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Started by #562152 at 31,Dec,18 23:00
Similar topics: 1.Gay forums?? 2.2 liars against the real deal. 3.Internet Trolls.... 4.Undercoverangle is NO Angle, but more of a TROLL 5.BABES, COCKS, LIARS, DICKS, BITCHES, AND WHATEVER. New CommentComments: |
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It's a simple formula.. If you are nice to me I'll do anything I can for you.. If you are a stupid asswipe hypocritical bitch you get banned . I'm intuitive enough to interpret misunderstandings.. Ignorance and hypocrisy have no tolerance for...I've been here long enough that if I let things go too far it will disrupt chat, forums or blog.. and I really do not want to.
I'd rather just let things rest for the better good..It's best this way.. i'm allowed my freedom of speech and if you or anyone attacks me there is going to be repercussions..There is no reason to pick fights here. I'm ending them one way or another..problems resolved, banned.. all straight up... done..
I was looking at the first page of the POLLS listings. Skittles authored 12 dedicated to me, HOTPUSSY.
--------------------------------------- added after 890 hours
--------------------------------------- added after 11 hours
This is great entertainment. The One Eyed Bitch Witch and her little cunts are running around like mice. All kinds of theories. Candy is Charlie. Charlie is BonBon. The Pope is French. Hotpussy is getting ready to attack Normandy. The Witch is breast feeding the Professor. CC54 is getting an hourly finger fuck. WetNoodle couldn't possibly be Little Red Riding Hood.
What a bunch of stupid, asswipe fucks. As if anyone cares. Losers in life. Losers here. Losers everywhere.
--------------------------------------- added after 2184 hours
wish i could change this
#477919 at 20,Nov,14 17:56
Fucking bullshit. Not that i didn't know this'd happen. Fukn gentrify me 😡 - what went on to cause this politicallly-safe shit whilst i was gone?!
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Apparently the forum is just for the perverts, sexual inadequates and morons now. Any real opinions or serious posts are banned. I'm surprised "Sports Talk" isn't here now coz i expressed contrary responses and opinions in it too. Dumb!!!
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In all seriousness - what is the forum without us to call the shit - a bunch of clueless retards drivelling nothing shit that they can't even express properly to each other!!!? A pit of mis-info and human mess!
My opiion
There were and there are serious threads, kebmo has a thread on Donald Trump, CountryCouple54 started one about the school shootings in Florida. Former member Godzillas had a number of political threads as well and if memory serves me correctly, leopoldij has a thread about gun violence in America, so you can't say that there aren't serious matters being discussed.
And on the flip side, there are people LIKE ME that don't watch the 6 o'clock news because it's the same ol', same ol' crap every day. I'm tired of hearing about what crap happened on my side of the street, my side of the city, my side of the county, my side of the state, my side of the country, my side of the world.
As I said, I'm the one that expects something from a group not geared for that. Your forum, if the expectation is to be a forum like "The Chat" on TV, then it's a great forum. The other members like it. If you don't mind, I will continue to visit.
My opinion
My opinion
Oh, and while we are on the subject, mind your own business.
If it wasn't for the drama and bullshit in the Forum this site would be boring as fuck. Hell, I don't even look a pics anymore unless friends post new ones. And we only have 20 on our friends list.
After all the bitching
You guys need to realize, TWTT's doesn't exist. You are fighting with Charlie. No woman can be that nasty. No woman would willingly put a picture of her driver license on a fuck site. She has never been real. It's a dude.
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Anyone ever notice that Mandy658 and TWTT's are never online at the same time?
As usual, your read on women is popular with gay men. If you bother to check whose on line you'll see my tenant and I are frequently on at the same time
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You are just not used to a woman kick your ass. Look at all of you getting your panties in a knot over a single woman
She goes bat-shit if she is ignored.
I think I called the histrionic behaviour thing
Some symptoms:
A consuming need to be the centre of attention
Constantly seeking or creating excitement
Demand constant approval and reassurance
Inappropriate seductive behaviour
Tell dramatic stories, often exaggerated, about themselves
Emotions are extreme and change quickly
Easily hurt by the criticism and disproval of others
Too easily influenced by those they like
Make rash decisions
Shallow and fickle, lack consideration for others
Overly concerned with their appearance
Manipulate in order to get attention
Find relationships challenging
Can make more of intimacy than there actually is
Can threaten suicide if they are desperate for attention
Blame things on others instead of taking responsibility
--------------------------------------- added after 15 minutes
Did you really think this out all by yourself? It must have taxed your little brain
Two blacklisted me. Oh well. I'm definitely not a hypocrite but if I got upset over every insult someone said to me or every name I got called I'd be a miserable old fuck wipe. I will not play juvenile games with anyone. I tried to be nice and stick up for her, but there is no reasoning with her. While I won't call her petty names, I will say that maybe the two in her name refers to age of which she stopped mentally and emotionally maturing. I am not taking anyones side or kissing anyones ass. I am definitely NO ONES FUCKING MINION. If you and Bella want to continue leaving your skidmark underwear all over the forum and taking your shit and slinging it at each other in flame wars go ahead. I seriously wanted to be nice and refrain from name calling. I felt bad for you because you seemed like a nice lady getting undeserving crap. I'm sick of seeing it, I didn't want to ban anyone but if it keeps me from seeing piles of incoherent rambling turds so be it. I know I'm not the only one thats fed up with the tantrums of someone that's emotionally stunted to a toddler thats having a fit at Dennys and scribbling the bad words they learned all over the table.
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I'm not a saint. I admit that. I just have realized it didn't get me anywhere to constantly fight with others all the time and call them names. I realize you're always gonna think of me as a troll and such; I cant change that and its useless for me to waste my breath arguing otherwise. You're entitled to your opinions as am I. Im ashamed of some of that stuff as I realize I made the site feel uncomfortable for others; just as how this stuff has made it uncomfortable for me lately.
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She's referring to Admin. She believes she's a troll. She talks about being fair but she's not. She turns on you