sexy, kind and above all firm mistresses here on SYD, and I haven't masturbated for ages. I'm hoping they'll take pity on me soon, though, and allow me to have an orgasm once I have completed another few tasks for them
By #164428 at 24,Feb,12 12:01
Your time will, er, come, Love!
By #166472 at 26,Feb,12 04:22
You could use your firm hands on my li'l penis at any time you like..and I daresay, so anything YOU like! LOL

By #201155 at 11,Mar,12 06:55
Masturbating you would be a lot of fun, even if I couldn't have an orgasm myself!

By #111645 at 25,Feb,12 11:16
i jerk it an average of about 4 times a day, sometimes more depending if i have anything to do.
By #236406 at 01,Mar,12 16:44
what's the most you've ever done in a day?
By #111645 at 08,Mar,12 14:43
hmmm idk id have to say at least 9 times but ive never actually kept count should try that sometime

By #218130 at 24,Feb,12 08:29
I believe in quality, not quantity. A quick wank just doesn't do it for me. Like it long and slow.
By #164428 at 24,Feb,12 12:02
And that's just how I'd like to fuck you, my dear.
By #218130 at 24,Feb,12 15:07
Oh YES!!!

By #61033 at 24,Feb,12 12:55
At least once a day...

By #236363 at 24,Feb,12 05:55
anything excess is bad. Masturbation is a healthy sexual act. Benifits are u need not worry about std/aids. U need not have to find a partner. Masturbating everyday will loose your interest. Take a break of 2-3 days & u'll get a great orgasm.
By #218130 at 24,Feb,12 09:07
agree 100%

By Ablaze at 23,Feb,12 23:56 other posts of Ablaze 
3-4 times at day

By gradurgaur at 22,Feb,12 19:47 other posts of gradurgaur 
2-3 times...A day for me friend..

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