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do pills really work?

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Started by #9674 at 14,Oct,09 03:00
ive wasted a few hundred dollars already tryin to improve the size of my cock. its barely 6" when its hard. anyone out there have any advice or know of any miracle pill out there?

Similar topics: 1.size   2.growth pills   3.Blue pills   4.Penis Enlargement pills & methods   5.Volume pills  

New Comment

By #6568 at 14,Oct,09 18:44
As admin says, the pills do NOT work and nor can they. There have recently been some high profile prosecutions of enlargement fraudsters.

However, if you do really want to increase your size and are genuinely interested in working at it over a considerable time, then it can be done. Start by researching the 'Thundersplace' website.

Also, research here;...../forum/thread.php?id=1264

By admin at 14,Oct,09 05:03 other posts of admin 
No, they do not. At least there is no any essential prove they work. I show those ads are here because I know most people do not read anyway. I have some articles here on this matter, like this one - /penis_enlargement_scams.html

Exercises, however, do work. You can get confirmations of other members on this. But you will rather get more thickness and harder erections than essential lenght increase. Also, you gotta be careful with exercises in order to do not harm your penis.

BTW, my penis is also barely 6" but I had like 30 women and noone ever complained about its size. So, I would not care about it if I were you as I do not care about it being me...

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