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Embarrassed by younger ****

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Started by #238642 at 16,Apr,12 23:58
My **** and I are 3 years apart always compared our penis as younger ****. My penis was always a little small for my age and their was a period when I was 12 and he was 9 where he was a little larger then me (I was around 9 cm and he was 11 cm). With in a year though my penis grew and I asked him to compared again. I was 13 cm long and he was 11 still. I remember making fun of him telling him that i learned in school my penis will keep growing bigger then his. 4 years later I was 17 and he was 12 (turning 13) we both just finished swimming I dropped my pants like usual to change. The water was a little cold so my penis was a little shrunk. My **** looked at my penis and said that our mom told him he cant change in front of me because his man penis will embarrass me. I told him he was exaggerating, so he dropped his penis to reveal a penis that is still larger then mine. I told him it wasnt much larger as I started to get an erection. He stayed completely soft as I got hard. He walked up to me and put his huge flopping dick next to my tiny hard dick. We measured our dicks and revealed his flaccid penis was 13 cm long and his errect dick was 22 cm long. Well my flaccid penis is around 4 cm long and 13 cm errect. So even at my largest I will always be smaller then his smallest. I have never seen him measure it since but I have seen it erect and flaccid. Flaccid it looked about 18 cm flaccid and errect close to 25 cm. I am 3.5 cm flaccid and 11 cm erect now after smoking and putting on weight.

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New Comment

By #654059 at 27,Apr,22 07:15
Yeah this seems like fantasy more than it does fact. Parts of it might be true. Like, my younger brother’s dick is much bigger than mine too, but I think that happens later in life. I’d highly doubt a 12 year old could possibly have a dick that was 13 cm when soft. That just seems impossibly huge.

By Jimjim at 17,Apr,22 00:07 other posts of Jimjim 
I had the same thing with my younger cousin lol

By #68656 at 18,Apr,12 07:50
The original poster is now a fantasy as he has deleted his account, in this case no great loss.
By #218130 at 18,Apr,12 07:54

By #68656 at 17,Apr,12 10:44
My instinct suggests this story could be more fantasy than fact, however be that the case or not the size of a man`s dick has absolutely NO bearing whatsoever on either his masculinity or worth as a man.
By bigone21 at 17,Apr,12 17:01 other posts of bigone21 
JohnS, you have stated that many times..! but just WHAT, in your mind, defines a man??

By #218130 at 17,Apr,12 13:15
No shit mate, good for him. Get over it

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