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how do i reduce file size?

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Started by #23523 at 07,Oct,09 20:09
my pics are over 2mpg and I cannot upload them. Can anyone please help me with this?

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By #10886 at 08,Oct,09 02:51
Another free and easy to use program is Google's Picassa 3.
By #6568 at 04,Nov,09 00:20
Another vote for Picassa 3,..when you are ready to put up your pic from picassa,..go to bottom of the screen and you will find 'Export' which puts the pic into a separate folder which yo ucan easily find when on this site. When putting the pic into the 'export' folder you get the options of either 'original size' or 'resize' which is what you want to do.

By #21910 at 08,Oct,09 00:30
Any program that allows adjusting the compression of a JPG file will reduce the file size. I like to promote Irfanview just because it's simple to use, quite powerful, and free.

For example, one of my outdoor JPG photos as it came from the camera is 3072 x 2304, and is 2,899,600 bytes. Using Irfanview to resave it as a JPG, but reducing the quality to 50, resulted in a file of 968,331 bytes with no other changes. Only a close examination can discern the difference.

Reducing the size to half of the original (1536 x 1152) resulted in a file of 1,718,126 bytes with maximum quality.

Best bet is to fetch Irfanview or a similar program and experiment with resizing and compression.
By admin at 08,Oct,09 03:32 other posts of admin 
Maximum quality is usually pointless unless you are saving it for further image processing. 75% quality is OK for web in most cases and it reduces the size more than 50%.

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