Started by #231940 at 08,May,12 14:01
| Ive been experimenting with 'edging' and delayed orgasm recently to see what my body is capable of orgasm wise! I have managed to ejaculate large volumes over a long time... My best to date over 21/2 minutes of orgasm..... 20+ spurts. I'm not convinced that is the best I can experience. Has anyone got tips on amazing orgasms and ways to intensify them! I'd love to hear. Hope people share there stories! |
Hyperspermia is a condition in which a man produces a larger than normal volume of semen. Semen is the fluid a man ejaculates during orgasm. It contains sperm, along with fluid from the prostate gland.
This condition is the opposite of hypospermia, which is when a man produces less semen than usual.
Hyperspermia is relatively rare. It’s much less common than hypospermia. In one study from India, fewer than 4 percent of men had a high sperm volume.
Having hyperspermia doesn’t negatively affect a man’s health. However, it could reduce his fertility.
The main symptom of hyperspermia is producing a larger than normal amount of fluid during ejaculation.
One study defined this condition as having a semen volume of more than 6.3 milliliters (.21 ounces). Other researchers put it in the range of 6.0 to 6.5 milliliters (.2 to .22 ounces) or higher.
Some men with hyperspermia have a higher sex drive than men without the condition.