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Shootings and violence,how do we stop it?

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Started by phart at 04,Aug,19 20:28  other posts of phart
"take away the guns"
"take away the knives"
"take away the _____________"
I am sorry,but teach the value of life,punish those who take it swiftly and the problems will reduce.
Treat people with mental illness in a safe place,not out in the real world where they can do harm if they fail to take medicine or _____.
Teach our young that life is a precious thing that is valuable and irreplaceable.
Those are just off the top of my head.I will type more as my mind lets me.
What are YOUR thoughts?
The problem will NOT go away,hell,the problem won't reduce,unless we work together to solve it.And taking 1 item out of a large complicated equation is NOT the only path to take towards a solution.

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By #591921 at 18,Mar,20 04:29
First making guns illegal wont do it. The only thing that will do is create a larger underground of firearms than already exist. Next putting everybody on psychosomatic drugs will cause even more problems. Those drugs are half the cause of at least a third of the shootings that get done now. The drugs are unstable and once addiction takes over those people on the drugs freak out and kill others. Most times they kill spouses and their own children but they aren't prevented from buying firearms and that is a problem in its own. I think people who are prescribed these drugs should not be able to purchase firearms and I'm very pro 2nd amendment. But one thing that could be done is equally charge anyone committing a crime with a firearm. Democrats had a law passed that you can't charge a felon who is caught with a firearm with the same charges as someone legal to have one because that is racist according to them. It means they already served time and charging them with the same crimes will cause them to spend even longer in prison so instead charge them with illegal possession of a firearm instead of commuting a crime with a firearm so they only get half the time. So basically if I as a legal firearm owner commit a crime with a gun I get an extra charge and 15 years added to my sentence but if I'm a felon and commit a crime with one I get illegal possession of a firearm a two year sentence. I think they should be charged with both crimes so they get an extra 17years personally. Another thing that can be done is close the border or BUILD A WALL and stop the firearm underground coming in from Mexico and put more border patrol on the Canadian border to stop the ones coming in there. Add more recruits to the coast guard to stop the boatloads of firearms the cartels are bringing in on ships to get out on the streets here. And stop pampering these kids who are breaking into cars stealing guns out of them and just slapping them on the wrist when they are caught with guns. Charge them as an adult,they are adult enough to steal a gun and commmit crimes with it they are adult enough to do the time. If you wonder why we keep getting all these shootings and stuff well to the democrats. They subtle like make laws that people who are doing the largest smout of these crimes so they have loopholes to get out of serving time so they can try and prove that people dnt need to be allowed firearms. They should not pass anymore laws that allows these career criminals to get such short prison sentences while legal gun owners can get life in prison for the same crime just because they have never commited a crime before. That should be a starting point.

By #612667 at 16,Mar,20 22:43
So it is bit of complex one but straight forward in some degree my sympothy to anyone here and there families that have lost someone in on of these tragic events

By #612667 at 16,Mar,20 22:40
The in thing here at moment seems to be stab someone or drive care down sidewalk if it isnt people that have fallen through cracks in health system it seems to be drug or other substance abuse that caused it we do have issues with guns but they seem to be whatever handy at time some sometimes doctors dont get dosage right allott thins in the systems need shake up

By #485312 at 23,Feb,20 09:00
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By Sir-Skittles at 05,Aug,19 17:37 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
The only thing that has ben taken away is common sense, shitty parenting, and stupid fucks who can't accept that they have to work hard. So, as so as life hands them a failure, it is just too much for their coddled little cunts.

Liberalism is a disease.

Ps- Baltimore is in fact a shit hole.

By phart at 05,Aug,19 15:56 other posts of phart 
Copy and pasted from another thread.A response I typed there.
"I honestly do not feel secure enough here at home or out in public to give up my rights to defend myself. If you read the law,to the letter,Police are not actually under any LEGAL obligation to protect you.They just do it as a job,just as you would not have a legal obligation to make a hamburger for someone.But yet liberals feel like we should give up guns and let the police protect us.For me,here at home,9-11 response is about 12 to 15 minutes. ALOT can happen in 15 SECONDS, just think what can happen in 15 minutes.
Until you can come up with a solution to a issue like that for example,it will be hard to get most sane people to give up their protection."

To elelabore further, why do I not feel secure here at home or out in public?
Reason 1, the revolveing doors of "justice".
Crooks rob,steal,injury,kill,and are back on the streets in to short of time,when perhaps they should be in prison for good.
Reason 2, people don't want to work to get what they want,they want to steal,and if I happen to be at home when they break in, they just shoot me or injury me bad enough I can't slow them down in their quest for dope money.

So,according to the liberals, I should help them load my stuff for free and then file a insurance claim instead of defending my home and property. Bull shit.
According to the liberal mindset,I am supposed to just be a weak defenseless lamb when the insame person wants to kill me to help them "cope" with their issue. Bull shit.

You would think that the liberals feel the insane have the right to "vent" their frustrations on the innocent as part of some self help program.

By dgraff at 05,Aug,19 02:17 other posts of dgraff 
Phart I believe if we start with one small thing it later becomes a big thing like for instance mental illness retardation and down syndrome I can tell when a baby is borne with any of these illnesses I can see it in there eyes if we took every child with these illnesses and fixed them so they couldn't reproduce eventually that week gene in our DNA would dissapere thus bettering man kind and leaving less of a burden on society
By #551147 at 05,Aug,19 07:49
Hmmmmmm I've heard this before somewhere...
By phart at 05,Aug,19 13:04 other posts of phart 
Yea, Eugenics was in practice to a point here in the US until it got a bad rap after Hitlers exploitation of the ideas and concepts.I have a copy of Practical Eugenics here, and some of the ideas are NOT evil.
IT clearly states to take care of those with issues but to limit their abiltys to reproduce because of the additional burdens their offspring will put on society.Something we deal with everyday now as it seems to be perfectly ok for 2 people of limited mental capacity to fuck like rabbits without reprocussion or being held responsiable for their actions.

By dgraff at 05,Aug,19 02:43 other posts of dgraff 
The second thing I see is foreigners as every one knows I have a live in Puerto Rican young man as a boy friend and all though he was born in this country his mother and grandma were not what I'm appalled at is they come to this country thinking we owe them something just for coming here both of them live off the government and what is it with them and rice I cook elaborate meals trying to show him a good life and he wants rice with every meal I don't want rice once a year yet alone every meal it's cheep shit and I don't do cheep very well
By #551147 at 05,Aug,19 06:16
😄😆🤣😂 The only way I will eat rice, period, is if it is cooked by Asians.
By dgraff at 05,Aug,19 09:10 other posts of dgraff 
Right on brother rice yuck

By onthelose at 04,Aug,19 21:12 other posts of onthelose 
Very inciteful, but to many people cant think beyond their abilities. They always want to take, they think, the easy way out. If we just ban something that will cure every ill. Ask the Jews in Germany how that worked out for them????
By #582785 at 04,Aug,19 21:39
My thought,
Shoot back SWIFTLY.
Don't give them the LIME LIGHT.
Make punishment quick and very painful.
Give those that would do this a reason NOT TOO.
By #551147 at 05,Aug,19 07:51
I like the way you think...

By #551147 at 05,Aug,19 07:53
Yeah... I've pointed this very situation out to Mrs Thang before and she chose to ignore the ramifications of such a thing as do many other libs like her. Nevertheless, well said!

By joyraja at 04,Aug,19 20:47 other posts of joyraja 
What happened mate.. sorry if I missed any tragic incident in any part of the world

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