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Blue pills

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Started by bigone21 at 27,Jun,13 20:55  other posts of bigone21
Viagra and all the copy-pills from India (Kamagra, Eriacta, etc). I never read about them in this forum, and it's common use in my (gay)scene in Holland.

Who likes to use them? I do for some years now. Isn't it great stuff??

I usually use 3 or 4 half-pills for a great fuck-fest (10-12 hours)

Who else likes to use this stuff?

Similar topics: 1.Blood pressure pills   2.Blue cock head   3.Blue berry growers   4.ED pills   5.Masterbation & Blue Pills  

New Comment

By #550094 at 05,Jun,18 03:41
I tried Viagra once (the REAL pill), a friend gave it to me
so that I could plow his ass. I got in there good and started
fuckin him, until I took a few whiffs of poppers and suddenly
the Viagra effect wore off and I went limp inside his ass.
The thrill was gone. Lesson learned.

If you take the Pill, too much poppers will Kill the Dill!
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

Lemme explain how it happens:

The pill is supposed to send increased bluud flow
to your cock, giving you that "diving board" boner.

Poppers makes bluud rush to your head for a few seconds,
thus relaxing your muscles and body altogether.

When you do the Pill AND Poppers, you now have a
tug-o-war going on between the two...
the pill is trying to send bluud to your cock,
but the poppers is sending that bluud flow to
your brain. Guess which one wins.

This may not affect most guys.
But it affects many guys.

So, there ya have it.

By #384818 at 30,Jun,13 22:21
Haven't tried Viagra but regularly use Cialis. I pay $35 per 20mg pill but cut it in half for a 10. It lasts at least 3 days, sometimes 5. My avatar pic was shot after taking 10 mg. The stuff is great!!
By bigone21 at 06,Jul,13 21:11 other posts of bigone21 
maybe google at KAMAGRA... i pay less than a dollar a pill!

By #23212 at 07,Jul,13 06:25
But what about side effects? Which of the three has less?

By #354961 at 28,Jun,13 01:08
you take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.

By Erector at 28,Jun,13 01:25 other posts of Erector 
Remember, all I'm offering is the truth.

By #261704 at 28,Jun,13 03:31
One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small. And the one that mother gives you wont do anything at all.
By #23212 at 28,Jun,13 06:54
... except keep you from getting pregnant.
By #68656 at 28,Jun,13 08:13
And if he takes the pills shaped like little windmills his tulips will grow stronger and the Zieder Zee will flood for longer.
By #23212 at 29,Jun,13 01:48
OK. But "the one that mother gives you ..." from that song, really did refer to birth control pills. One dosen't 'feel' anything when taking them.

By bigone21 at 06,Jul,13 21:09 other posts of bigone21 
Thanks very much John! You just cannot shut up, can you? You HAVE to put in your nose in, in EVERY thread...

You have a look at my profile-page, you see that I live in the Netherlands, and there it it is: windmills, tulips... Smart! BTW: it was called "Zuiderzee" until it was dammed by the "Afsluitdijk" and from then on was called IJselmeer.

So there is no "Zieder Zee" and there is no flood!

And now you go back to your nudebeach, climb some trees bareassed, and goodnight with the two dachshunde in your bed!! must be wet and warm!

By #166058 at 29,Jun,13 08:37
never used vagra but i would lvoe to give it a go...but a guy told me when i was a **** nver use viagra on ya first time with some one cause they will expect that everyti9me
By #286963 at 29,Jun,13 09:27
Man, looking at your pics i don't think you have any need for viagra !!!!!!!!
By #166058 at 30,Jun,13 18:16
not that i need it jsut wanna try it out see how hard i get ha ha and for how long

By #390153 at 28,Jun,13 19:52
I'll sometimes take just half a magic blue pill for a posh wank , best medicine ever been invented ;-)

By #220845 at 28,Jun,13 17:06
Good stuff

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