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Penis Envy

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Started by jocstfr at 06,May,12 21:34  other posts of jocstfr
Do any woman out there wish they knew what it was like to have a cock? To know what it feels like to blow a load. To feel your balls either sagging or crinkling up depending on the temperature. To get a hard on while wearing tight jeans or a bathing suit. Just wondering

Similar topics: 1.Who are you trying to fool   2.Body to penis ratio !   3.Can't help but want a bigger dick.   4.You have the most AMAZING cock we have ever seen...   5.Penis envy  

New Comment

By #191537 at 28,May,12 00:14
Quite the reverse to the question I wonder what it would be like to have a pussy . I would forever want to be spreading myself wide open with both hands and showing all my pink.....
By jocstfr at 29,May,12 16:12 other posts of jocstfr 
Ive though about that as well. What it must be like to have multiple orgasms. Imagine if guys could have multiple orgasms? Cum would be flowing non stoplol

By #192548 at 07,May,12 14:02
I've often wondered.
I'd like to know what it feels like so I could better understand that ridiculous face he makes while cumming in me.
By jocstfr at 26,May,12 17:54 other posts of jocstfr 
It feels like nothing in the universe matters other than shooting that white goo out of your cock. It doesnt matter where it goes or who or what it goes on. Fortunately this feeling lasts less than 10 seconds, but for those ten seconds, your cock and the cum squiring from it is the only thing that exists. This may explain the face he makes when cumming.

By bigone21 at 06,May,12 21:52 other posts of bigone21 
and if you do, you want it to be BIGGER than your husband's??

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