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Notice for premium members

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by admin at 03,May,12 16:24  other posts of admin
It came to my attention recently that some people actually DO NOT like that they have a visible "medal" near their nick when they have premium membership.

So, I made some changes and now you can turn it off in your account settings. (Menu: Membership->Edit Account Settings).

However, I might make some errors during this upgrade, it was a core feature and it's been a long time since I made any changes there, so I might miss something.

Please do not hesitate to report any errors if you encounter them with your premium membership.

Similar topics: 1.Premium Supporting Members   2.Small new feature for premium members   3.Voting is now non-anonymous   4.I'm doing some changes to the private chat   5.Small update for premium members  

New Comment

By #124665 at 04,May,12 09:08
Iv'e personally stopped even using my real name in real life. Anything I sign my name to is as DECENT007,I scribble a little diamond next to it just to be extra cool and everyone is like "Noooo.. You're that guy from the site? OMG!" Then the pants drop and the orgies begin, I love my life now!

By #229159 at 04,May,12 03:19
I to would not like a badge or medal next to my name..... But us Diamond members well what can i say we are just the ultimate best .... Thanks Admin i will shut up now i have posted my comment
By #205329 at 04,May,12 03:52
Since we ( non premium members) are not "the ultimate best", that means we must be second....and that means we try harder.

Adult Discussion Forum