| Hi ... I'm actually a REAL woman... LOL. I know U doubt it, but there ARE a few of us on here... I like to look at men's thingies,,, It probably all started when I was a little girl.... SO NOW I want to play a game.. I want you to attach a pic of your dick on this forum page and I will judge who has the best one... READY... SET... GO!!!
OK I see that some of you boys dont know how to attach a PHOTO and I WANT TO SEE YOU ALL LAID OUT HERE FOR EASY COMPARISON! so here is how it's done:
Find your fave pic of you and select it. Now when the big version comes up there will be three white buttons at the bottom of you pic. Choose the middle one that says "Show it in blog or forum" copy the 3rd one down that says "UBB code for most forums" then paste it here! SIMPLE!
I will comment on each so you little pervs can have fun.
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That's a pretty cool doorknob too.
I'm gonna take it upon myself to fill the void left by the mystery lady's departure. I'm **** deprived and there's rum in my coffee. 😂
(Also, to answer a question you posted on one of the pics: No, the average guy does NOT get a boner when he poops. However, some of them do get bored while copping a squat and fiddle with their willy to pass the time.)
Surely I can't be the only one who thinks these things. 🤔
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Up for it!
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Happy Holidays!
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let's hear it...i'm curious
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I'm 18
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Hope you like it!
Hold up!
Who are you to judge anyone's cock?
What are we doing here?
What are you putting out there? This is crucial -- to all of you. Are you putting out there in the human universe something that uplifts and make people healthier or are you leaving people feeling less than adequate?
Are you building or tearing down?
What are we doing?
What are we doing?
I mean YOU.
Is this making you feel better? More loving? More able to deal with the bullshit life presents to nourish yourselves and your families? Or feeling that you need more points?
You ALL have beautiful cocks. All of you.
You need nothing. For a man who has walked in your shoes; with your heredity, upbringing, life and circumstances your dicks are perfect. The best that anyone else meeting these descriptions could ever hope for.
There's no best cock. There's just you. And me. And him. Entities as separate and beyond comparison as Jupiter, Earth and Venus. We can't live on another planet and you can't score any more or less than PERFECT as a cock owner unless you chose to be another person -- which means your scoring deficit is not in the cock, but the mind!
The ONLY valid comparison is with respect to your cock and a person you choose to fuck -- meaning, LOVE.
The only reason half of the talk about big dicks is of any interest is because so many women (and men) are so overweight and stretched out that a baseball bat sized penis is needed to provide enough friction to get a good ride.
Bigger is not better. It's different. And more women and men knew what a kegel exercise was, an 8 inch cock would be a hassle and not a thing requiring praise.
What's my angle?
I want every man to feel secure that he's a full man with whatever he's got -- even if he's gone and fought for his country and has nothing, or for what ever reason measures toward the left side of a ruler -- it's good.
And I'd suck it too.
Let's see those dicks. Indeed. Let's see YOU! In the name of any man who's closed his browser feeling diminished by your rating, I hope that you'll understand that all we have is each other and the only thing that matters in this life is what we do to help each other.
All of your post is true and you have successfully seen thru much of the crap that blights this wonderful site,.....but,...you need to relax!...it's just a bit of fun and nobody is being made to feel inadequate, that's NOT what this site is about at all.
The vast majority of men who come here are jsut looking for reassurance that they are 'OK' in the penis dept. That's all. Unfortunately there are some fools and fanciers and sadly some perverts here, but mostly it's ordinary men (and a few women) and they all know the score about exposing their most private parts to others, in order to, well,...get it out in the open and separated from the crappy dictates of 'society'.
...Bye the way, are you male or female and who is 'Siggy' (rather than siggy96) ??
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