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How many have used a prostitute?

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Started by #138923 at 01,Mar,12 16:43
I'm just wondering how many of you guys have used a prostitute, and what kind of things have you done with them? Mostly straight sex? blowjobs? Anal? Male or female?

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New Comment

By #13219 at 07,Mar,12 03:04
Several years ago I paid a hooker $20 for a hand job
By leopoldij at 25,Sep,14 20:08 other posts of leopoldij 
Does handjob count?

By #352380 at 25,Sep,14 18:40
only one time

By #232212 at 24,Sep,14 11:07
Every male has if they say have not used they are full of shit
By #447598 at 25,Sep,14 12:12

By #220845 at 24,Sep,14 18:25
Once for a blowjob from a woman, once trading blow jobs with a attractive crossdressers. 20.00 each.

By #316057 at 23,Sep,14 07:36
had when I was very young

By #188764 at 08,Mar,12 11:08
Went to a male brothel - the Blue Boy Club - in Amsterdam, where such things are legal and even advertised in the regular newspaper. He said he was 19; a handsome Asian of Indonesian heritage... slender and not very tall, but nicely muscled. Medium-size cut cock (Indonesians being primarily Muslim). We had an hour together and made the most of it... making out, stroking, sucking, fucking. Not cheap, but a great experience.

By #147052 at 01,Mar,12 17:23
I used a couple when I was young and they were cheap, like $15.00 for a half and half in a house in Nevada. Once I found out that boys and girls do it for free, I never went back. It was good for females and at that time males were not included in the menu. Had a nice time with one of the ladies and she was very instructive and gentle with a virgin.

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