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Started by #238854 at 04,Mar,12 03:55
my dick is tied by my foreskin and thats why i am a virgin. I have never seen my glans cause when i have a boner my glans is still locked in my foreskin. My dick is very small for a halfafrican boy! Who wants to hummilate my handicaped dick that is locked in my foreskin.

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New Comment

By #124665 at 10,May,13 20:54
You have phimosis, some manual skin stretching and your doctor can give you a steroid cream to remedy this.

By #278535 at 10,May,13 20:34
I'm praying for you...

By #81191 at 04,Mar,12 13:09
Surgery or exercising daily pulling it back with oils to lube it. You are young enough to have soft and supple skin so get to work

Adult Discussion Forum