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Public masturbation.

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Started by #565909 at 29,Dec,18 05:35
Have you ever masturbated somewhere in public, or had a orgasm? Male or female, I'd love to hear about your experiences, stories, or even see pictures of the time you had a orgasm or masturbated in public.

Similar topics: 1.Naked In Public Stories   2.Public Sex - How Far Would You Go? in public??   4.uncommon masturbation devices   5.Public sex  

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By #711401 at 22,Apr,24 12:22
I've wanked myself off in cars, on buses, trains, and boats, in the woods, at work, in school - and once stark naked on my neighbour's doorstep while my mates, who had dared me, watched from next door.

By #656107 at 18,Nov,22 06:56
i jack off in my car driving down the road
By tb1 at 19,Nov,22 18:20 other posts of tb1 
I used to do that too many years ago when I travelled alone
By #656107 at 20,Nov,22 13:02
Its great being nude in the car and stroking my cock I really orgasm

By #683053 at 18,Nov,22 00:42
Bathroom at school, bathroom at work, computer room at work. Nothing TOO public but just enough to get a thrill. I'd love to try riskier places though.

By #645561 at 01,Jul,21 22:52
I have jacked off in public bathrooms a bunch of times, at school in the boys bathroom countless times from grade 8-12, In a movie theatre in the back row (shot my load all over the back of the seat in front of me, and in the woods while camping.

By #644451 at 15,Jun,21 06:57
I love to jerk off on the sly in public. Love to be watched too.
By #64328 at 16,Jun,21 18:04
Me too...its always been a major turn on for me I've had many close calls but never actually caught in the act

By #64328 at 13,Jun,21 14:42
Years ago I had had a friend growing g up and we made a list of all the odd, risky and semi public places we had done it. It was quite a long list and was fun knowing I was not alone in my thrill of odd places. I would have to believe it more common than we know and many others have done it too. Maybe right under our noses and we just didnt know it

By #536019 at 19,Mar,21 15:23
Does a 20-man gay orgy count?
By spermkiss at 20,Mar,21 17:37 other posts of spermkiss 
Sure does. Tell us about it.
By #536019 at 21,Mar,21 01:14
Once a week, Wednesdays at lunch hour, in an upscale urban neighborhood. Advertised on CraigsList, but you had to email the organizer for the address. In the finished basement of a townhouse. $10 at the back door and mandatory nudity (except shoes). Usually 20 or so guys of diverse ages and races, but skewed middle-age white. A lot of cock sucking and some fucking. Some guys mostly just watched and jacked off... and enjoyed that guys were watching them masturbate. I would suck multiple cocks each time I went, and one time got in on gang-fucking an insatiable bottom. The whole thing only lasted 90 minutes.
By tb1 at 21,Mar,21 23:24 other posts of tb1 
The good old days

By spermkiss at 25,Mar,21 22:22 other posts of spermkiss 

This sounds like Lafayette Park in San Francisco except it's out-of-doors and you don't have to pay to get in. It's in Pacific Heights which is an upscale neighborhood and has a reputation as a place where cocksuckers go to suck guys off, mostly in the evening, but even all day. I'm sure that even a lot of straight guys know that they can whip it out and receive no-strings-attached oral service.

When I went there my goal generally was to suck off three guys and then let someone suck me off and call it a night. One warm evening, however, it was really busy. Those familiar with San Francisco know that warm evenings are unusual. In any event the warm weather brought guys out. I sucked off twelve guys that night. At one point I was on my knees giving service and there were two other guys with their dicks out waiting their turn. Fun.

By #601877 at 12,Jun,21 16:55
Sounds great!

By toohey at 08,Mar,21 08:32 other posts of toohey 
Yes, I have masturbated in public places. More than once.

By spermkiss at 14,May,21 16:33 other posts of spermkiss 
Your handsome face, nice physique and good looking dick are all major pluses. But your best feature is your smiling expression. You really enjoy your orgasmic climaxes. Of course you do; all men do. And you take extra pleasure and satisfaction from being fully nude out of doors in the sunshine and bringing yourself to climax in front of a camera.

By #642903 at 22,May,21 16:39
always great seeing your pics!

By HoneyLips at 11,Jun,21 19:30 other posts of HoneyLips 
You are so lucky to be in the Netherlands which is MUCH more liberal/comfortable w/ sexual expression than many other countries.
I’ve read that there are some public parks where people can legally engage in public nudity/sex. Vondelpark in Amsterdam, which is right in the center of town (like Central Park) is one of those parks.
Is this true?
Such activity is only permitted within designated areas which are located far away from children’s play areas. Sexual activity is only permitted during certain hours, and participants must be discreet and clean up after themselves (condoms, etc.)
By toohey at 12,Jun,21 06:51 other posts of toohey 
There are gay cruising areas in various places, and indeed one in the Vondelpark near the rosary. Most are 'informal' and condoned as long as there are no problems. There is large gay cruising area at the Oeverlanden near Nieuwe Meer (,4.8231607,17.5z?hl=en&authuser=0). There are signs that designate the area. People have sex openly there. Being straight it is not really for me.

We have two public naturist recreation areas, one in the Amsterdamse Bos (,4.8382419,17.75z?hl=en&authuser=0) and one near Gaasperplas (,4.9930967,19.25z). However, here sexual activity is not tolerated.

Unfortunately tolerance for nudity is decreasing, due to the influence of islamic immigrants.

By #606526 at 10,Jun,21 00:43
when i learnt all about the pleasures of jacking off at 15 from a complete stranger, did in many a train station or park , good times

By Willy8642 at 05,Jun,21 05:13 other posts of Willy8642 
At the train station parking lot the trill of not knowing if someone saw you

By doedeldi at 03,Jun,21 12:18 other posts of doedeldi 
only 4-5 times

By #555896 at 02,Jun,21 12:51
I have wanked off in the woods,on the beach ,in car parks and in a pub garden.

By #64328 at 01,Jun,21 17:27
Masturbating in odd, risky and semi public places has always been a serious turn on. Be hot to hear about others that think so too

By #641374 at 31,May,21 08:09
I have gotten naked and jacked off alot on the woods . Love walking around in only my boots with my dick hard in the woods or by the creek

By #637638 at 10,Mar,21 03:07
I've masterbated at all my jobs ( as a security guard and a fire fighter, lawn sprayer, stock room, customer service on the phone). I've done it outside front and back, day and night at both houses I lived at.
I've done it in cars, trucks, in school tutoring, in stock rooms, work bathrooms, hotels in the window, in the mountains, rock climbing, in the snow, skiing, at parks and on the beaches.
I've made videos and sent them to my wife's friend.
I've had a fetish in doing it in as many places as I could.
By #641766 at 23,May,21 07:22
Hey, that would make an interesting video-blog or a video-diary. I love it. "Where I masturbated on my summer vacation"
By #64328 at 23,May,21 15:29
I had a friend that we wrote a list of all the places that we secretly masturbated. It was a very long list. Masturbating in odd, risky and semi pubic places has always been a serious turn on for me

By #641766 at 23,May,21 07:19
Riding in the back seat of my Mom's car as a 13 yo when she was driving me to school. I kept my lap covered with my school jacket.

By #641766 at 23,May,21 07:15
When I worked night shift at my old job, I was the only person on duty and would lock myself in the day-shift boss's office, strip down naked and jerk off until I shot all over his desk top. I always cleaned up the mess, off course.

By babycok at 22,Mar,21 18:44 other posts of babycok 
Did you hear about the German who exposed himself in public in New York? A passing lady was shocked and said, "Gross". Which he replied, "Danke"
By #641766 at 23,May,21 07:10

By #640744 at 17,May,21 05:19
[deleted image]

By #600498 at 16,May,21 04:04
I love it. I've done it in parks, cars, buses, trains, restaurants, theaters, even in the street.

By #64328 at 14,May,21 18:21
Secretly masturbating in semi public places has always been a serious turn on for me. Been doing it since I was quite young. Still to this day I get a thrill from doing it

By #64328 at 14,May,21 18:19
Secretly masturbating in semi public places has always been a serious turn on for me. Been doing it since I was quite young. Still to this day I get a thrill from it

By #642031 at 13,May,21 22:04
Theres an area near a park in my town that has a small dam and huge space i used to go to to cum sometimes at late night
By leopoldij at 13,May,21 22:57 other posts of leopoldij 
Do you ever get a girl to masturbate you?

By #631189 at 04,Apr,21 01:19
In a local park when I was about 14. I was really horny and had shiny white Adidas shorts on so i went behind a tree and tugged my little hard cock!

By #552950 at 03,Apr,21 22:34
Masturbated on a city train going to work, so hot thinking people may see you

By #516354 at 18,Mar,21 08:25
Have masturbated on the top deck of a bus at the back before cctv cameras were installed.My ex wife/Mistress and I went to a xxx cinema and sat at the back.After the first film had finished she turned to me and told me she was turned on and to get on my knees between her legs.I was then ordered to remove her panties and start licking.As I was licking her pussy I saw a guy out of the corner of my eye with his cock out watching us and masturbating.Once she had had her orgasm she put her panties back on and we left to catch the bus home with me with a hard on.She led me to top deck of the bus and to the rear.Once seated with me on the outside seat she ordered me to lower my jeans and underwear and to masturebate.Whilst I was masturbating people were comming up the stairs and sitting down and the thought of being caught immediatley came to mind.I knew it would be a waste of time asking if I could stop so carried on.When I came I came all over the back of the seat and was told to lick it all up.
By johnwish at 20,Mar,21 16:06 other posts of johnwish 
That's hot martyn.Wish I'd been there.
By #516354 at 21,Mar,21 09:01
If you had been I could of sucked you off
By johnwish at 21,Mar,21 17:46 other posts of johnwish 
That's nice.
By #516354 at 22,Mar,21 09:47

By #555896 at 19,Mar,21 15:17
i have had many wanks in the sea at Beaches in Majorca.It is out of this world.

By #583549 at 25,Apr,20 01:14
I love too hike nude in the summer months and I have left my seed as a trail marker many times!
By kupreanoff at 07,Mar,21 00:23 other posts of kupreanoff 
love to catch you in the act

By #565684 at 04,Mar,21 21:23
[deleted image]
By Blade at 05,Mar,21 02:52 other posts of Blade 
OK, you HAVE to explain this. Especially the sign. Where the hell is that?
By #565684 at 06,Mar,21 00:09
just a fun photoshop of the sign but it is a legit pic of me nude in's like a public garden/park area.

By #626775 at 04,Mar,21 21:26
I have at the beach once

By #637531 at 04,Mar,21 20:51
I've tried doing it once in my school bathroom but I wasn't able to do it successfully. I've done it on my porch once and I've also done it in the same room as one of my parents, I was just hiding it under a blanket.

By #523015 at 26,Apr,20 05:22
Omg so much. I can notice a cute guy or see a good dick while in the bathroom and if I feel comfortable I will just start getting off right there

By #615202 at 14,Apr,20 04:01
Theres a wash in my area i go to late at nighy sometimes when im off work. I go deep in where no can see me and jerk it
By #64328 at 14,Apr,20 17:21
Jacking of outside is a serious turn on. The risk that someone might see you is hot

By #121361 at 08,Mar,20 06:15
[deleted image]
By Shaved at 08,Apr,20 05:06 other posts of Shaved 
Luv to cum in public places, so hot!

By #612635 at 08,Mar,20 01:51
I have done in parks, beaches and in the woods. In the woods I sometimes take a strap-on dildo and wrap it around the tree and slide it up my ass for a good self fucking. Always nude when doing in public.

Also, stroke and cum in public restrooms. One nearby in a park has a nice large stall that I have some room to play in.

By #520660 at 04,Mar,20 12:31
I do this allll the time. My pussy gets so desperate to cum that I can’t deny it. When I’m driving. In my parked car. Public bathrooms. Changing rooms. On benches waiting for the bus. On the bus. Wherever!

By Shaved at 18,Feb,20 16:42 other posts of Shaved 
I recently was on a trip and got horny and began masturbating in the car for about 2 hours. I was in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night and saw a sign for a rest stop ahead a few miles. These rest stops had no services just a rest room. I stopped and no one was there. I took off my shirt and even locked my clothes in the trunk for more of a thrill. I parked about 50 yards from the rest room. I walked naked with a clearly glistening lubed cock hard as a rock oozing precum from the excitement. So if anyone saw me it was obvious I was masturbating. I went into the rest room took my time doing my thing and masturbating the whole time. No cars were even on the interstate except a truck every now and then. I walked around the rest area exploring when a truck pulled in. I kept my cool and was close to an old phone booth and I went in there. The male trucker got out wearing only a pair of shorts no shirt. He walked by the phone booth which had tinted windows. He went in and came back out to his truck. He got beside his truck and jacked off too and waived at me in the phone booth before he left. I stepped from the booth into the light of a street light and continued jacking off in full view of his mirror. I cummed so hard there and the trucker began to leave blowing his horn and waiving out his window at me with a thumbs up sign. I stop at that rest stop regularly now hoping to see him again. What a hot night and continued driving naked til I got close to my destination with the clothes still locked in the trunk!!

By Shaved at 05,Dec,19 22:41 other posts of Shaved 
I remember my first time masturbating in public, it was such a breathtaking experience. I was in my car and got very horny and got naked from the waist down. I masturbated and edged for some time. I wanted a drink and saw a vending machine at a public Park and went to the machine. It was dark by now so I felt a bit more comfortable getting out of the car. I put my money in and was at the mercy of the slow pace of the vending machine. I was still naked from the waist down and all lubed up. My cock glistened as a few cars drove by near me. It was so exciting I began to dribble cum all over the area in front of the machine without touching my rock hard cock. I came back the next day and saw where the contents of my balls marked the walkway in front of the machine.

By #536316 at 05,Dec,19 20:20
once, my best friend challenged me to a cum-off on the river bank in the middle of the day. we both whipped out our cocks and raced to see who could cum first. I won and my friend had to finish (cum) even though he could not win.

By #604077 at 04,Dec,19 04:53
I enjoy masturbating to orgasm in public places. Often at the beach or on a hike in the woods. Sometimes I take a nice dildo for some extra fun! During the work week I head to a park nearby and strip nude in the restroom and jerk until I cum (sometimes leaving my mark by shooting on the wall, then it's back to work with a smile on my face!

By Rudeboy1977 at 25,Nov,19 11:25 other posts of Rudeboy1977 
I spent a long weekend on Martha's Vineyard last year, and when I got to the beach on Saturday morning, I realized that the tide was high and so there was almost no beach. Apparently I was the only one who didn't check the tides, so I was alone for more than an hour on a beach that has hundreds of people at low tide. Anyway, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to have a little fun, so, after I stripped off, I got out my camera and took a few shots. After that, being a guy, I thought, "Hey, I could jack off right here". I stood there, looking out at the surf (a hurricane was just passing to the south of the island, and the waves were huge), stroking my dick and taking pictures. I even got a shot of myself cumming, complete with the cum flying onto the beach.

By #603242 at 31,Oct,19 03:08
My wife and I married to have as much sex as we could. We both wanted all we could get. she worked afternoons at a local burger barn, and I worked nights at a bakery. We didn't have a car, and walked to work. We passed about a block from our apartment, and would meet behind a row of dumpsters at a hardware store. We would pull our bottoms off, pee on the rose bushes between us and the main street of town, then masturbate each other. When we were done, we would hang her panties on the dumpster handle for the old man that carried the trash out every evening. We would get into some tall bushes and watch him take them, sniff them, then stuff them into the front of his pants.

By sooperhoop at 29,Oct,19 21:33 other posts of sooperhoop 
It started off being a very 'Private Wank' but ended up a very public one. I was at work and desperate for a wank.
I knew that the fourth floor of the new building had 'Gents' toilets and because it had just been opened hardly antone knew about them.
I arrived there to find that the 3 cubical were empty. I chose the one nearest the frosted window only because it had fresh air ventilation. I dropped my trousers and boxers and unbuttoned my shirt. I grabbed my Raging Hardon in my right hand and lent against the wall above the toilet bowle with my left hand. Despite the glass being frosted it felt as though a million eyes were watching me. I came 'Gallons', it was 'Sheer Heaven'. After I recovered from the elation it was time for lunch. The canteen was on the same floor but in the old building opposite the 'Frosted Window'.
When I got there, there was a lengthy queue of about 30 people waiting to be served. As the queue moved along I was reminiscing on how good the wank I just had was, wondering what everyone would think if they knew. At the same time I glanced to my right through the normal glass windows that adorned that side of the building and to my Horror saw a man sat down in the very cubical that I had just 'Banged One Off' from. Being adiment that no one could see me. How wrong I was. As I got nearer to being served I could hear the female behind the counter all talking about the same thing me but nothing was ever said. They must have seen all the action.

By #603065 at 29,Oct,19 16:50
One time I got very horny.I was walking home and I ripped one pocket out of my trousers so my hand could reach my dick.So I touched my dick inside my pocket whole time I was walking home.

By #587858 at 09,Jun,19 10:49
Today I wore my black mini without panties. I went outdoors this afternoon and sat on the wall in my front yard corner and touched myself. I watched the girl tomboy next door doing gardening as I played with my pussy and was turned on by her as I continued to play with my pussy. After I came discreetly, I went back inside
By #583549 at 09,Jun,19 13:53
maybe the girl next door will play with you?

By #589337 at 24,May,19 02:13
Senior year I had a girl eat my pussy under a desk in our government class room right after school let out
By leopoldij at 04,Jun,19 22:15 other posts of leopoldij 
Why didn't you tell me so I could watch and encourage you?

By #585606 at 04,Jun,19 08:34
When I was like 14 there was this really long quiet road near where I lived.
The only houses nearby were farms coming off the sides of it.
I could see any cars coming long before they could see me.
I used to walk down it in summer.
I used to walk about half way down then have a wank in the middle of the road.

I don't know why but it also turned me on walking down it in summer with my t-shirt off.
I had a nice body at 14.... slim,smooth toned chest an nice little six pack.
I loved walking down it in tight denim shorts with my top off.
I'd make sure my boxers were on show above the waist on the shorts.
The cars that did go down it looking at me as they went past turned me on.
I got more daring an used to open the first 2 or 3 buttons on the front of my shorts.
They'd stay up cus they were tight round the legs but with the buttons open they'd flap open at the front showing more of my boxers an part of my bulge which turned me on even more when cars went past looking.

Once a car stopped an the guy was taking to me asking where I was going etc...
I said I was just out for a walk etc.
I stood there at his window talking to him for a few mins.
He mentioned that my buttons were open...even tho by then we'd been chatting a few mins an I'd seen him looking down at my crotch area repeated times while I was leaning on his window.
I pretended I hadn't noticed an started to fasten them.... standing upright it was obviously my dick was hard especially when I'd done up all the buttons. With the shorts being really tight round the crotch it was clearly visible an he was watching my crotch area the whole time while I was fastening my shorts up.
A car was coming so he said he had to he was leaving tho he said he hoped he'd see more of me soon.
The way he said it while looking up an down at my body really turned me on.

After he an the other car had gone I dragged my dick out my shorts an within like 30 seconds I was shooting my load all over the road I was that horny.

By #557991 at 04,Jun,19 06:37
Every summer I go to a nude beach in my boat. I sit in or on my boat, or on the beach and jerk at least once while I'm sunning where anyone could see if they walked by, or were using binoculars. I don't do this in plain sight of anyone, but the possibility that someone might take notice is exciting. If someone did, and wanted to watch, I would oblige.

By Blade at 31,May,19 03:17 other posts of Blade 
I find jerking off in a parking lot is the easiest to do and not get caught. If busy I use my phone in one hand to make it look like I'm just standing there on the phone. Of course while pounding my dick with the other hand.

I'll cum on the side of a car while checking out women walking by.

This car just got a little of my 'spray':

By mylilpenis at 28,May,19 03:30 other posts of mylilpenis 
when i was in high school i sat next to multiple sexy girls in my computer class. it was so easy to play with my cock underneath the computer desk and have no one see. every day i would look forward to blowing a load in class. not to mention the amazing rush i would get with the possibility of getting caught. i loved every minute of it.

By b4idie at 27,May,19 20:52 other posts of b4idie 
Sitting on a toilet many years ago, I noticed a 1/2 inch hole in the dividing wall. leaning forward to peer through it, I was greeted with another eye staring back. I decided to give him a show so wanked in front of him until I cum. looking through the hole to see his reaction, he was returning the favour with his hand wrapped around his large stiff cock. I watched until he shot a generous amount of cum onto the floor.

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