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each to their own stop making oneside the victim boring lol

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Started by #488209 at 24,Jun,16 19:51
Don't wana look at cock means we're homophobic I don't like brown bread obviously something sinister bout me n others that can't b in disagreement with it offending I don't think so in the real world i think every knows wat they like but straight men don't like cock no issue we just don't! Racism is used to fit the was n gay people u ain't got anything to we don't but some bollox just needs to b clear adept our sexuality cus we getting fed upexplain shit works both ways simples

Similar topics: 1.BORING.ENHANCED COCKS ON MAIN PAGE>   2.Boring   3.Forums been boring   4.Sexting   5.The Saggy Granny- and her poor decisions on the site  

New Comment

By pifad at 25,Jun,16 02:28 other posts of pifad 
What fucking school did you go to? Ever gear of a run on sentence? And you're ignorant to boot!!

By #460385 at 24,Jun,16 21:40
Great views.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 hours

Someone translate this please.
By #491031 at 25,Jun,16 01:25
I will try.
Either it means:
I am amused that people think we are homophobic because we don't like to look at penises. If I like white bread, you think there's something wrong with me and if I don't agree, you get offended. In the real world, I think everyone knows what they like. Straight men don't like penises! We don't have a "problem"--we just don't like them. (Something about racism and gay people) Some nonsense just needs clearing-up. We are getting tired of having to defend our sexuality. It works both ways. It's that simple.


I really should take my medications like the doctor instructed.
By #460385 at 25,Jun,16 01:29
I think option 2 is a better translation. More meds and less whiskey.

By dgraff at 24,Jun,16 23:18 other posts of dgraff 
sorry me no speak stoner English

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