Started by #258088 at 03,May,12 16:47
| I do not understand why so many men feel the need to Photoshop themselves a huge penis. You have what you have and people will find it appealing. By creating a larger than life image of your manhood all you are doing is getting people to admire your editing talents. I would much rather be admired for what I was born with and have people like the real me. If you want to use editing software to remove blemishes or distinguishing marks like tattoos to keep your identity **** by all means but don't try to fool people into thinking you have a 12" penis when you don't, they are not fooled by a fool. |
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goes for photoshopping and goes for claiming to have 2 more inches than one has!!
one may SOUND like a BIG guy, but when the pants come down, at the moment of truth, dissapointment will be the humiliating reaction!