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This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #562152 at 31,Dec,18 23:00
Are you a victim of a few members we call trolls. Have you
contributed to a discussion and been told you don't know
what you are talking abouut? Told to mind your own business?
I invite you to tell us who and what they did to you. Or, just name that member.

Similar topics: 1.Gay forums??   2.2 liars against the real deal.   3.Internet Trolls....   4.Undercoverangle is NO Angle, but more of a TROLL   5.BABES, COCKS, LIARS, DICKS, BITCHES, AND WHATEVER.  

New Comment

By #610414 at 19,Sep,20 12:26
[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 23 seconds

By Sir-Skittles at 12,Nov,20 15:19 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Saggy Granny--- like your fake surgery pics? What is the matter, not getting any attention at home?

By Sir-Skittles at 05,Sep,19 18:50 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
The only fucking list (bad) that I am not on here

By #562152 at 31,Dec,18 23:05


By #572949 at 31,Dec,18 23:20
What are they doing?
By #574505 at 01,Jan,19 00:08
Oh for real ?
By #578610 at 09,Jun,19 15:52
yeah, for real

By #559941 at 01,Jan,19 00:11
So now JUSTWILL is on your shitlist. I can't imagine that since you tried to make me make up and kiss his ass a while back.. He is the epitaph of stupidity..

By leopoldij at 01,Jan,19 02:19 other posts of leopoldij 
You need justification and evidence for each one of them. Now, I provided able evidence about Bella's irrational, silly, rude manners and I can certainly repeat them here, with evidence, once I find some time.
By #559941 at 01,Jan,19 03:23
I have my own Justifications for JustWill.. I banned his ass a long time ago. He's a total fuck up. You can take that to the bank..
It's a simple formula.. If you are nice to me I'll do anything I can for you.. If you are a stupid asswipe hypocritical bitch you get banned . I'm intuitive enough to interpret misunderstandings.. Ignorance and hypocrisy have no tolerance for...I've been here long enough that if I let things go too far it will disrupt chat, forums or blog.. and I really do not want to.
I'd rather just let things rest for the better good..It's best this way.. i'm allowed my freedom of speech and if you or anyone attacks me there is going to be repercussions..There is no reason to pick fights here. I'm ending them one way or another..problems resolved, banned.. all straight up... done..

By dgraff at 02,Jan,19 00:42 other posts of dgraff 
You forgot me . I'm your huckleberry
By #578610 at 04,Sep,19 14:35

By Sir-Skittles at 07,Aug,19 18:32 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
The OP went poof

By #578610 at 29,Jul,19 11:58
[deleted image]

I was looking at the first page of the POLLS listings. Skittles authored 12 dedicated to me, HOTPUSSY.

--------------------------------------- added after 890 hours

By #578610 at 05,Jun,19 14:09
[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 11 hours

This is great entertainment. The One Eyed Bitch Witch and her little cunts are running around like mice. All kinds of theories. Candy is Charlie. Charlie is BonBon. The Pope is French. Hotpussy is getting ready to attack Normandy. The Witch is breast feeding the Professor. CC54 is getting an hourly finger fuck. WetNoodle couldn't possibly be Little Red Riding Hood.
What a bunch of stupid, asswipe fucks. As if anyone cares. Losers in life. Losers here. Losers everywhere.
--------------------------------------- added after 2184 hours

wish i could change this

By bella! at 05,Mar,19 03:17 other posts of bella! 
So, when you think of LIARS AND LUNATICS THAT TROLL THE FORUM, what member(s) come to mind?
By #491031 at 12,Mar,19 02:36
Candymandybonboncharlietits is at the top of the list.

By #578610 at 14,Apr,19 14:49
When we thinks about things we have to take into account what the present brings us. Today I believe Skittles and Freddy are huge trolls.

By #578610 at 23,Apr,19 23:09
My answer below was too narrow and my original premise was flawed. Member's reactions are formed, mainly, by how they PERCEIVE how they were treated by other members. Both, Skittles and Freddy are no longer part of this little community. They are outcasts and knowing this, attack other members on a whim. I don't know if there are liars or lunatics I can identify. When our dear departed member started this thread, I'm sure she had you in mind, Bella. I believe you fight for your views in your way. Are you a troll? Many people have stated that is true. I won't say that. At least, not in a public forum. Are you a bitch? I think you are, but, then again, so am I. I even bet you think I'm a troll. So, who fits my definition of liar and lunatic? No one. Odious? a few.

By mr_blue at 19,Jan,19 01:53 other posts of mr_blue 
Guess who is back ?
By #491031 at 19,Jan,19 04:07
And this time...IT MEANS BUSINESS!! (It is also "male" once again.)
By mr_blue at 19,Jan,19 05:06 other posts of mr_blue 
By Sir-Skittles at 29,Mar,19 11:31 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Hotpussy is missing most of her cunt parts these days. Appears there’s severe damage to her frontal lobe.

By Sir-Skittles at 29,Mar,19 11:30 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Hotpussy- stop talking out of yer rotten fish pie

By #578610 at 14,Mar,19 14:56
I just found this and I think it's appropriate,,

#477919 at 20,Nov,14 17:56

Fucking bullshit. Not that i didn't know this'd happen. Fukn gentrify me 😡 - what went on to cause this politicallly-safe shit whilst i was gone?!
--------------------------------------- added after 13 minutes

Apparently the forum is just for the perverts, sexual inadequates and morons now. Any real opinions or serious posts are banned. I'm surprised "Sports Talk" isn't here now coz i expressed contrary responses and opinions in it too. Dumb!!!
--------------------------------------- added after 30 minutes

In all seriousness - what is the forum without us to call the shit - a bunch of clueless retards drivelling nothing shit that they can't even express properly to each other!!!? A pit of mis-info and human mess!

My opiion
By bella! at 15,Mar,19 02:33 other posts of bella! 
Exactly, what is your opinion? If I'm not mistaken, the original post, which is 4+ years old, was made by DemonCleaner.
By #578610 at 15,Mar,19 03:57
It was. I was chatting with him. He advised me he was through with the forums even though he posts occasionally. After the brouhaha I got into from expressing how boring your forum had gotten, I'm afraid to expand on it. I believe that some of us have the duty to bring serious topics to the forums. This world is really in need of help and people are the only ones that can help it. The problem is that we live in the 120 character society. Few people want to talk, debate, resolve. It was laughable, really. Why should you or your forum be like this? This section of the site is, now, for the perverts, sexual inadequates, and morons, As DC stated. And, it should be, I guess. It's me that doesn't fit. So, in my NEW opinion, a member should either accept what is available here or go look for a different place to be serious. I am looking on line for a good chat site with good rooms about real life. I'll frequent this area of the site to get a good laugh (and occasionally pull someone's nose)
By bella! at 15,Mar,19 14:05 other posts of bella! 
There is no need to expand on why you think that my thread of this adult forum is boring, I think I get the picture.

There were and there are serious threads, kebmo has a thread on Donald Trump, CountryCouple54 started one about the school shootings in Florida. Former member Godzillas had a number of political threads as well and if memory serves me correctly, leopoldij has a thread about gun violence in America, so you can't say that there aren't serious matters being discussed.

And on the flip side, there are people LIKE ME that don't watch the 6 o'clock news because it's the same ol', same ol' crap every day. I'm tired of hearing about what crap happened on my side of the street, my side of the city, my side of the county, my side of the state, my side of the country, my side of the world.
By #578610 at 15,Mar,19 14:25
I have to agree about the daily news. It's awful. Kebmo's thread on Trump (good and serious), along with Godzillas thread (misguided but funny) were good. I contributed a lot to both and now, they are both buried in the second or third page of the forums. CC54's never got off the ground. I mean, can you find it? And Leo's obsession with snatch pics is just not my cup of tea.
As I said, I'm the one that expects something from a group not geared for that. Your forum, if the expectation is to be a forum like "The Chat" on TV, then it's a great forum. The other members like it. If you don't mind, I will continue to visit.
By bella! at 15,Mar,19 17:57 other posts of bella! 
From the time I arrive at work until the time I lay my head down to fall asleep, I enjoy an occasional escape from the everyday responsibilities of life. If talking about general stuff suits you, I welcome your visits!

By #578610 at 28,Feb,19 15:19
The forums are dead or dying. What a shame.
My opinion

By #491031 at 18,Jan,19 19:31
You know, this feels like one of those "pot calling the kettle black" deals...
By #578610 at 28,Feb,19 15:17
So. What’s new? Are we better off with the dribble that passes for chats in the forums? Is food so interesting? I think not.
My opinion

By #491031 at 17,Jan,19 23:43
Who is this "we" of which you speak?
Oh, and while we are on the subject, mind your own business.

By #551147 at 17,Jan,19 20:36
Damn this looks AWFULLY familiar...
By mr_blue at 17,Jan,19 20:49 other posts of mr_blue 

By #485312 at 02,Jan,19 04:29
lm glad l have the effect on them as l do, its great to see them all showing their true colours and trolling every thread for food.. like the bottom dwellers that they are.. *lix*

By #562152 at 01,Jan,19 19:01

If it wasn't for the drama and bullshit in the Forum this site would be boring as fuck. Hell, I don't even look a pics anymore unless friends post new ones. And we only have 20 on our friends list.

After all the bitching

By #562152 at 01,Jan,19 14:23

You guys need to realize, TWTT's doesn't exist. You are fighting with Charlie. No woman can be that nasty. No woman would willingly put a picture of her driver license on a fuck site. She has never been real. It's a dude.
--------------------------------------- added after 9 minutes


Anyone ever notice that Mandy658 and TWTT's are never online at the same time?


As usual, your read on women is popular with gay men. If you bother to check whose on line you'll see my tenant and I are frequently on at the same time
--------------------------------------- added after 11 minutes

You are just not used to a woman kick your ass. Look at all of you getting your panties in a knot over a single woman

By #562152 at 01,Jan,19 14:22

She goes bat-shit if she is ignored.

By #562152 at 01,Jan,19 14:21

I think I called the histrionic behaviour thing

Some symptoms:

A consuming need to be the centre of attention
Constantly seeking or creating excitement
Demand constant approval and reassurance
Inappropriate seductive behaviour
Tell dramatic stories, often exaggerated, about themselves
Emotions are extreme and change quickly
Easily hurt by the criticism and disproval of others
Too easily influenced by those they like
Make rash decisions
Shallow and fickle, lack consideration for others
Overly concerned with their appearance
Manipulate in order to get attention
Find relationships challenging
Can make more of intimacy than there actually is
Can threaten suicide if they are desperate for attention
Blame things on others instead of taking responsibility
--------------------------------------- added after 15 minutes

Did you really think this out all by yourself? It must have taxed your little brain

By #562152 at 01,Jan,19 14:20

Two blacklisted me. Oh well. I'm definitely not a hypocrite but if I got upset over every insult someone said to me or every name I got called I'd be a miserable old fuck wipe. I will not play juvenile games with anyone. I tried to be nice and stick up for her, but there is no reasoning with her. While I won't call her petty names, I will say that maybe the two in her name refers to age of which she stopped mentally and emotionally maturing. I am not taking anyones side or kissing anyones ass. I am definitely NO ONES FUCKING MINION. If you and Bella want to continue leaving your skidmark underwear all over the forum and taking your shit and slinging it at each other in flame wars go ahead. I seriously wanted to be nice and refrain from name calling. I felt bad for you because you seemed like a nice lady getting undeserving crap. I'm sick of seeing it, I didn't want to ban anyone but if it keeps me from seeing piles of incoherent rambling turds so be it. I know I'm not the only one thats fed up with the tantrums of someone that's emotionally stunted to a toddler thats having a fit at Dennys and scribbling the bad words they learned all over the table.
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes


I'm not a saint. I admit that. I just have realized it didn't get me anywhere to constantly fight with others all the time and call them names. I realize you're always gonna think of me as a troll and such; I cant change that and its useless for me to waste my breath arguing otherwise. You're entitled to your opinions as am I. Im ashamed of some of that stuff as I realize I made the site feel uncomfortable for others; just as how this stuff has made it uncomfortable for me lately.
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes

She's referring to Admin. She believes she's a troll. She talks about being fair but she's not. She turns on you

By phart at 01,Jan,19 00:54 other posts of phart 
Well aint no body told me to go fuck off or anything but hey,if this joint gets on my nerves to bad I can always clic my way on outa here.I aint gota be here.

By knewbi at 31,Dec,18 23:58 other posts of knewbi 
Not at all. Everyone has been great. So sorry to hear that there are.people like that here.

Adult Discussion Forum