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Judge my dick, please.

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Started by #237450 at 26,Feb,12 14:59
I would like to hear from anyone. Give me a truly description of my dick and balls. Positive or negative. Men or woman. Give a point out of 10. Thanks.

Similar topics: 1.I want to judge a penis contest... post your pics please!   2.NEW DICK CONTEST   3.winter or summer cut - which looks better?   4.Cock competition, biggest cock wins , I will judge( you guys judge mine)   5.describe and judge my cock using words be very honest men and women welcomed  

New Comment

By #147052 at 27,Feb,12 15:13
Your dick is guilty of inciting me to jack off. You are under arrest and will be required to post a bail of servicing and aged citizen. Really, you do have a nice dick.

By gradurgaur at 26,Feb,12 18:52 other posts of gradurgaur 
You have very beautiful not into giving bad comments..
about rating your cock i give you 5 points...

Adult Discussion Forum